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Upgrade the System Controller Using the CLI

You can upload and apply upgrades to the System Controller in order to upgrade the central repository, from the CLI. The System Controller can be upgraded using either a manual software upgrade procedure or by using the non-distributed systems sw-manager orchestration procedure.

Follow the steps below to manually upgrade the System Controller:

  1. Source the platform environment.

    $ source /etc/platform/openrc


  2. Transfer iso and signature files to controller-0 (active controller) and import the load.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system --os-region-name SystemController load-import <bootimage>.iso <bootimage>.sig

    For example,

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system --os-region-name SystemController load-import <bootimage>.iso <bootimage>.sig


    This can take several minutes.

  3. Apply any required software updates. After the update is installed ensure controller-0 is active.

    The system must be 'patch current'. All software updates related to your current software release must be uploaded, applied, and installed.

    All software updates to the new release, only need to be uploaded and applied. The install of these software updates will occur automatically during the software upgrade procedure as the hosts are reset to load the new release of software.

    To find and download applicable updates, visit the Wind River Support Network.

    For more information, see : Managing Software Updates <managing-software-updates>.

  4. Confirm that the system is healthy.

    Check the current system health status, resolve any alarms and other issues reported by the health-query-upgrade command, then recheck the system health status to confirm that all System Health fields are set to OK.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system health-query-upgrade
    System Health:
    All hosts are provisioned: [OK]
    All hosts are unlocked/enabled: [OK]
    All hosts have current configurations: [OK]
    All hosts are patch current: [OK]
    Ceph Storage Healthy: [OK]
    No alarms: [OK]
    All kubernetes nodes are ready: [OK]
    All kubernetes control plane pods are ready: [OK]
    Required patches are applied: [OK]
    License valid for upgrade: [OK]

    By default, the upgrade process cannot run and is not recommended to run with active alarms present. It is strongly recommended that you clear your system of all alarms before doing an upgrade.


    Use the command system upgrade-start --force to force the upgrade process to start and ignore non-management-affecting alarms. This should ONLY be done if these alarms do not cause an issue for the upgrades process.

  5. Start the upgrade from controller-0.

    Make sure that controller-0 is the active controller, and you are logged into controller-0 as sysadmin and your present working directory is your home directory.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-start
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | starting                             |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

    This will make a copy of the system data to be used in the upgrade. Configuration changes must not be made after this point, until the upgrade is completed.

    The following upgrade state applies once this command is executed. Run the system upgrade-show command to verify the status of the upgrade.

    • started:
      • State entered after system upgrade-start completes.
      • Release nn.nn system data (for example, postgres databases) has been exported to be used in the upgrade.

    As part of the upgrade, the upgrade process checks the health of the system and validates that the system is ready for an upgrade.

    The upgrade process checks that no alarms are active before starting an upgrade.


    Use the command system upgrade-start --force to force the upgrades process to start and to ignore management affecting alarms. This should ONLY be done if these alarms do not cause an issue for the upgrades process.

    The fm alarm-list will provide the specific alarms leading to the system health-query-upgrade alarms notes which may be blocking an orchestrated upgrade.

    On systems with Ceph storage, it also checks that the Ceph cluster is healthy.

  6. Upgrade controller-1.

    1. Lock controller-1.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock controller-1
    2. Start the upgrade on controller-1.

      Controller-1 installs the update and reboots, then performs data migration.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-upgrade controller-1

      Wait for controller-1 to reinstall with the load N+1 and becomes locked-disabled-online state.

      The following data migration states apply when this command is executed.

      • data-migration:
        • State entered when system host-upgrade controller-1 is executed.
        • System data is being migrated from release N to release N+1.
      • data-migration-complete or upgrading-controllers:
        • State entered when controller-1 upgrade is complete.

        • System data has been successfully migrated from release nn.nn to release nn.nn.

          where nn.nn in the update file name is the release number.

      • data-migration-failed:
        • State entered if data migration on controller-1 fails.
        • Upgrade must be aborted.
    3. Check the upgrade state.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-show
      | Property     | Value                                |
      | uuid         | e7c8f6bc-518c-46d4-ab81-7a59f8f8e64b |
      | state        | data-migration-complete              |
      | from_release | nn.nn                                |
      | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

      If the upgrade-show status indicates 'data-migration-failed', then there is an issue with the data migration. Check the issue before proceeding to the next step.


      Do not unlock controller-1, before running system upgrade-show to display the upgrade status "data-migration-complete".

