The sample configuration about caching should be correctly formated in literal blocks. Otherwise the following checking command(which will be executed during the openstack releases validating jobs) will fail: python setup.py check --restructuredtext --strict Change-Id: Ic5af30f4d1890cce18bd2212b68f38426274f435 Signed-off-by: Zhao Chao <zhaochao1984@gmail.com>
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OpenStack Dashboard plugin for Trove project
.. image:: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/badges/trove-dashboard.svg
:target: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/tags/index.html
How to use with Horizon on server:
Use pip to install the package on the server running Horizon. Then either copy
or link the files in trove_dashboard/enabled to
openstack_dashboard/local/enabled. This step will cause the Horizon service to
pick up the trove plugin when it starts.
How to use with devstack:
Add the following to your devstack ``local.conf`` file::
enable_plugin trove-dashboard git://git.openstack.org/openstack/trove-dashboard
To run unit tests:
Editing Code
Make a change to trove-dashboard then goto to the horizon directory and
compress the code with django and then restart apache.::
# rsync code to /opt/stack/trove-dashboard
# copy or link files from trove-dashboard/enabled/* to horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
cd /opt/stack/horizon
python manage.py compress
python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
sudo service apache2 restart
You can also speed up development time using the django test server instead of
/opt/stack/horizon/run_tests.sh --runserver
If you set COMPRESS_ENABLED and COMPRESS_OFFLINE to False in local_settings.py
that allows you to bypass the compress and collectstatic as well.
The use of a cross-process cache such as Memcached is required.
Install Memcached itself and a Memcached binding such as python-memcached.
For a single horizon instance use the CACHES setting like the example below.::
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
For multiple horizon instances behind a load balancer configure each instance
to use the same cache like the example below.::
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
'LOCATION': [u'', u''']
As of the Mitaka release, the dashboard for trove is now maintained outside of
the Horizon codebase, in this repository.
Trove project: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/trove/
Trove at wiki.openstack.org: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove
Launchpad project: https://launchpad.net/trove-dashboard