Added initial sphinx/docutils documentation for Trove. Also made corresponding changes to setup.cfg so that OpenStack CI is able to build the Trove developer docs. Fixes blueprint: trove-dev-docs Change-Id: I900ffd2c0b661fb7642fa06c08ee92892eb176f0
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Trove Installation
Trove is constantly under development. The easiest way to install Trove is using the Trove integration scripts that can be found in github in the Trove Integration Repository.
Steps to set up a Trove Developer Environment
Installing trove-integration
Install a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) image (preferably a virtual machine)
Make sure we have git installed:
# apt-get update # apt-get install git-core -y
Add a user named ubuntu if you do not already have one:
# adduser ubuntu
Set the ubuntu user up with sudo access:
# visudo
Add ubuntu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to the sudoers file.
Login with ubuntu:
# su ubuntu # cd ~
Clone this repo:
# git clone https://github.com/openstack/trove-integration.git
cd into the scripts directory:
# cd trove-integration/scripts/
Running redstack to install Trove
Redstack is the core script that allows you to install and interact with your developer installation of Trove. Redstack has the following options that you can run.
Get the command list with a short description of each command and what it does:
# ./redstack
Install all the dependencies and then install Trove. This brings up trove (rd-api rd-tmgr) and initializes the trove database:
# ./redstack install
Kick start the build/test-init/build-image commands. Add mysql as a parameter to set build and add the mysql guest image:
# ./redstack kick-start mysql
You probably need to add this iptables rule, so be sure to save it!:
# sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Running the trove client
rd-client sets of the authorization endpoint and gets a token for you:
# ./redstack rd-client
Running the nova client
nova-client sets of the authorization endpoint and gets a token for you:
# ./redstack nova-client
More information
For more information and help on how to use redstack and other trove-integration scripts, please look at the README documentation in the Trove Integration Repository.