Elisamara Aoki Goncalves 1bc9d21ab8 Doc Update for Harbor Support
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Change-Id: Iac7a50cd4ad6df506b34366d6f20dbc8d599772a
Signed-off-by: Elisamara Aoki Goncalves <>
2024-09-04 18:21:50 +00:00

19 KiB

Harbor Container Registry

Harbor is an open-source container registry with a richer and fuller set of capabilities than the built-in container registry. end users can use Harbor to manage their own application container images. Harbor secures artifacts with policies and role-based access control, ensures images are scanned and free from vulnerabilities, and signs images as trusted. Harbor has been evolved to a complete compliant cloud-native artifact registry.

With Harbor V2.0, you can manage images, manifest lists, Helm charts, , and other artifacts adhering to the image specification. It supports operations such as pulling, pushing, deleting, tagging, replicating, and scanning these artifacts. Additionally, you can now sign images and manifest lists.

Harbor also supports the replication of images between registries, and offers advanced replication of images between registries, and offers advanced security features such as user management, access control and activity auditing.

See for more details on Harbor.

Harbor Installation

  • CephFS backed are recommended for Harbor such that when configuring multiple replicas, for or Standard configurations, both Harbor replicas can read and write to the registry.
  • Create a secret as described below:
    • Generate certificates and create secret.

      A cert and server cert creation procedure using cert-manager is specified below:

      Create the certificate for Harbor using Cert-Manager and using the local , system-local-ca, as the issuer. Note that the certificate should be created in the harbor-tls SECRET in the Harbor NAMESPACE.

      For example:

      1. Create the following Harbor certificate yaml configuration file:

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > harbor-certificate.yaml
        kind: Certificate
          name: harbor-certificate
          namespace: harbor
          secretName: harbor-tls
            name: system-local-ca
            kind: ClusterIssuer
          duration: 2160h # 90 days
          renewBefore: 360h # 15 days
          commonName: < oam floating IP Address or FQDN >
              - ABC-Company
              - StarlingX-harbor
          - < oam floating IP address >
          - < harbor dns> # e.g.
          - < notary dns > # optional, required only if exposed on ingress e.g.
      2. Create the Harbor namespace:

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl create namespace harbor
      3. Apply the configuration:

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl apply -f harbor-certificate.yaml
      4. Verify the configuration:

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl get certificate harbor-certificate -n harbor

        After successful configuration, the certificate's Ready status will be True.

  1. Locate the Harbor system application tarball in /usr/local/share/applications/helm.

    For example:

  2. Upload the Harbor application.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-upload /usr/local/share/applications/helm/harbor-<version>.tgz
  3. Configure the Helm Overrides for Harbor.

    1. Expose the Harbor application externally with either nodePort or Ingress.


      1. Create Harbor using NodePort to expose the service


        The instructions below assume that the NodePorts 30002, 30003, and 30004 are available (i.e., not used by any other applications). If these ports are unavailable, please choose and configure alternative ports that are not in use.

      2. Put the following nodePort overrides in values.yaml:

          type: nodePort                                # Type should be nodeport
            enabled: true
            certSource: secret
            secret:                                 # Certificate Source is secret
              secretName: "harbor-tls"          # A secret containing tls.crt and tls.key
              notarySecretName: "harbor-tls"        #  A secret containing tls.crt and tls.key
            # The name of NodePort service
            name: harbor
                # The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP
                port: 80
                # The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTP
                nodePort: 30002
                # The service port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS
                port: 443
                # The node port Harbor listens on when serving HTTPS
                nodePort: 30003
              # Only needed when notary.enabled is set to true
                # The service port Notary listens on
                port: 4443
                # The node port Notary listens on
                nodePort: 30004
        externalURL:     # URL of harbor listing on 30003 port


      1. Create Harbor using Ingress to expose the service.


        The instructions below assume that the URL has been configured in the server owning as the OAM FLOATING IP Address of .

      2. Put the following Ingress overrides in values.yaml:

          type: ingress.                            # Type should be ingress
            enabled: true
            certSource: secret
            secret:                                 # Certificate Source is secret
              secretName: "harbor-tls"          # Above created secret name
              notarySecretName: "harbor-tls"        # Above created secret name
              core:       # Harbor Domain name
              notary:         # Notary Domain name
     nginx.   # Add ingressclass name. It would be "nginx" if you are using default ingress controller.
     "0".    # Add this notation for nginx otherwise nginx will reject the image pull & push
        externalURL:      # URL of harbor
    2. For and Standard setup, add the following storageClass and accessMode overrides for used for Harbor-Jobservice and Harbor-Registry microservice.


      Set the registry size according to your requirements considering the number and size of images that you will have in this registry.

      Example for nodePort:

        enabled: true
        resourcePolicy: "keep"
            existingClaim: ""
            storageClass: "cephfs"
            subPath: ""
            accessMode: ReadWriteMany
            size: 100Gi
            annotations: {}
              existingClaim: ""
              storageClass: "cephfs"
              subPath: ""
              accessMode: ReadWriteMany
              size: 1Gi
              annotations: {}

      Example for Ingress:

        enabled: true
        resourcePolicy: "keep"
            existingClaim: ""
            storageClass: "cephfs"
            subPath: ""
            accessMode: ReadWriteMany
            size: 100Gi
            annotations: {}
              existingClaim: ""
              storageClass: "cephfs"
              subPath: ""
              accessMode: ReadWriteMany
              size: 1Gi
              annotations: {}
    3. Update the Helm overrides.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update harbor harbor harbor  --values values.yaml
    4. Execute Helm overrides.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update harbor harbor harbor  --values values.yaml
  4. Apply/Create the Harbor system application.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-apply harbor

Configure LDAP Authentication for Harbor Registry

  • The URL for accessing the Harbor web interface is the externalURL set in the Helm override above in the step Configure Helm Overrides for Harbor <configure-helm-harbor-step>.
  • The default admin username is 'admin', and the password is 'Harbor12345'.

