Ron Stone f125a8b892 Remove spurious escapes (r8,dsR8)
This change addresses a long-standing issue in rST documentation imported from XML.
That import process added backslash escapes in front of various characters. The three
most common being '(', ')', and '_'.
These instances are removed.

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
Change-Id: Id43a9337ffcd505ccbdf072d7b29afdb5d2c997e
2023-03-01 11:19:04 +00:00

5.4 KiB

Mount ReadWriteMany Persistent Volumes in Containers

You can attach a ReadWriteMany PVC to multiple containers, and that PVC can be written to, by all containers.

This example shows how a volume is claimed and mounted by each container replica of a deployment with 2 replicas, and each container replica can read and write to the PVC. It is the responsibility of an individual micro-service within an application to make a volume claim, mount it, and use it.

You should refer to the Volume Claim examples. For more information, see Create ReadWriteMany Persistent Volume Claims <kubernetes-user-tutorials-create-readwritemany-persistent-volume-claims>.

  1. Create the busybox container with the persistent volumes created from the mounted. This deployment will create two replicas mounting the same persistent volume.

    1. Create a yaml file definition for the busybox container.

      % cat <<EOF > wrx-busybox.yaml
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: wrx-busybox
        namespace: default
        progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
        replicas: 2
            run: busybox
              run: busybox
            - args:
              - sh
              image: busybox
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: busybox
              stdin: true
              tty: true
              - name: pvc1
                mountPath: "/mnt1"
            restartPolicy: Always
            - name: pvc1
                claimName: rwx-test-claim
    2. Apply the busybox configuration.

      % kubectl apply -f wrx-busybox.yaml
      deployment.apps/wrx-busybox created
  2. Attach to the busybox and create files on the Persistent Volumes.

    1. List the available pods.

      % kubectl get pods
      NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      wrx-busybox-6455997c76-4kg8v   1/1     Running   0          108s
      wrx-busybox-6455997c76-crmw6   1/1     Running   0          108s
    2. Connect to the pod shell for CLI access.

      % kubectl attach wrx-busybox-6455997c76-4kg8v -c busybox -i -t
    3. From the container's console, list the disks to verify that the Persistent Volume is attached.

      % df
      Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
      overlay               31441920   1783748  29658172   6% /
      tmpfs                    65536         0     65536   0% /dev
      tmpfs                  5033188         0   5033188   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
      ceph-fuse            516542464    643072 515899392   0% /mnt1

      The PVC is mounted as /mnt1.

  3. Create files in the mount.

    # cd /mnt1
    # touch i-was-here-${HOSTNAME}
    # ls /mnt1
  4. End the container session.

    % exit
    wrx-busybox-6455997c76-4kg8v -c busybox -i -t' command when the pod is running
  5. Connect to the other busybox container

    % kubectl attach wrx-busybox-6455997c76-crmw6 -c busybox -i -t
  6. (Optional): From the container's console list the disks to verify that the is attached.

    % df
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    overlay               31441920   1783888  29658032   6% /
    tmpfs                    65536         0     65536   0% /dev
    tmpfs                  5033188         0   5033188   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    ceph-fuse            516542464    643072 515899392   0% /mnt1
  7. Verify that the file created from the other container exists and that this container can also write to the Persistent Volume.

    # cd /mnt1
    # ls /mnt1
    # echo ${HOSTNAME}
    # touch i-was-here-${HOSTNAME}
    # ls /mnt1
    i-was-here-wrx-busybox-6455997c76-4kg8v i-was-here-wrx-busybox-6455997c76-crmw6
  8. End the container session.

    % exit
    Session ended, resume using
    :command:`kubectl attach wrx-busybox-6455997c76-crmw6 -c busybox -i -t`
    command when the pod is running
  9. Terminate the busybox container.

    % kubectl delete -f wrx-busybox.yaml

    For more information on Persistent Volume Support, see, About Persistent Volume Support <about-persistent-volume-support>.