Cédric Jeanneret 0dc250b87b added some remarks for undercloud requirements
Change-Id: I6f34b0cebe2aaba48065ef7b3594294ff6a23ffa
2017-10-13 06:38:22 +02:00

340 lines
12 KiB

Baremetal Environment
|project| can be used in an all baremetal environment. One machine will be
used for Undercloud, the others will be used for your Overcloud.
Minimum System Requirements
To deploy a minimal TripleO cloud with |project| you need the following baremetal
* 1 Undercloud
* 1 Overcloud Controller
* 1 Overcloud Compute
For each additional Overcloud role, such as Block Storage or Object Storage,
you need an additional baremetal machine.
For minimal **HA (high availability)** deployment you need at least 3 Overcloud
Controller machines and 2 Overcloud Compute machines.
The baremetal machines must meet the following minimum specifications:
* multi-core CPU
* 8 GB memory
* 60 GB free disk space
Larger systems are recommended for production deployments, however.
For instance, the undercloud needs a bit more capacity, especially regarding RAM (minimum of 16G is advised)
and is pretty intense for the I/O - fast disks (SSD, SAS) are strongly advised.
Please also note the undercloud needs space in order to store twice the "overcloud-full" image (one time
in its glance, one time in /var/lib subdirectories for PXE/TFTP).
TripleO is supporting only the following operating systems:
* RHEL 7.1 x86_64 or
* CentOS 7 x86_64
Preparing the Baremetal Environment
The overcloud nodes will be deployed from the undercloud machine and therefore the machines need to have have their network settings modified to allow for the overcloud nodes to be PXE boot'ed using the undercloud machine. As such, the setup requires that:
* All overcloud machines in the setup must support IPMI
* A management provisioning network is setup for all of the overcloud machines.
One NIC from every machine needs to be in the same broadcast domain of the
provisioning network. In the tested environment, this required setting up a new
VLAN on the switch. Note that you should use the same NIC on each of the
overcloud machines ( for example: use the second NIC on each overcloud
machine). This is because during installation we will need to refer to that NIC
using a single name across all overcloud machines e.g. em2
* The provisioning network NIC should not be the same NIC that you are using
for remote connectivity to the undercloud machine. During the undercloud
installation, a openvswitch bridge will be created for Neutron and the
provisioning NIC will be bridged to the openvswitch bridge. As such,
connectivity would be lost if the provisioning NIC was also used for remote
connectivity to the undercloud machine.
* The overcloud machines can PXE boot off the NIC that is on the private VLAN.
In the tested environment, this required disabling network booting in the BIOS
for all NICs other than the one we wanted to boot and then ensuring that the
chosen NIC is at the top of the boot order (ahead of the local hard disk drive
and CD/DVD drives).
* For each overcloud machine you have: the MAC address of the NIC that will PXE
boot on the provisioning network the IPMI information for the machine (i.e. IP
address of the IPMI NIC, IPMI username and password)
Refer to the following diagram for more information
.. image:: ../_images/TripleO_Network_Diagram_.jpg
Setting Up The Undercloud Machine
#. Select a machine within the baremetal environment on which to install the
#. Install RHEL 7.1 x86_64 or CentOS 7 x86_64 on this machine.
#. If needed, create a non-root user with sudo access to use for installing the
sudo useradd stack
sudo passwd stack # specify a password
echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/stack
sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/stack
.. admonition:: RHEL
:class: rhel
If using RHEL, register the Undercloud for package installations/updates.
.. admonition:: RHEL Portal Registration
:class: portal
Register the host machine using Subscription Management::
sudo subscription-manager register --username="[your username]" --password="[your password]"
# Find this with `subscription-manager list --available`
sudo subscription-manager attach --pool="[pool id]"
# Verify repositories are available
sudo subscription-manager repos --list
# Enable repositories needed
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms \
--enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms \
.. admonition:: RHEL Satellite Registration
:class: satellite
To register the host machine to a Satellite, the following repos must
be synchronized on the Satellite and enabled for registered systems::
See the `Red Hat Satellite User Guide`_ for how to configure the system to
register with a Satellite server. It is suggested to use an activation
key that automatically enables the above repos for registered systems.
.. _Red Hat Satellite User Guide: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Satellite/
You can run the ``prep`` validations to verify the hardware. Later in
the process, the validations will be run by the undercloud processes.
However, the undercloud is not set up yet. You can install Ansible on
your local machine (that has SSH connectivity to the undercloud) and
validate the undercloud from there.
