This patch improves Zaqar documentation and fixes currently existing bugs. Bugs this patch currently addresses and solutions: Short names for documentation locations used in this commit message: GitRepo - https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/ Contributor Docs - http://docs.openstack.org/developer/zaqar/ Wiki - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar/ 1. DRY violation and spreaded information for contributors bug. The information for Zaqar contributors is spreaded/duplicated across GitRepo, Contributor Docs and Wiki. Examples of DRY violation are these three articles: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar/Give_Zaqar_a_try, https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/blob/master/README.rst, http://docs.openstack.org/developer/zaqar/development-environment.html Example of spreaded information is: "zaqar/tests/functional/README.rst" Normally the contributor want to see the information from this file in "doc/source/running_tests.rst". Solution: move useful missing information for contributors from Wiki and GitRepo to Contributor Docs, then replace all contributor information in Wiki and GitRepo with links to Contributor Docs. 2. Outdated information, missing new information and broken links bug. Example is "test_suite.rst": a. It still states that Zaqar test suite lives in two directories - "tests" and "zaqar/tests", but now it's not true. b. Doesn't contain information about how test invocation is organized, what really happens when "tox -e py27" command executes. Solution: replace outdated information with new, fix broken links if possible, add useful missing information. 3. Style and formatting bugs. The reference is http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/. Many documents in Contributor Docs have wrong line wrapping - some lines are wrapped too short and some are wrapped too long. Lines must wrap at 79 characters, exceptions are code and links. Example is "first_review.rst" which lines are not wrapped at all. Enumerated lists must be written using "#. " syntax. Example with wrong enumerated list is "development.environment.rst". Some inline elements must be styled according to: http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/rst-conv/inline-markups.html Example with wrong styling of inline elements is "development.environment.rst" where many paths and file names are not marked with `` (double backticks). By default code inserts are implicitly styled with python syntax. There are many places in Contributor Docs where console (bash) code is wrongly styled with python syntax. Also there are some failed attempts to apply a formatting in Contributor Docs. For example there is a broken list in "first_review.rst" at line 52. Solution: fix broken formatting, apply proper style where it is needed. Some of these bugs fixes closes few bug reports from: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-mitaka-docs Change-Id: Id668684248bdee03eb43b537dc2c6bb2a68ed23d
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Zaqar is a multi-tenant cloud messaging and notification service for web
and mobile developers.
It combines the ideas pioneered by Amazon's SQS product with additional
semantics to support event broadcasting.
The service features a fully RESTful API, which developers can use to send
messages between various components of their SaaS and mobile applications, by
using a variety of communication patterns. Underlying this API is an efficient
messaging engine designed with scalability and security in mind.
Other OpenStack components can integrate with Zaqar to surface events to end
users and to communicate with guest agents that run in the "over-cloud" layer.
Cloud operators can leverage Zaqar to provide equivalents of SQS and SNS to
their customers.
General information is available in wiki:
The API v1.1 (stable) specification and documentation are available at:
Zaqar Contributor Documentation, the source of which is in ``doc/source/``, is
available at:
Contributors are encouraged to join IRC (``#openstack-zaqar`` channel on
Information on how to run unit and functional tests is available at:
Information on how to run benchmarking tool is available at:
Using Zaqar
If you are new to Zaqar and just want to try it, you can set up Zaqar in
the development environment.
Using Zaqar in production environment:
Coming soon!
Using Zaqar in development environment:
The instruction is available at:
This will allow you to run local Zaqar server with MongoDB as database.
This way is the easiest, quickest and most suitable for beginners. |