Minor grammar fixes. Updated the commands line to use the standard ~(keystone_admin)]$. Minor text updates. Created the Keystone Account Roles doc. Updtaded the doc toctree to add a new file. Story: 2010149 Task: 46908 Signed-off-by: Elaine Fonaro <elaine.fonaro@windriver.com> Change-Id: I61f79ee8d5dca3410c8e5f155b8e820305176248
691 B
691 B
Keystone Accounts
uses Keystone for authentication and authorization of users of the StarlingX REST APIs, the , the Horizon Web interface and the Local Docker Registry. 's Keystone uses the default local SQL Backend.
See Keystone Accounts <about-keystone-accounts>
more details.
about-keystone-accounts keystone-account-authentication keystone-account-roles-64098d1abdc1 manage-keystone-accounts configure-the-keystone-token-expiration-time password-recovery keystone-security-compliance-configuration-b149adca6a7f