Ron Stone 4b29310c6f Support DS rel-linking from STX
Change-Id: I5278866605ffd9b29ae2abe7d6e99606f6052423
Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
2024-03-12 11:45:42 +00:00

98 lines
6.9 KiB

.. include:: /_stx-related-links/using-labels-to-identify-openstack-nodes.rln
.. rho1557409702625
.. _using-labels-to-identify-openstack-nodes:
Use Labels to Identify OpenStack Nodes
The |prod-os| application is deployed on the nodes of the |prod| based on node
.. rubric:: |context|
Prior to initially installing the |prod-os| application or when adding nodes to
a |prod-os| deployment, you need to label the nodes appropriately for their
OpenStack role.
.. _using-labels-to-identify-openstack-nodes-table-xyl-qmy-thb:
.. only:: starlingx
.. table:: Table 1. Common OpenStack Labels
:widths: auto
| Label | Worker/Controller | Description |
| **openstack-control-plane** | - Controller | Identifies a node to deploy openstack controller services on. |
| | | |
| | - All-in-One Controller | |
| **openstack-compute-node** | Worker | Identifies a node to deploy openstack compute agents on. |
| | | |
| | | .. note:: |
| | | Adding or removing this label, or removing a node with this label from a cluster, triggers the regeneration and application of the helm chart overrides of the openstack application. |
| **sriov** | - Worker | Identifies a node as supporting sr-iov. |
| | | |
| | - All-in-One Controller | |
.. only:: partner
.. include:: /_includes/
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:end-before: table-1-of-contents-end
For more information. see |node-doc|: :ref:`Configuring Node Labels from The CLI <assigning-node-labels-from-the-cli>`.
.. rubric:: |prereq|
Nodes must be locked before labels can be assigned or removed.
.. rubric:: |proc|
.. only:: starlingx
#. To assign Kubernetes labels to identify compute-0 as a compute node with and SRIOV, use the following command:
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone)admin)$ system host-label-assign compute-0 openstack-compute-node=enabled sriov=enabled
| Property | Value |
| uuid | 2909d775-cd6c-4bc1-8268-27499fe38d5e |
| host_uuid | 1f00d8a4-f520-41ee-b608-1b50054b1cd8 |
| label_key | openstack-compute-node |
| label_value | enabled |
| Property | Value |
| uuid | d8e29e62-4173-4445-886c-9a95b0d6fee1 |
| host_uuid | 1f00d8a4-f520-41ee-b608-1b50054b1cd8 |
| label_key | sriov |
| label_value | enabled |
#. To remove the labels from the host, do the following.
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone)admin)$ system host-label-remove compute-0 openstack-compute-node sriov
Deleted host label openstack-compute-node for host compute-0
Deleted host label sriov for host compute-0
.. only:: partner
.. include:: /_includes/
:start-after: table-1-of-contents-end