Alexander Chadin dc55d63222 Fix specification warnings
This patch set fixes all specification warnings and
set warning-is-error flag to True.

Change-Id: I9a6132cfd0d010db21c148be53b6bb5523eb6f5c
2017-08-04 15:37:59 +03:00

4.7 KiB

Add support to cancel execution of Action Plan

Problem description

A Cloud Administrator may want to cancel the action plan execution for any reason. An Action Plan can be in execution from long time and a cloud Administrator may want to execute the actions manually or want to fulfill the optimization requirements by some other methods.

As of now Administrator can update the action plan state to CANCELLED but there is no action taken by Watcher to cancel the action plan. It only updates the action plan state to CANCELLED.

It should be possible to CANCEL execution of the action plan by Watcher.

Use Cases

As a Watcher Administrator, I want Watcher to CANCEL the action plan that is in ONGOING state for a long time.

As a Watcher Administrator, I want to CANCEL any action plan that is accidentally launched.

As a Watcher Administrator, I want to CANCEL the action plan because my optimization requirements have been met.

Proposed change

  • Add new state CANCELLING for the Action Plan.
    • CANCELLING, when watcher-api receives request from cloud admin to cancel the ONGOING action plan. When watcher-applier successfully executed the cancel request it will update the action plan state to CANCELLED. When watcher-applier failed to complete the action plan cancel request, it will update the action plan state to FAILED.
  • Add new states CANCELLING, CANCELLED to Action.
    • CANCELLING, when watcher-applier cancel an ONGOING action.
    • CANCELLED, when watcher-applier cancel a PENDING action. when watcher-applier successfully completed cancel of ONGOING action.
  • Add a new command watcher actionplan cancel in watcher-client to cancel the action plan.
  • Modify the state machine for action plan to add new actions plan state and transitions.
  • Modify the state machine for action to add new actions states and transitions.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact

Other end user impact

A new command watcher actionplan cancel will be added to cancel the action plan.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Watcher cannot guarantee about the cluster state after cancelling the ongoing optimizations.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Implementation for action plan cancel will be done by using taskflow. When a running engine receives an exception, it stops execution and calls revert method for all the tasks(actions) added in the flow. In the revert method of action, current action state is checked and based on the action state (PENDING, ONGOING, SUCCEEDED) revert method will execute defined steps.

    e.g. if action_state is PENDING:
          # update action_state to CANCELLED
         if action_state is ONGOING:
          # call abort_action
         if action state is SUCCEEDED:
          # do nothing
  • Before starting any new action watcher-applier will check for the state of action plan, if its state is updated to CANCELLING it will trigger an exception "ActionPlanCancel" to the taskflow engine and taskflow engine will call revert method of all tasks (actions) in reverse manner, keeping the dependencies intact.


For action plan cancel operation we need to call Abort API for ONGOING actions.

The abort API of live migration is available.

The abort API for cold migration is under development.


The unit and tempest tests will have to be updated.

Documentation Impact

Need to update the Action Plan State Machine in the architecture documentation.

Need to add the Action State Machine in the architecture documentation.