To configure Harbor to use Local for authentication, follow the instructions in Configure LDAP/Active Directory Authentication with the following values.

For local :

LDAP URL: ldap://controller

LDAP search DN: cn=ldapadmin,dc=cgcs,dc=local

LDAP Search Password: <Password of ldapadmin>

LDAP Base DN: dc=cgcs,dc=local


You can find <Password of ldapadmin> in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf.backup.

Push an Image to a <project> in Harbor


Depending on your docker setup, you may be required to run all of the following commands with 'sudo'.

  1. Docker Login.

    docker login <harbor_address> -u <username>

    Where <harbor-address> is either:

    • for 'Ingress' expose:
    • for 'NodePort' expose: https:// <oam-floating-ip>:30003 and <username> is your actual username
  2. Tag the image.

    docker tag redis:latest <harbor_address>/<project>/redis:latest
  3. Push the image.

    docker push <harbor_address>/<project>/redis:latest

Pull an Image from Harbor

Use command to pull an image:

docker pull <harbor_address>/<project>/ redis:latest

Where <harbor-address> is either:

  • for 'Ingress' expose:
  • for 'NodePort' expose: https:// <oam-floating-ip>:30003

Push a Helm Chart as an OCI Object

helm package <Chart_Path>

helm push <chart_package> oci://<harbor_address>/<project>/

Pull a Helm Chart

helm pull oci://<chart_package/<project>/harbor

Project Management

A project in Harbor contains all the repositories (images) of a particular application; e.g. the project in Harbor would contain all the images from .

For more details on creating and configuring a project see: Create Projects and Project Configuration.

Use Images from a Remote Registry

A project in a local Harbor registry can be used as a pull-through cache for a remote registry. For example, a Harbor registry project on a Subcloud can be used as a pull-through cache of a Harbor registry project on its system controller. This can be achieved using a proxy project which acts as a proxy to the remote registry, or using a replication of the remote registry.

Add a proxy project

Proxy cache allows you to use Harbor to proxy and cache images from a target public or private registry. It does not allow to push the image by the user. Below are the steps to create a proxy project:

  1. Create a registry endpoint. See Creating Replication Endpoints.
  2. Create a new project using the above created registry endpoint. See Configure Proxy Cache.

Add Replication Rule

Setting up pull based replication replicates the images from the remote registry based on a trigger. Trigger can be Manual, scheduled, or event based as shown below.


  1. Create a replication endpoint. See Creating Replication Endpoints.
  2. Create a new replication rule with replication mode as pull based as describe in Creating a Replication Rule.

Add Users to the Project

You can add individual users to a project, for more details see Assign Users to a Project.

  • /AD users can be added to the project.
  • /AD groups to projects and assign a role to the group.
  • You can see the various roles and user permission associated with the roles in User Permissions By Role.

Configure Signed Images Support

For more details see: Implementing Content Trust.

  1. Select cosign or notary for content trust. Harbor will then only allow verified images to be pulled from the project.


  2. Enable content trust by setting the following environment variables on the machine on which you run the Docker client.

    export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_SERVER=https://<harbor_address>:<notary port[30004]>

    If you push the image for the first time, you will be asked to enter the root key passphrase.

Configure Trivy Scanner Plugin

Trivy is installed and configured as a default scanner.


Configure Size of Registry DB

  1. Registry DB size can be configured by setting following in values.yaml under:

          size: 5Gi
            size: 1Gi
  2. Set the the value (Default set to 5Gi).

    system helm-override-update harbor harbor harbor --values values.yaml
  3. Apply the change:

    system application-apply harbor

Enforcement of Image Security Policies Using Portieris

Portieris allows to configure trust policies for an individual namespace or cluster-wide and checks the image against a signed image list on a specified notary server to enforce the configured image policies. An Administrator can enforce image security policies using the Portieris admission controller.

It is required to pull from a registry using a docker-registry secret. Enforcing trust for anonymous image pulls is not supported.

To use portieris, an administrator needs to follow below steps:

  1. Install portieris as specified in install-portieris.

  2. Configure image policy to allow images from Harbor registry + notary as specified portieris-clusterimagepolicy-and-imagepolicy-configuration. Below example shows the policy allowing image from Harbor registry.

    kind: ImagePolicy
     name: allow-custom
      namespace: harbor
        - name: "<harbor-address>:30003/*"
            enabled: true
            trustServer: "https://<notary address>:30004" # Optional, custom trust server for repository
  3. Create a SECRET with a Harbor username and password, to use as an ImagePullSecret in a POD spec.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry \
    -n harbor harbor-registry-secret \
    --docker-server=<harbor-address>:port \
    --docker-username=admin \


    If the pod creation with the above secret fails, the user should try with new secret with --docker-server as <harbor-address>.

  4. Pull a signed image from Harbor registry in a pod using harbor-secret created above. Please note that image policy and pod should be created in the same namespace.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod-public
      - command:
        - sleep
        - '3600'
        image: <harbor-address>:30003/public-demo/redis:latest
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: test-pod
      - key: ""
        operator: "Exists"
        effect: "NoSchedule"
      - name: harbor-registry-secret


Harbor application cannot be deployed during bootstrap due to the bootstrap deployment dependencies such as early availability of storage class.