Martin André 0f47a4e6d2 Stop using deprecated options for the prepare cmd
Also reference the 3rd party containers doc for the kolla-build command
and as a consequence fix the tag for the second prepare command to
match the RDO built containers.

Change-Id: I1409e450b78f29c233c9bcfa5382f63001f2ddd3
2017-10-30 17:39:22 +01:00

6.5 KiB

Containers based Undercloud Deployment

This documentation explains how to deploy a fully containerized undercloud on Docker. This feature is supported starting with Pike.

While this is not currently used to deploy the overcloud, it is a great development tool as it uses the same templates and infrastructure as the overcloud. This lets you do faster iterations for development.

The requirements for a containerized undercloud are the same as for any other undercloud deployment. The real difference is in where the undercloud services will be deployed (containers vs base OS).


The docker based undercloud architecture is not very different from the baremetal/VM based one. The services deployed in the traditional baremetal undercloud are also deployed in the docker based one.

One obvious difference between these two types of deployments is that the openstack services are deployed as containers in a container runtime rather than directly on the host operating system. This reduces the required packages in the host to the bare minimum for running the container runtime and managing the base network layer.

Manual undercloud deployment

This section explains how to deploy a containerized undercloud manually. For an automated undercloud deployment. A Quickstart version also exists and is documented here

Preparing the environment

Prepare a host (either baremetal or VM) following the normal undercloud provisioning steps (see ../installation/installing) and stop right before the undercloud install command. This should leave you with an updated base operating system with no openstack packages installed but required repositories configured.

Make sure these packages are installed before proceeding with the undercloud installation:

  • python-tripleoclient >= Pike
  • python-openstackclient >= Pike
  • openstack-heat-agents >= Pike
  • docker >= 1.12.5
  • openvswitch (minimum version supported by neutron)

See also Docker installation documentation.

Start the required host services:

$ sudo systemctl start openvswitch
$ sudo systemctl start docker

Verify that your docker environment is up and that your user can use sudo:

$ sudo docker info


Check the debug-containers section for more tips and tricks for debugging containers.

The above should show no containers running. If it shows running containers, please refer to the Cleaning up section below.

Configuring the undercloud

The containers based undercloud uses the same heat templates that are used for an overcloud deployment. Therefore, controlling the undercloud configuration can be done by modifying the existing environment files or creating new ones.

A basic custom.yaml file would look like this:

  NeutronServicePlugins: ""

The above configuration file overwrites the default nameserver and sets the service plugins for neutron. If your undercloud node has a single nic and you don't want to create a new one, it's possible to set the network configuration to noop by changing the custom.yaml file to (substitute $THT_ROOT with the right path):

  OS::TripleO::Undercloud::Net::SoftwareConfig: $THT_ROOT/net-config-noop.yaml

  NeutronServicePlugins: ""

Preparing container images

Images for undercloud services should be prepared with the openstack overcloud container image prepare command. The process is very similar to the containerized overcloud case, see prepare-environment-containers. The simplified command looks like:

$ openstack overcloud container image prepare \
  --output-env-file $HOME/docker_registry.yaml

Deploying the undercloud

The following command will install an undercloud with ironic, mistral and zaqar (substitute $THT_ROOT with the right path, which is normally /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates, and $YOUR_SERVER_IP with your server's private IP):

$ sudo openstack undercloud deploy \
  --templates=$THT_ROOT \
  --local-ip=$YOUR_SERVER_IP \
  --keep-running \
  -e $THT_ROOT/environments/services-docker/ironic.yaml \
  -e $THT_ROOT/environments/services-docker/mistral.yaml \
  -e $THT_ROOT/environments/services-docker/zaqar.yaml \
  -e $THT_ROOT/environments/docker.yaml \
  -e $THT_ROOT/environments/mongodb-nojournal.yaml \
  -e $HOME/custom.yaml \
  -e $HOME/docker_registry.yaml

The keep-running flag will keep the openstack undercloud deploy process running on failures, which allows for debugging the current execution. A minimal stackrc file will be required to query both, the keystone and the heat, APIs:

export OS_NO_CACHE=True
export OS_CLOUDNAME=overcloud
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export NOVA_VERSION=1.1
export OS_USERNAME=foo
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=foo
export OS_PASSWORD=bar

Cleaning up

The following commands will help cleaning up your undercloud environment to start the deployment from scratch:

To stop and remove all running containers:

$ sudo docker ps -qa --filter label=managed_by=docker-cmd | xargs sudo docker rm -f

To remove the existing named volumes (bear in mind this will remove your database files too):

$ sudo docker volume rm $(sudo docker volume ls -q)

Configuration files are generated and overwritten on every run. However, you can also remove them by running:

$ sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/docker-puppet
$ sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/config-data
$ sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/kolla

How does the undercloud deploy work?

The undercloud deploy command as written in the Deploying the undercloud section will run all the OpenStack services in a container runtime (docker) unless the default settings are overwritten.

This command requires 2 services to be running at all times. The first one is a basic keystone service, which is currently mocked by tripleoclient itself, the second one is heat-all which executes the templates and installs the services. The latter can be run on baremetal or in a container (tripleoclient will run it in a container by default).

Checkout the architecture for more detailed info on how TripleO builds, creates and runs containers.