2017-12-12 17:55:04 +01:00

2.8 KiB


This repo uses the standard Github Pull Request workflow to deal with code contribution. This document provides a step by step description of how to do this in order to simplify the review process. These steps presuppose that you're a member of the RHOS-QE organization on Github and that you've already associated an SSH key to your account. If you're not a member of the github organization, it's still possible to contribute by forking the repo. See the last paragraph of this doc for more info.

  1. If you haven't already, clone the plugin repository to your work machine. I recommend doing this over SSH.
git clone git@github.com:RHOS-QE/RHOS-Tempest-Plugin
  1. If you haven't done this in a while, make sure to pull all the latest changes to your master branch. Try to do this regularly so that you decrease the risk of encountering merge conflicts.
git checkout master && git pull origin master
  1. Create a new local branch. This step is important, your development should not happen on the master branch. Every change is committed on a separate branch and only merged in master after going through the review process. The name of your created branch should be as descriptive as possible to make it easier for the reviewer.
git checkout -b my_super_new_feature
  1. Make your modifications.
  2. Run the tox job and make sure it succeeds. Your contribution won't be accepted if it fails these jobs.
  1. Once you're satisfied with your changes and they pass the tox jobs, you are ready to commit them. When writing your commit message, try to keep the OpenStack guidelines for commit messages in mind.
git add files && git commit
  1. You can now push your branch to the origin repository.
git push -u origin my_super_new_feature
  1. From the github web interface, you can now initiate a Pull Request.

If you're not a member of RHOS-QE

If you're not a member of the organization, you won't have write access to the github repository so you cannot upload your branches. The way to deal with it is to use the github interface to fork the repo to your account, then clone your own fork locally in step 1.

git clone git@github.com:yourusername/RHOS-Tempest-Plugin

All the other steps described above are still valid and Github is fully capable of handling a pull request coming from a fork of the repo.