This adds the ability to prefix client commands with the necessary docker exec command line to run the commands within a container over ssh.
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RHOS Test plugin
This repo is a Tempest plugin that contains scenario tests ran against RHOS internals. It's still a work in progress for now.
Install, configure and and run
These steps should be executed after Tempest has been installed and configured. It's assumed that the Unix user running the tests has SSH access to all the nova nodes. In most cases the plugin is executed as the stack user on the undercloud node.
- Install from source
git clone https://github.com/RHOS-QE/RHOS-Tempest-Plugin
cd RHOS-Tempest-Plugin
sudo python setup.py install
- Add these lines at the end of your tempest.conf file
target_controller = <address of the nova controller>
target_ssh_user = heat-admin
target_private_key_path = /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa
containers = <true/false>
- Execute the tests
tempest run --regex rhostests.
How to add a new test
New tests should be added to the rhos_tempest_plugin/tests directory. The file rhos_tempest_plugin/tests/api/test_sample.py should serve as an example of how to write a test.
According to the plugin interface doc, you should mainly import "stable" APIs which usually are:
- tempest.lib.*
- tempest.config
- tempest.test_discover.plugins
Importing classes from tempest.api.* could be dangerous since future version of Tempest could break.