Craig Bryant 12671c255d Changes to use monasca instead of mon
Changed to use monasca_api instead of mon_api. Added monasca_api
user to group monasca so the api can write to /var/log/monasca and
read the config file in /etc/monasca

Change data bag names to monasca_api instead of mon_api

Place jar file in /opt/monasca

Change service name from mon-api to monasca-api

Change-Id: Ic2a8db0b6b1451872f42373077cf5f2911de3652
2014-09-16 11:34:26 -06:00

148 lines
4.0 KiB

# The region for which all metrics passing through this server will be persisted
region: <%= @setting['api_region'] %>
# Whether this server is running on a secure port
accessedViaHttps: false
# Topic for publishing metrics to
metricsTopic: metrics
# Topic for publishing domain events to
eventsTopic: events
<%- @setting['kafka']['hostname'].split(',').each do |host| %>
- <%= host %>:9092
<%- end %>
<%- @setting['zookeeper']['hostname'].split(',').each do |host| %>
- <%= host %>:2181
<%- end %>
healthCheckTopic: healthcheck
driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://<%= @creds['mysql']['hostname']%>:3306/<%=@creds['mysql']['schema']%>?connectTimeout=5000&autoReconnect=true
user: <%=@creds['mysql']['username'] %>
password: <%=@creds['mysql']['password'] %>
maxWaitForConnection: 1s
validationQuery: "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1"
minSize: 8
maxSize: 32
checkConnectionWhileIdle: false
checkConnectionOnBorrow: true
<%- if @setting['database-configuration']['database-type'] == 'vertica' %>
# vertica | influxdb
databaseType: vertica
# Uncomment if databaseType is influxDB
# name: mon
# replicationFactor: 1
# url:
# user: root
# password: root
# Uncomment if databaseType is vertica
driverClass: com.vertica.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:vertica://<%= @creds['vertica']['hostname']%>/<%=@creds['vertica']['schema']%>
user: <%=@creds['vertica']['username'] %>
password: <%=@creds['vertica']['password'] %>
maxWaitForConnection: 1s
validationQuery: "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1"
minSize: 4
maxSize: 32
checkConnectionWhileIdle: false
<%- else %>
# vertica | influxdb
databaseType: influxdb
# Uncomment if databaseType is influxDB
name: <%= @setting['influxdb']['dbname'] %>
replicationFactor: 1
url: http://<%= @setting['influxdb']['hostname'] %>:8086
user: <%=@creds['influxdb']['username'] %>
password: <%=@creds['influxdb']['password'] %>
# Uncomment if databaseType is vertica
# As of 7/10 there is a bug in the monasca-api that requires this section even if databaseType is set to influxdb
driverClass: com.vertica.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:vertica://localhost/mon
user: dbadmin
password: password
maxWaitForConnection: 1s
validationQuery: "/* MyService Health Check */ SELECT 1"
minSize: 4
maxSize: 32
checkConnectionWhileIdle: false
<%- end %>
enabled: true
serviceIds: 100
endpointIds: 160
serverVIP: <%= @creds['middleware']['serverVip'] %>
serverPort: 5000
connTimeout: 500
connSSLClientAuth: true
connPoolMaxActive: 3
connPoolMaxIdle: 3
connPoolEvictPeriod: 600000
connPoolMinIdleTime: 600000
connRetryTimes: 2
connRetryInterval: 50
defaultAuthorizedRoles: [user, domainuser, domainadmin,_member_]
agentAuthorizedRoles: [monasca-agent]
adminAuthMethod: <%= @creds['middleware']['adminAuthMethod'] %>
adminUser: <%= @creds['middleware']['adminUser'] %>
adminPassword: <%= @creds['middleware']['adminPassword'] %>
adminToken: <%= @creds['middleware']['adminToken'] %>
timeToCacheToken: 600
maxTokenCacheSize: 1048576
- type: http
maxRequestHeaderSize: 16KiB # Allow large headers used by keystone tokens
# Logging settings.
# The default level of all loggers. Can be OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL.
level: INFO
# Logger-specific levels.
# Sets the level for '' to DEBUG. DEBUG
- type: console
threshold: ALL
timeZone: UTC
target: stdout
logFormat: # TODO
- type: file
currentLogFilename: /var/log/monasca/monasca-api.log
threshold: ALL
archive: true
archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/monasca/monasca-api-%d.log.gz
archivedFileCount: 5
timeZone: UTC
logFormat: # TODO
- type: syslog
host: localhost
port: 514
facility: local0
threshold: ALL
logFormat: # TODO