Stone 0d7d14b0c2 File structure reorg
Changed names of kubernetes and openstack subdirs, and reorganized index files
for consistency with other docs.

Signed-off-by: Stone <>
Change-Id: I234dd88e500f12e7c68b0e8bc5b68ca6e0875aba
2021-02-22 13:04:19 -05:00

4.0 KiB

CLI Commands for Managing PCI Devices

Several commands are available for managing devices from the CLI.

The following commands are available for managing devices on a host:

system host-device-list <hostname>

Lists the devices for a host.

system host-device-show <hostname> <pciaddress>

Lists the device at a specific address on a host.

system host-device-modify [options] <hostname> <pciaddress>

Exposes a device to applications.

For example:

~(keystone_admin)$ system host-device-list worker-0
| name  | address  | class  | vendor | device | class name | vendor name | device name          | numa_node | enabled |
|       |          | id     | id     | id     |            |             |                      |           |         |
| pci_0 | 0000:0c: | 030000 | 102b   | 0522   | VGA        | Matrox      | MGA G200e [Pilot]    | 0         | True    |
| 000_0 | 00.0     |        |        |        | compatible | Electronics | ServerEngines (SEP1) |           |         |
| c_00_ |          |        |        |        | controller | Systems Ltd |                      |           |         |
| 0     |          |        |        |        |            |             |                      |           |         |
|       |          |        |        |        |            |             |                      |           |         |
|pci_0  | 0000:b7: | 120000 | 8086   | 0d8f   | Processing |Intel        | Device 0d8f          | 1         | True    |
|000_b7 | 00.0     |        |        |        |accelerators|Corporation  |                      |           |         |
|_00_0  |          |        |        |        |            |             |                      |           |         |
|       |          |        |        |        |            |             |                      |           |         |

~(keystone_admin)$ system host-device-show worker-0 0000:0c::00.0
| Property              | Value                                  |
| name                  | pci_0000_0c_00_0                       |
| address               | 0000:0c:00.0                           |
| class id              | 030000                                 |
| vendor id             | 102b                                   |
| device id             | 0522                                   |
| class name            | VGA compatible controller              |
| vendor name           | Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd.        |
| device name           | MGA G200e [Pilot] ServerEngines (SEP1) |
| numa_node             | 0                                      |
| enabled               | True                                   |
| sriov_totalvfs        | None                                   |
| sriov_numvfs          | 0                                      |
| sriov_vfs_pci_address |                                        |
| extra_info            |                                        |
| created_at            | 2020-01-02T15:47:00.900816+00:00       |
| updated_at            | None                                   |

~(keystone_admin)$ system host-device-modify --name="Encryption1" --enable=True worker-0 0000:09:00.0