mandreou d22da60aae Add note to p..q operator upgrade docs for neutron dvr
In [1] the neutron dvr environment file is updated for a docker
containerized environment. This adds a relevant note


Change-Id: I5d7f0368fceb39b09e5f3e0690bcf2ed6e11b67a
2018-06-04 11:08:55 +03:00

35 KiB

Upgrading to a Next Major Release

Upgrading a TripleO deployment to the next major release is done by first upgrading the undercloud and using it to upgrade the overcloud.

Note that there are version specific caveats and notes which are pointed out as below:


You can use the "Limit Environment Specific Content" in the left hand nav bar to restrict content to the upgrade you are performing.


Generic upgrade testing cannot cover all possible deployment configurations. Before performing the upgrade in production, test it in a matching staging environment, and create a backup of the production environment.

Upgrading the Overcloud from Pike to Queens

The Queens upgrade workflow for TripleO is significantly different to previous cycles. At a high level, the workflow no longer relies on Heat to deliver the upgrade configuration, but instead uses ansible playbooks. Those playbooks are still generated using a Heat stack update of the overcloud stack, as the first step in the workflow. However there is no configuration applied during that stack update and so comparatively it takes much less time to complete than a 'normal' stack update. More information and pointers can be found in the relevant queens-upgrade-spec and the queens-upgrade-dev-docs.

The tripleo cli has been updated accordingly to accommodate this new workflow. In Queens a new openstack overcloud upgrade command is introduced and it expects one of three subcommands: prepare, run and converge. Each subcommand has its own set of options which you can explore with --help:

source /home/stack/stackrc
openstack overcloud upgrade run --help

The Queens upgrade workflow essentially consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare your environment - get latest container images, backup. Generate any environment files you need for the upgrade such as the references to the latest container images or commands used to switch repos.
  2. openstack overcloud upgrade prepare $OPTS. Run a heat stack update to generate the upgrade playbooks.
  3. openstack overcloud upgrade run $OPTS. Run the upgrade on specific nodes or groups of nodes. Repeat until all nodes are successfully upgraded.
  4. openstack overcloud ceph-upgrade run $OPTS. (optional) Not necessary unless a TripleO managed Ceph cluster is deployed in the overcloud; this step performs the upgrade of the Ceph cluster.
  5. openstack overcloud upgrade converge $OPTS. Finally run a heat stack update, unsetting any upgrade specific variables and leaving the heat stack in a healthy state for future updates.

Prepare your environment - get latest container images

As a part of the upgrade the container images for the target release should be downloaded to the Undercloud. Please see the openstack overcloud container image prepare ../containers_deployment/overcloud for more information.

The output of this step will be a Heat environment file that contains references to the latest container images. You will need to pass this file into the upgrade prepare command using the --container-registry-file option.

You will also need to create an environment file to override the UpgradeInitCommand tripleo-heat-templates parameter, that can be used to switch the yum repos in use by the nodes during the upgrade. This will likely be the same commands that were used to switch repositories on the undercloud.

cat <<EOF > init-repo.yaml
  UpgradeInitCommand: |
    set -e
    curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo
    curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps.repo
    yum clean all

The resulting init-repo.yaml will then be passed into the upgrade prepare using the -e option.

openstack overcloud upgrade prepare


Before running the overcloud upgrade prepare ensure you have a valid backup of the current state, including the undercloud since there will be a Heat stack update performed here.


If you have enabled neutron_DVR in your deployment you must ensure that compute nodes are connected to the External network via the roles_data.yaml that you will pass using the -r parameter to upgrade prepare. This is necessary to allow floating IP connectivity via the external api network.


After running the upgrade prepare and until successful completion of the upgrade converge operation, stack updates to the deployment Heat stack are expected to fail. That is, operations such as scaling to add a new node or to apply any new TripleO configuration via Heat stack update must not be performed on a Heat stack that has been prepared for upgrade with the 'prepare' command and only consider doing so after running the converge step. See the queens-upgrade-dev-docs for more.

Run overcloud upgrade prepare. This command expects the full set of environment files that were passed into the deploy command, as well as the roles_data.yaml file used to deploy the overcloud you are about to upgrade. The --container-registry-file should point to the file that was output by the image prepare command you ran to get the latest container image references.


