Jan Provaznik 2ec99d99b3 Update manila deployoment steps
Adds a section how to deploy manila with ceph deployed by overcloud.

Change-Id: I52a01302d3a8010dba5ae2fad662c58fe5bbcc56
2017-01-24 12:51:15 +01:00

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Deploying Manila in the Overcloud

This guide assumes that your undercloud is already installed and ready to deploy an overcloud with Manila enabled.

Deploying the Overcloud with the Internal Ceph Backend

Ceph deployed by TripleO can be used as a Manila share backend. Make sure that Ceph, Ceph MDS and Manila Ceph environment files are included when deploying the Overcloud:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml \
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/ceph-mds.yaml \
-e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/manila-cephfsnative-config.yaml

Deploying the Overcloud with an External Backend


The template_deploy doc has a more detailed explanation of the following steps.

  1. Copy the Manila driver-specific configuration file to your home directory:

    • Generic driver:

      sudo cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/manila-generic-config.yaml ~
    • NetApp driver:

      sudo cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/manila-netapp-config.yaml ~
  2. Edit the permissions (user is typically stack):

    sudo chown $USER ~/manila-*-config.yaml
    sudo chmod 755 ~/manila-*-config.yaml
  3. Edit the parameters in this file to fit your requirements.
    • If you're using the generic driver, ensure that the service image details correspond to the service image you intend to load.

    • Ensure that the following line is changed:

      OS::TripleO::ControllerExtraConfigPre: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/manila-[generic or netapp].yaml
  4. Continue following the TripleO instructions for deploying an overcloud. Before entering the command to deploy the overcloud, add the environment file that you just configured as an argument:

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e ~/manila-[generic or netapp]-config.yaml
  5. Wait for the completion of the overcloud deployment process.

Creating the Share


The following steps will refer to running commands as an admin user or a tenant user. Sourcing the overcloudrc file will authenticate you as the admin user. You can then create a tenant user and use environment files to switch between them.

  1. Upload a service image:


    This step is only required for the generic driver.

    Download a Manila service image to be used for share servers and upload it to Glance so that Manila can use it [tenant]:

    glance image-create --name manila-service-image --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file manila_service_image.qcow2
  2. Create a share network to host the shares:

    • Create the overcloud networks. The ../basic_deployment/basic_deployment_cli doc has a more detailed explanation about creating the network and subnet. Note that you may also need to perform the following steps to get Manila working:

      neutron router-create router1
      neutron router-interface-add router1 [subnet id]
    • List the networks and subnets [tenant]:

      neutron net-list && neutron subnet-list
    • Create a share network (typically using the private default-net net/subnet) [tenant]:

      manila share-network-create --neutron-net-id [net] --neutron-subnet-id [subnet]
  3. Create a new share type (yes/no is for specifying if the driver handles share servers) [admin]:

    manila type-create [name] [yes/no]
  4. Create the share [tenant]:

    manila create --share-network [share net ID] --share-type [type name] [nfs/cifs] [size of share]

Accessing the Share

  1. To access the share, create a new VM on the same Neutron network that was used to create the share network:

    nova boot --image [image ID] --flavor [flavor ID] --nic net-id=[network ID] [name]
  2. Allow access to the VM you just created:

    manila access-allow [share ID] ip [IP address of VM]
  3. Run manila list and ensure that the share is available.

  4. Log into the VM:

    ssh [user]@[IP]


You may need to configure Neutron security rules to access the VM. That is not in the scope of this document, so it will not be covered here.

  1. In the VM, execute:

    sudo mount [export location] [folder to mount to]
  2. Ensure the share is mounted by looking at the bottom of the output of the mount command.

  3. That's it - you're ready to start using Manila!