Alex Schultz 62fc0eacf2 Add overcloud image build role
Adds tripleo_overcloud_image_build role to create overcloud and
ironic-python-agent images.

Change-Id: I625f121d12e71d5267e9f416b4c32fe8ec539ec0
2020-02-17 13:52:30 -07:00

2.7 KiB


A role to perform an overcloud image build for provisioning.



Role Variables

  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_config_files: (List) List of YAML config files specifying the image build.
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_debug: (Boolean) Flag to print out the push command. Default: False
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_dib_local_image: (String) String containing the path to a local image to use when building.
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_dib_yum_repo_conf: (String) String containing the path to the yum files for the image building process. Default: "/etc/yum.repos.d/*"
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_extra_env_vars: (Dictionary) Dictionary containing extra environment variables to be set for the build. Default: {}
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_home_dir: (String) Path that the command should be executed in. Default: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}"
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_log_combine: (Boolean) Flag to combine stdout and stderr in the logfile. Default: true
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_log_output: (Boolean) Flag to log the output to a file rather than show it in the ansible output. Default: true
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_image_names: (List) List of image names to build.
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_no_skip: (Boolean) Flag to skipp build if cached image exists. Default: False
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_output_directory: (String) Path to the output directory for the images.
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_stable_release: (String) String containing the name of teh stable branch being built.
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_poll: (Integer) Number of seconds to wait between checks to see if the build command has completed. This should be set to a value greater or equal to 1. Default: 10
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_timeout: (Integer) Amount of time to wait for the command to conplete. Default: 1800
  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_log: (String) Install log file path. Default: "{{ tripleo_overcloud_image_build_home_dir }}/overcloud_image_build.log"

Output Variables

  • tripleo_overcloud_image_build_result: Ansible shell execution results



Example Playbook

Example container push execution playbook

- hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: true
    - name: Build overcloud image
        name: tripleo_overcloud_image_build
          - /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/image-yaml/overcloud-images.yaml
          - /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/image-yaml/overcloud-images-centos7.yaml