It is especially important to remember that you must include all environment files that were used to deploy the overcloud that you are about to upgrade.

openstack overcloud upgrade prepare --templates \
  --container-registry-file /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml \
  -e <ALL Templates from> \
  -e init-repo.yaml
  -r /path/to/roles_data.yaml

This will begin an update on the overcloud Heat stack but without applying any of the TripleO configuration, as explained above. Once this upgrade prepare operation has successfully completed the heat stack will be in the UPDATE_COMPLETE state. At that point you can use config download to download and inspect the configuration ansible playbooks that will be used to deliver the upgrade in the next step:

openstack overcloud config download --config-dir SOMEDIR
# playbooks will be downloaded to SOMEDIR directory

openstack overcloud upgrade run

This will run the ansible playbooks to deliver the upgrade configuration. By default, 3 playbooks are executed: the upgrade_steps_playbook, then the deploy_steps_playbook and finally the post_upgrade_steps_playbook. These playbooks are invoked on those overcloud nodes specified by the --roles or --nodes parameters, which are mutually exclusive. You are expected to use --roles for controlplane nodes, since these need to be upgraded in the same step. For non controlplane nodes, such as Compute or Storage, you can use --nodes to specify a single node or list of nodes to upgrade.

openstack overcloud upgrade run --roles Controller

Optionally specify --playbook to manually step through the upgrade playbooks: You need to run all three in this order and as specified below (no path) for a full upgrade to Queens.

openstack overcloud upgrade run --roles Controller --playbook upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml
openstack overcloud upgrade run --roles Controller --playbook deploy_steps_playbook.yaml
openstack overcloud upgrade run --roles Controller --playbook post_upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml

After all three playbooks have been executed without error on all nodes of the controller role the controlplane will have been fully upgraded to Queens. At a minimum an operator should check the health of the pacemaker cluster

[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# pcs status | grep -C 10 -i "error\|fail"

The operator may also want to confirm that openstack and related service containers are all in a good state and using the image references passed during upgrade prepare with the --container-registry-file parameter.

[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# docker ps -a

For non controlplane nodes, such as Compute or ObjectStorage, you can use --nodes overcloud-compute-0 to upgrade particular nodes, or even "compute0,compute1,compute3" for multiple nodes. Note these are again upgraded in parallel. Also note that you can still use the --roles parameter with non controlplane roles if that is preferred.

openstack overcloud upgrade run --nodes overcloud-compute-0

Use of --nodes allows the operator to upgrade some subset, perhaps just one, compute or other non controlplane node and verify that the upgrade is successful. One may even migrate workloads onto the newly upgraded node and confirm there are no problems, before deciding to proceed with upgrading the remaining nodes that are still on Pike.

Again you can optionally step through the upgrade playbooks if you prefer. Be sure to run upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml then deploy_steps_playbook.yaml and finally post_upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml in that order.

openstack overcloud upgrade run --nodes overcloud-compute-1 \
   --playbook upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml
# etc for the other 2 as above example for controller

For re-run, you can specify --skip-tags validation to skip those step 0 ansible tasks that check if services are running, in case you can't or don't want to start them all.

openstack overcloud upgrade run --roles Controller --skip-tags validation

openstack overcloud ceph-upgrade run

This step is only necessary if Ceph was deployed in the Overcloud and it triggers an upgrade of the Ceph cluster which will be performed without taking down the cluster.


It is especially important to remember that you must include all environment files that were used to deploy the overcloud that you are about to upgrade.

openstack overcloud ceph-upgrade run --templates \
  --container-registry-file /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml \
  -e <ALL Templates from> \
  -r /path/to/roles_data.yaml

At the end of the process, Ceph will be upgraded from Jewel to Luminous so there will be new containers for the ceph-mgr service running on the controlplane node.

openstack overcloud upgrade converge

Finally, run the converge heat stack update. This will re-apply all Queens configuration across all nodes and unset all variables that were used during the upgrade. Until you have successfully completed this step, heat stack updates against the overcloud stack are expected to fail. You can read more about why this is the case in the queens-upgrade-dev-docs.


It is especially important to remember that you must include all environment files that were used to deploy the overcloud that you are about to upgrade converge, including the list of Queens container image references and the roles_data.yaml roles and services definition. You should omit any repo switch commands and ensure that none of the environment files you are about to use is specifying a value for UpgradeInitCommand.