    4. Unlock controller-1.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-1

      Wait for controller-1 to become unlocked-enabled. Wait for the DRBD sync 400.001 Services-related alarm is raised and then cleared.

      The following states apply when this command is executed.

      • upgrading-controllers:
        • State entered when controller-1 has been unlocked and is running release nn.nn software.

          where nn.nn in the update file name is the release number.

      If it transitions to unlocked-disabled-failed, check the issue before proceeding to the next step. The alarms may indicate a configuration error. Check the result of the configuration logs on controller-1, (for example, Error logs in controller1:/var/log/puppet).

    5. Run the system application-list, and system host-upgrade-list commands to view the current progress.

  7. Set controller-1 as the active controller. Swact to controller-1.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-swact controller-0

    Wait until services have gone active on the new active controller-1 before proceeding to the next step. When all services on controller-1 are enabled-active, the swact is complete.


    Continue the remaining steps below to manually upgrade or use upgrade orchestration to upgrade the remaining nodes.

  8. Upgrade controller-0.

    For more information, see Updates and Upgrades <software-updates-and-upgrades-software-updates>.

    1. Lock controller-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock controller-0
    2. Upgrade controller-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-upgrade controller-0
    3. Unlock controller-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-0

      Wait until the DRBD sync 400.001 Services-related alarm is raised and then cleared before proceeding to the next step.

      • upgrading-hosts:
        • State entered when both controllers are running release nn.nn software.
  9. Check the system health to ensure that there are no unexpected alarms.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ fm alarm-list

    Clear all alarms unrelated to the upgrade process.

  10. If using Ceph storage backend, upgrade the storage nodes one at a time.

    The storage node must be locked and all must be down in order to do the upgrade.

    1. Lock storage-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock storage-0
    2. Verify that the are down after the storage node is locked.

      In the Horizon interface, navigate to Admin > Platform > Storage Overview to view the status of the .

    3. Upgrade storage-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-upgrade storage-0

      The upgrade is complete when the node comes online, and at that point, you can safely unlock the node.

      After upgrading a storage node, but before unlocking, there are Ceph synchronization alarms (that appear to be making progress in synching), and there are infrastructure network interface alarms (since the infrastructure network interface configuration has not been applied to the storage node yet, as it has not been unlocked).

      Unlock the node as soon as the upgraded storage node comes online.

    4. Unlock storage-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock storage-0

      Wait for all alarms to clear after the unlock before proceeding to upgrade the next storage host.

    5. Repeat the above steps for each storage host.


      After upgrading the first storage node you can expect alarm 800.003. The alarm is cleared after all storage nodes are upgraded.

  11. If worker nodes are present, upgrade worker hosts, serially or in parallel, if any.

    1. Lock worker-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock worker-0
    2. Upgrade worker-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-upgrade worker-0

      Wait for the host to run the installer, reboot, and go online before unlocking it in the next step.

    3. Unlock worker-0.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock worker-0

      Wait for all alarms to clear after the unlock before proceeding to the next worker host.

    4. Repeat the above steps for each worker host.

  12. Set controller-0 as the active controller. Swact to controller-0.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-swact controller-1

    Wait until services have gone active on the active controller-0 before proceeding to the next step. When all services on controller-0 are enabled-active, the swact is complete.

  13. Activate the upgrade.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-activate
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | activating                           |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

    During the running of the upgrade-activate command, new configurations are applied to the controller. 250.001 (hostname Configuration is out-of-date) alarms are raised and are cleared as the configuration is applied. The upgrade state goes from activating to activation-complete once this is done.

    The following states apply when this command is executed.


    State entered when system upgrade-activate is executed.


    State entered when we have started activating the upgrade by applying new configurations to the controller and compute hosts.


    State entered when applying host-specific configurations. This state is entered only if needed.


    State entered when new configurations have been applied to all controller and compute hosts.

    #. Check the status of the upgrade again to see it has reached

    activation-complete, for example.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-show
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | activation-complete                  |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |
    .. note::
        This can take more than half an hour to complete.


    Alarms are generated as the subcloud load sync_status is "out-of-sync".

  14. Complete the upgrade.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system upgrade-complete
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 61e5fcd7-a38d-40b0-ab83-8be55b87fee2 |
    | state        | completing                           |
    | from_release | nn.nn                                |
    | to_release   | nn.nn                                |

    Run the system upgrade-show command, and the status will display "no upgrade in progress". The subclouds will be out-of-sync.
