Ron Stone f125a8b892 Remove spurious escapes (r8,dsR8)
This change addresses a long-standing issue in rST documentation imported from XML.
That import process added backslash escapes in front of various characters. The three
most common being '(', ')', and '_'.
These instances are removed.

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
Change-Id: Id43a9337ffcd505ccbdf072d7b29afdb5d2c997e
2023-03-01 11:19:04 +00:00

8.7 KiB

Add a Storage Tier Using the CLI

You can add custom storage tiers for to meet specific container disk requirements.

For more information about storage tiers, see : Storage on Storage Hosts <storage-hosts-storage-on-storage-hosts>.

  • On an All-in-One Simplex or Duplex system, controller-0 must be provisioned and unlocked before you can add a secondary tier.
  • On Standard (2+2) and Standard with Storage (2+2+2) system, both controllers must be unlocked and available before secondary tiers can be added.

  1. Ensure that the storage tier has a full complement of OSDs.

    You cannot add new tiers until the default storage tier contains the number of OSDs required by the replication factor for the storage backend.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-tier-show ceph_cluster storage
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | acc8fb74-6dc9-453f-85c8-884f85522639 |
    | name         | storage                              |
    | type         | ceph                                 |
    | status       | in-use                               |
    | backend_uuid | 649830bf-b628-4170-b275-1f0b01cfc859 |
    | cluster_uuid | 364d4f89-bbe1-4797-8e3b-01b745e3a471 |
    | OSDs         | [0, 1]                               |
    | created_at   | 2018-02-15T19:32:28.682391+00:00     |
    | updated_at   | 2018-02-15T20:01:34.557959+00:00     |
  2. List the names of any other existing storage tiers.

    To create a new tier, you must assign a unique name.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-tier-list ceph_cluster
    | uuid    | name    | status | backend_using                        |
    | acc8... | storage | in-use | 649830bf-b628-4170-b275-1f0b01cfc859 |
  3. Use the system storage-tier-add command to add a new tier.

    For example, to add a storage tier called gold:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-tier-add ceph_cluster gold
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 220f17e2-8564-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb |
    | name         | gold                                 |
    | type         | ceph                                 |
    | status       | defined                              |
    | backend_uuid | None                                 |
    | cluster_uuid | 5c48ed22-2a03-4b90-abc4-73757a594494 |
    | OSDs         | [0, 1]                               |
    | created_at   | 2018-02-19T21:36:59.302059+00:00     |
    | updated_at   | None                                 |
  4. Add a storage backend to provide access to the tier.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-add -n <name> -t <tier_uuid> ceph

    For example, to add a storage backend named gold-store using the new tier:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-add -n gold-store -t 220f17e2-8564-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb ceph
    System configuration has changed.
    Please follow the administrator guide to complete configuring the system.
    | uuid      | name         | backend  | state      | task      | services | capabilities       |
    | 23e396f2- | shared_servi | external | configured | None      | glance   |                    |
    |           | ces          |          |            |           |          |                    |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
    | 558e5573- | gold-store   | ceph     | configured | None      | None     | min_replication: 1 |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          | replication:     2 |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
    | 5ccdf53a- | ceph-store   | ceph     | configured | provision | None     | min_replication: 1 |
    |           |              |          |            |-storage   |          | replication:     2 |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
  5. Enable the Cinder service on the new storage backend.


    The Cinder Service is ONLY applicable to the application.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-modify gold-store
    | Property             | Value                                   |
    | backend              | ceph                                    |
    | name                 | gold-store                              |
    | state                | configuring                             |
    | task                 | {u'controller-1': 'applying-manifests', |
    |                      | u'controller-0': 'applying-manifests'}  |
    | services             | cinder                                  |
    | capabilities         | {u'min_replication': u'1',              |
    |                      | u'replication': u'2'}                   |
    | object_gateway       | False                                   |
    | ceph_total_space_gib | 0                                       |
    | object_pool_gib      | None                                    |
    | cinder_pool_gib      | 0                                       |
    | glance_pool_gib      | None                                    |
    | ephemeral_pool_gib   | None                                    |
    | tier_name            | gold                                    |
    | tier_uuid            | 220f17e2-8564-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb    |
    | created_at           | 2018-02-20T19:55:49.912568+00:00        |
    | updated_at           | 2018-02-20T20:14:57.476317+00:00        |


    During storage backend configuration, Openstack services may not be available for a short period of time. Proceed to the next step once the configuration is complete.

You must assign OSDs to the tier. For more information, see : Provision Storage on a Storage Host <provision-storage-on-a-controller-or-storage-host-using-horizon>.

To delete a tier that is not in use by a storage backend and does not have OSDs assigned to it, use the command:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-tier-delete
usage: system storage-tier-delete <cluster name or uuid> <storage tier name or uuid>

For example:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-tier-delete ceph_cluster 268c967b-207e-4641-bd5a-6c05cc8706ef

To use the tier for a container volume, include the --volume-type parameter when creating the Cinder volume, and supply the name of the cinder type. For example:

~(keystone_admin)]$ cinder create --volume-type ceph-gold --name debian-guest 2
| ID      | Name      | Description | Is_Public |
| 77b2... | ceph-gold | -           | True      |
| df25... | ceph      | -           | True      |