The Queens container image references that were passed into the openstack overcloud upgrade prepare with the --container-registry-file parameter must be included as an environment file, with the -e option to the openstack overcloud upgrade run command, together with all other environment files for your deployment.

openstack overcloud upgrade converge --templates
  -e /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml \
  -e <ALL Templates from> \
  -r /path/to/roles_data.yaml

The Heat stack will be in the UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state for the duration of the openstack overcloud upgrade converge. Once converge has completed successfully the Heat stack should also be in the UPDATE_COMPLETE state.

Upgrading the Overcloud to Ocata or Pike

As of the Ocata release, the upgrades workflow in tripleo has changed significantly to accommodate the operators' new ability to deploy custom roles with the Newton release (see the Composable Service Upgrade spec for more info). The new workflow uses ansible upgrades tasks to define the upgrades workflow on a per-service level. The Pike release upgrade uses a similar mechanism and the steps are invoked with the same cli. A big difference however is that after upgrading to Pike most of the overcloud services will be running in containers.


Upgrades to Pike or Queens will only be tested with containers. Baremetal deployments, which don't use containers, will be deprecated in Queens and have full support removed in Rocky.

The operator starts the upgrade with a openstack overcloud deploy that includes the major-upgrade-composable-steps.yaml environment file (or the docker variant for the containerized upgrade to Pike__) as well as all environment files used on the initial deployment. This will collect the ansible upgrade tasks for all roles, except those that have the disable_upgrade_deployment flag set True in roles_data.yaml. The tasks will be executed in a series of steps, for example (and not limited to): step 0 for validations or other pre-upgrade tasks, step 1 to stop the pacemaker cluster, step 2 to stop services, step 3 for package updates, step 4 for cluster startup, step 5 for any special case db syncs or post package update migrations. The Pike upgrade tasks are in general much simpler than those used in Ocata since for Pike these tasks are mainly for stopping and disabling the systemd services, since they will be containerized as part of the upgrade.

After the ansible tasks have run the puppet (or docker, for Pike containers) configuration is also applied in the 'normal' manner we do on an initial deploy, to complete the upgrade and bring services back up, or start the service containers, as the case may be for Ocata or Pike.

For those roles with the disable_upgrade_deployment flag set True, the operator will upgrade the corresponding nodes with the The operator uses that script to invoke the which is delivered during the major-upgrade-composable-steps that come first, as described above.

  1. Run the major upgrade composable ansible steps

    This step will upgrade the nodes of all roles that do not explicitly set the disable_upgrade_deployment flag to True in the roles_data.yaml (this is an operator decision, and the current default is for the Compute and ObjectStorage roles to have this set).

    The ansible upgrades tasks are collected from all service manifests and executed in a series of steps as described in the introduction above. Even before the invocation of these ansible tasks however, this upgrade step also delivers the and role specific puppet manifest to allow the operator to upgrade those nodes after this step has completed.

    From Ocata to Pike, the Overcloud will be upgraded to a containerized environment. All OpenStack related services will run in containers.

    If you deploy TripleO with custom roles, you want to synchronize them with roles_data.yaml visible in default roles and make sure parameters and new services are present in your roles.

    Create an environment file with commands to switch OpenStack repositories to a new release. This will likely be the same commands that were used to switch repositories on the undercloud

    cat > overcloud-repos.yaml <<EOF
      UpgradeInitCommand: |
        set -e

    Newton to Ocata

    Run overcloud deploy, passing in full set of environment files plus major-upgrade-composable-steps.yaml and overcloud-repos.yaml

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-composable-steps.yaml \
      -e overcloud-repos.yaml


    Before upgrading your deployment to containers, you must perform the actions mentioned here to prepare your environment. In particular image prepare to generate the docker registry which you must include as one of the environment files specified below:
    • ../containers_deployment/overcloud

    Run overcloud deploy, passing in full set of environment files plus major-upgrade-composable-steps-docker.yaml and overcloud-repos.yaml (and docker registry if upgrading to containers)

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-composable-steps-docker.yaml \
      -e overcloud-repos.yaml


    It is especially important to remember that you must include all environment files that were used to deploy the overcloud that you are about to upgrade.


