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SNMP Notifications
launchpad blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/vitrage/+spec/snmp-notifications
The Evaluator performs root cause analysis on the Vitrage Graph and may determine that an alarm should be created, deleted or otherwise updated. Other components are notified of such changes by the Vitrage Notifier service. Among others, one Vitrage Notifier is responsible for sending SNMP traps on Vitrage deduced alarms.
This blueprint describes the implementation of Vitrage Notifier for notifying SNMP on Vitrage deduced alarms.
Problem description
Vitrage should support registering for SNMP notifications, and sending traps on raised alarms and deactivated alarms to any registered targets.
Proposed change
Due to definition in Vitrage config file:
notifiers = snmp
Vitrage listener will get the alarm events from the message bus and the SNMP notifier will send SNMP traps on raised deduced alarms and deleted deduced alarms.
The traps will be sent to destinations specified in consumers yaml file.
The traps will be sent only on alarms specified in yaml file which contains oid mapping for each alarm name.
The format of sent traps will be specified in another yaml file.
All those yaml files' paths should be specified in Vitrage config:
consumers = <path to consumers yaml file>
alarm_oid_mapping = <path to alarm oid mapping yaml file>
oid_tree = <path to tree format oid configuration yaml file>
The SNMP notifier is pluggable, you can implement your own SNMP sender and use it (it must inherit from the base class), when there is a default implementation.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Versioning impact
Other end user impact
Deployer impact
To use the SNMP notifier there is a need to define it in the Vitrage config file, and in addition create three yaml files and define them in Vitrage config file.
Developer impact
Horizon impact
- Primary assignee:
Work Items
- Create SNMP notifier
- Create SNMP sender
- create base class
- Create SNMP sender
- Create unit test for SNMP sender
- test snmp notifier
- test snmp sender
This blueprint requires unit tests.
Documentation Impact
The usage of the SNMP notifier will be documented