Stone 037c99f0b7 Fault Management doc
Added Data Networks toctree

Changed case on doc title in top level index - changed doc directory to

Added Distributed Cloud section.

Broke out "OpenStack Fault Management Overview" statement about remote log
collection to conditionally included file.

Incorporated patch 6 review comments. Also implemented rST :abbr:
for first instance of SNMP in each file.

Changed port number and community string in two SNMP walk examples.

Change-Id: I1afd71265e752c4c9a54bf2dc9a173b3e17332a7
Signed-off-by: Stone <>
2020-11-27 14:13:00 -05:00

14 KiB

View Active Alarms Using the CLI

You can use the CLI to find information about currently active system alarms.


You can also use the command fm alarm-summary to view the count of alarms and warnings for the system.

To review detailed information about a specific alarm instance, see Viewing Alarm Details Using the CLI <viewing-alarm-details-using-the-cli>.

  1. Log in with administrative privileges.

    $ source /etc/platform/openrc
  2. Run the fm alarm-list command to view alarms.

    The command syntax is:

    fm alarm-list [--nowrap] [-q <QUERY>] [--uuid] [--include_suppress] [--mgmt_affecting] [--degrade_affecting]

    Prevent word-wrapping of output. This option is useful when output will be piped to another process.


    <QUERY> is a query string to filter the list output. The typical OpenStack CLI syntax for this query string is used. The syntax is a combination of attribute, operator and value. For example: severity=warning would filter alarms with a severity of warning. More complex queries can be built. See the upstream OpenStack CLI syntax for more details on <QUERY> string syntax. Also see additional query examples below.

    You can use one of the following --query command filters to view specific subsets of alarms, or a particular alarm:

    Query Filter Comment


    Query alarms by UUID, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --query uuid=4ab5698a-19cb...

    alarm\_id=<alarm id\>

    Query alarms by alarm ID, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --query alarm_id=100.104


    Query alarms by type, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --query \

    entity\_type\_id=<type id\>

    Query alarms by entity type ID, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --query \

    entity\_instance\_id=<instance id\>

    Query alarms by entity instance id, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --query \


    Query alarms by severity type, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --query severity=warning

    The valid severity types are critical, major, minor, and warning.

    Query command filters can be combined into a single expression separated by semicolons, as illustrated in the following example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list -q 'alarm_id=400.002;entity_instance_id=service_domain=controller.service_group=directory-services'

    This option indicates that all active alarms should be displayed, including suppressed alarms. Suppressed alarms are displayed with their Alarm ID set to S<(alarm-id)>.


    The --uuid option on the fm alarm-list command lists the active alarm list with unique UUIDs for each alarm such that this UUID can be used in display alarm details with the fm alarm-show <UUID> command.


    Use this option to include suppressed alarms in the list.


    Management affecting alarms prevent some critical administrative actions from being performed. For example, software upgrades. Using the --mgmt\_affecting option will list an additional column in the output, 'Management Affecting', which indicates whether the alarm is management affecting or not.


    Include degrade affecting status in output.

    The following example shows alarm UUIDs.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list ``--uuid``
    | UUID         | Alarm | Reason Text      | Entity ID     | Severity | Time      |
    |              | ID    |                  |               |          | Stamp     |
    | 6056e290-    | 200.  | compute-0 was    | host=         | warning  | 2019      |
    | 2e56-        | 001   | administratively | compute-0     |          | -08-29T   |
    | 4e22-b07a-   |       | locked to take   |               |          | 17:00:16. |
    | ff9cf4fbd81a |       | it out-of        |               |          | 363072    |
    |              |       | -service.        |               |          |           |
    |              |       |                  |               |          |           |
    |              |       |                  |               |          |           |
    | 0a8a4aec-    | 100.  | NTP address      | host=         | minor    | 2019      |
    | a2cb-        | 114   | 2607:5300:201:3  | controller-1. |          | -08-29T   |
    | 46aa-8498-   |       | is not a valid   | ntp=          |          | 15:44:44. |
    | 9ed9b6448e0c |       | or a reachable   | 2607:5300:    |          | 773704    |
    |              |       | NTP server.      | 201:3         |          |           |
    |              |       |                  |               |          |           |
    |              |       |                  |               |          |           |

    This command shows a column to track the management affecting severity of each alarm type.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ fm alarm-list --mgmt_affecting
    | Alarm | Reason Text       | Entity ID     | Severity | Management | Time Stamp  |
    | ID    |                   |               |          | Affecting  |             |
    | 100.  | Platform Memory   | host=         | major    | False      | 2019-05-21T |
    | 103   | threshold         | controller-0. |          |            | 13:15:26.   |
    |       | exceeded ;        | numa=node0    |          |            | 464231      |
    |       | threshold 80%,    |               |          |            |             |
    |       | actual 80%        |               |          |            |             |
    |       |                   |               |          |            |             |
    | 100.  | Platform Memory   | host=         | major    | False      | 2019-05-21T |
    | 103   | threshold         | controller-0  |          |            | 13:15:26.   |
    |       | exceeded ;        |               |          |            | 456738      |
    |       | threshold 80%,    |               |          |            |             |
    |       | actual 80%        |               |          |            |             |
    |       |                   |               |          |            |             |
    | 200.  | controller-0 is   | host=         | major    | True       | 2019-05-20T |
    | 006   | degraded due to   | controller-0. |          |            | 23:56:51.   |
    |       | the failure of    | process=ceph  |          |            | 557509      |
    |       | its 'ceph (osd.0, | (osd.0, )     |          |            |             |
    |       | )' process. Auto  |               |          |            |             |
    |       | recovery of this  |               |          |            |             |
    |       | major process is  |               |          |            |             |
    |       | in progress.      |               |          |            |             |
    |       |                   |               |          |            |             |
    | 200.  | controller-0 was  | host=         | warning  | True       | 2019-05-17T |
    | 001   | administratively  | controller-0  |          |            | 14:17:32.   |
    |       | locked to take it |               |          |            | 794640      |
    |       | out-of-service.   |               |          |            |             |
    |       |                   |               |          |            |             |