    If the Overcloud has been deployed with Pacemaker, then add the docker-ha.yaml environment file to the upgrade command

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker-ha.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-composable-steps-docker.yaml \
      -e overcloud-repos.yaml


    When upgrading to Pike, if Ceph has been deployed in the Overcloud, then use the ceph-ansible.yaml environment file instead of storage-environment.yaml. Make sure to move any customization into ceph-ansible.yaml (or a copy of ceph-ansible.yaml)

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-composable-steps-docker.yaml \
      -e overcloud-repos.yaml

    Customizations for the Ceph deployment previously passed as hieradata via *ExtraConfig should be removed as they are ignored, specifically the deployment will stop if ceph::profile::params::osds is found to ensure the devices list has been migrated to the format expected by ceph-ansible. It is possible to use the CephAnsibleExtraConfig and CephAnsibleDisksConfig parameters to pass arbitrary variables to ceph-ansible, like devices and dedicated_devices. See the ceph-ansible scenarios or the TripleO Ceph config guide <../advanced_deployment/ceph_config>

    The other parameters (for example CinderRbdPoolName, CephClientUserName, ...) will behave as they used to with puppet-ceph with the only exception of CephPools. This can be used to create additional pools in the Ceph cluster but the two tools expect the list to be in a different format. Specifically while puppet-ceph expected it in this format:

     "mypool": {
      "size": 1,
      "pg_num": 32,
      "pgp_num": 32

    with ceph-ansible that would become:

    [{"name": "mypool", "pg_num": 32, "rule_name": ""}]


    The first step of the ansible tasks is to validate that the deployment is in a good state before performing any other upgrade operations. Each service manifest in the tripleo-heat-templates includes a check that it is running and if any of those checks fail the upgrade will exit early at ansible step 0.

    If you are re-running the upgrade after an initial failed attempt, you may need to disable these checks in order to allow the upgrade to proceed with services down. This is done with the SkipUpgradeConfigTags parameter to specify that tasks with the 'validation' tag should be skipped. You can include this in any of the environment files you are using:

    SkipUpgradeConfigTags: [validation]
  2. Upgrade remaining nodes for roles with disable_upgrade_deployment: True

    It is expected that the operator will want to upgrade the roles that have the openstack-nova-compute and openstack-swift-object services deployed to allow for pre-upgrade migration of workloads. For this reason the default Compute and ObjectStorage roles in the roles_data.yaml have the disable_upgrade_deployment set True.

    Note that unlike in previous releases, this operator driven upgrade step includes a full puppet configuration run as happens after the ansible steps on the roles those are executed on. The significance is that nodes are 'fully' upgraded after each step completes, rather than having to wait for the final converge step as has previously been the case. In the case of Ocata to Pike the full puppet/docker config is applied to bring up the overclod services in containers.

    The script and puppet configuration are delivered to the nodes with disable_upgrade_deployment set True during the initial major upgrade composable steps in step 1 above.

    For Ocata to Pike, the is still delivered to the disable_upgrade_deployment nodes but is now empty. Instead, the downloads ansible playbooks and those are executed to deliver the upgrade. See the Queens-upgrade-spec for more information on this mechanism.

    To upgrade remaining roles (at your convenience) --upgrade overcloud-compute-0
    for i in $(seq 0 2); do --upgrade overcloud-objectstorage-$i &
  3. Converge to unpin Nova RPC

    The final step is required to unpin Nova RPC version. Unlike in previous releases, for Ocata the puppet configuration has already been applied to nodes as part of each upgrades step, i.e. after the ansible tasks or when invoking the script to upgrade compute nodes. Thus the significance of this step is somewhat diminished compared to previously. However a re-application of puppet configuration across all nodes here will also serve as a sanity check and hopefully show any issues that an operator may have missed during any of the previous upgrade steps.

    To converge, run the deploy command with major-upgrade-converge-docker.yaml

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-converge-docker.yaml

    Newton to Ocata

    For Newton to Ocata, run the deploy command with major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml


    If the Overcloud has been deployed with Pacemaker, then add the docker-ha.yaml environment file to the upgrade command

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker-ha.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-converge-docker.yaml
    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-converge.yaml


    It is especially important to remember that you must include all environment files that were used to deploy the overcloud.

Upgrading the Overcloud to Newton and earlier


The openstack overcloud deploy calls in upgrade steps below are non-blocking. Make sure that the overcloud is UPDATE_COMPLETE in openstack stack list and sudo pcs status on a controller reports everything running fine before proceeding to the next step.

Mitaka to Newton

Deliver the migration for ceilometer to run under httpd.