You need Ansible version 2 and the hostname/IP address of the
undercloud (referred to ``$UNDERCLOUD_HOST`` here)::
$ sudo yum install ansible
$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/tripleo-validations
$ cd tripleo-validations
$ printf "[undercloud]\n$UNDERCLOUD_HOST" > hosts
Then get the ``prep`` validations::
$ grep -l '^\s\+-\s\+prep' -r validations
And run them one by one::
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts validations/validation-name.yaml
Configuration Files
.. _instackenv:
Create a JSON file describing your Overcloud baremetal nodes, call it
``instackenv.json`` and place in your home directory. The file should contain
a JSON object with the only field ``nodes`` containing list of node
Each node description should contains required fields:
* ``pm_type`` - driver for Ironic nodes, see `Ironic Drivers`_ for details
* ``pm_addr`` - node BMC IP address (hypervisor address in case of virtual
* ``pm_user``, ``pm_password`` - node BMC credentials
Some fields are optional if you're going to use introspection later:
* ``mac`` - list of MAC addresses, optional for bare metal
* ``cpu`` - number of CPU's in system
* ``arch`` - CPU architecture (common values are ``i386`` and ``x86_64``)
* ``memory`` - memory size in MiB
* ``disk`` - hard driver size in GiB
It is also possible (but optional) to set Ironic node capabilities directly
in the JSON file. This can be useful for assigning node profiles or setting
boot options at registration time:
* ``capabilities`` - Ironic node capabilities. For example::
"capabilities": "profile:compute,boot_option:local"
There are also two additional and optional fields that can be used to help a
user identifying machines inside ``instackenv.json`` file:
* ``name`` - name associated to the node, it will appear in the ``Name``
column while listing nodes
* ``_comment`` to associate a comment to the node (like position, long
description and so on). Note that this field will not be considered by
Ironic during the import
For example::
"nodes": [
"_comment": "Room 1 - Rack A - Unit 22/24"
"_comment": "Room 1 - Rack A - Unit 26/28"
"_comment": "Room 1 - Rack B - Unit 10/12"
.. note::
You don't need to create this file, if you plan on using
Ironic Drivers
Ironic drivers provide various level of support for different hardware.
The most up-to-date information about Ironic drivers is at
http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/drivers.html, but note that
this page always targets Ironic git master, not the release we use.
This most generic driver is ``ipmi``. It uses `ipmitool`_ utility
to manage a bare metal node, and supports a vast variety of hardware.
.. admonition:: Stable Branch
:class: stable
This driver is supported starting with the Pike release. For older releases
use functionally equivalent ``pxe_ipmitool`` driver.
.. admonition:: Virtual
:class: virtual
When combined with :doc:`virtualbmc` this driver can be used for developing
and testing TripleO in a virtual environment as well.
.. admonition:: Stable Branch
:class: stable
Prior to the Ocata release, a special ``pxe_ssh`` driver was used for
testing Ironic in the virtual environment. This driver connects to the
hypervisor to conduct management operations on virtual nodes. In case of
this driver, ``pm_addr`` is a hypervisor address, ``pm_user`` is a SSH
user name for accessing hypervisor, ``pm_password`` is a private SSH
key for accessing hypervisor. Note that private key must not be
.. warning::
The ``pxe_ssh`` driver is deprecated and ``pxe_ipmitool`` +
:doc:`virtualbmc` should be used instead.
Another generic driver is ``redfish``. It provides support for the quite new
Redfish_ protocol, which aims to replace IPMI eventually as a generic
protocol for managing hardware. In addition to the ``pm_*`` fields mentioned
above, this driver also requires setting ``pm_system_id`` to the full
identifier of the node in the controller (e.g. ``/redfish/v1/Systems/42``).
.. admonition:: Stable Branch
:class: stable
Redfish support was introduced in the Pike release.
Ironic also provides specific drivers for some types of hardware:
* ``pxe_ilo`` targets HP Proliant Gen 8 and Gen 9 systems, and is recommended
for these systems instead of ``ipmi`` or ``pxe_ipmitool``. Please refer
to the `current iLO driver documentation`_ or `detailed iLO documentation
for Kilo version`_.
* ``pxe_drac`` targets DELL 11G and newer systems, and is recommended for these
systems instead of ``ipmi`` or ``pxe_ipmitool``.
There are also 2 testing drivers:
* ``fake_pxe`` provides stubs instead of real power and management operations.
When using this driver, you have to conduct power on and off operations,
and set the current boot device, yourself.
* ``fake`` provides stubs for every operation, so that Ironic does not touch
hardware at all.
.. _ipmitool: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipmitool/
.. _Redfish: https://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish
.. _current iLO driver documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/drivers/ilo.html
.. _detailed iLO documentation for Kilo version: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ironic/Drivers/iLODrivers/Kilo