This is to deliver the migration for ceilometer to be run under httpd (apache) rather than eventlet as was the case before. To execute this step run overcloud deploy, passing in the full set of environment files plus major-upgrade-ceilometer-wsgi-mitaka-newton.yaml

openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
  -e <full environment> \
  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-ceilometer-wsgi-mitaka-newton.yaml
  1. Upgrade initialization

    The initialization step switches to new repositories on overcloud nodes, and it delivers upgrade scripts to nodes which are going to be upgraded one-by-one (this means non-controller nodes, except any stand-alone block storage nodes).

    Create an environment file with commands to switch OpenStack repositories to a new release. This will likely be the same commands that were used to switch repositories on the undercloud

    cat > overcloud-repos.yaml <<EOF
      UpgradeInitCommand: |
        set -e

    And run overcloud deploy, passing in full set of environment files plus major-upgrade-pacemaker-init.yaml and overcloud-repos.yaml

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker-init.yaml \
      -e overcloud-repos.yaml
  2. Object storage nodes upgrade

    If the deployment has any standalone object storage nodes, upgrade them one-by-one using the script on the undercloud node --upgrade <nova-id of object storage node>

    This is ran before controller node upgrade because swift storage services should be upgraded before swift proxy services.

  3. Upgrade controller and block storage nodes

    Mitaka to Newton

    Explicitly disable sahara services if so desired: As discussed at bug1630247 sahara services are disabled by default in the Newton overcloud deployment. This special case is handled for the duration of the upgrade by defaulting to 'keep sahara-*'.

    That is by default sahara services are restarted after the mitaka to newton upgrade of controller nodes and sahara config is re-applied during the final upgrade converge step.

    If an operator wishes to disable sahara services as part of the mitaka to newton upgrade they need to include the major-upgrade-remove-sahara.yaml environment file during the controller upgrade step as well as during the converge step later

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker.yaml
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-remove-sahara.yaml

    All controllers will be upgraded in sync in order to make services only talk to DB schema versions they expect. Services will be unavailable during this operation. Standalone block storage nodes are automatically upgraded in this step too, in sync with controllers, because block storage services don't have a version pinning mechanism.

    Run the deploy command with major-upgrade-pacemaker.yaml

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker.yaml

    Services of the compute component on the controller nodes are now pinned to communicate like the older release, ensuring that they can talk to the compute nodes which haven't been upgraded yet.


    If this step fails, it may leave the pacemaker cluster stopped (together with all OpenStack services on the controller nodes). The root cause and restoration procedure may vary, but in simple cases the pacemaker cluster can be started by logging into one of the controllers and running sudo pcs cluster start --all.


    After this step, or if this step failed with the error: ERROR: upgrade cannot start with some cluster nodes being offlineAfter, it's possible that some pacemaker resources needs to be clean. Check the failed actions and clean them by running on only one controller node as root

    pcs status
    pcs resource cleanup

    It can take few minutes for the cluster to go back to a “normal” state as displayed by crm_mon. This is expected.

  4. Upgrade ceph storage nodes

    If the deployment has any ceph storage nodes, upgrade them one-by-one using the script on the undercloud node --upgrade <nova-id of ceph storage node>
  5. Upgrade compute nodes

    Upgrade compute nodes one-by-one using the script on the undercloud node --upgrade <nova-id of compute node>
  6. Apply configuration from upgraded tripleo-heat-templates

    Mitaka to Newton

    Explicitly disable sahara services if so desired: As discussed at bug1630247 sahara services are disabled by default in the Newton overcloud deployment. This special case is handled for the duration of the upgrade by defaulting to 'keep sahara-*'.

    That is by default sahara services are restarted after the mitaka to newton upgrade of controller nodes and sahara config is re-applied during the final upgrade converge step.

    If an operator wishes to disable sahara services as part of the mitaka to newton upgrade they need to include the major-upgrade-remove-sahara.yaml environment file during the controller upgrade earlier and converge step here

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-remove-sahara.yaml

    This step unpins compute services communication (upgrade level) on controller and compute nodes, and it triggers configuration management tooling to converge the overcloud configuration according to the new release of tripleo-heat-templates.

    Make sure that all overcloud nodes have been upgraded to the new release, and then run the deploy command with major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
      -e <full environment> \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/major-upgrade-pacemaker-converge.yaml


    After the converge step, it's possible that some pacemaker resources needs to be cleaned. Check the failed actions and clean them by running on only one controller as root

    pcs status
    pcs resource cleanup

    It can take few minutes for the cluster to go back to a “normal” state as displayed by crm_mon. This is expected.