Elaine Fonaro b0c59ae8bd Need to add / and /var file system expansion (r8,dsr8)
- Added log-lv.
- Added the rootfs and var support that is missing in the table.

Change-Id: I7dd59426720e003ca918e0572fe85e4c4409abb8
Signed-off-by: Elaine Fonaro <>
2023-07-18 14:23:00 +00:00

8.9 KiB

Increase Controller Filesystem Storage Allotments Using the CLI

You can use the to list or increase the allotments for controller-based storage at any time after installation.

For more information about increasing filesystem allotments, or to use the Horizon Web interface, see Increase Controller Filesystem Storage Allotments Using Horizon <increase-controller-filesystem-storage-allotments-using-horizon>.


Decreasing the filesystem size is not supported, and can result in synchronization failures requiring system re-installation. Do not attempt to decrease the size of the filesystem.

Before proceeding, review the prerequisites given for Increase Controller Filesystem Storage Allotments Using Horizon <increase-controller-filesystem-storage-allotments-using-horizon>.

  1. To review the existing host filesystems on a controller, use the system host-fs-list <hostname> command. For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-fs-list controller-0
    | UUID                                 | FS Name | Size in GiB | Logical Volume |
    | 1875cd0e-aee2-4646-b397-298348acf424 | backup  | 25          | backup-lv      |
    | cee6df98-9222-4594-b25f-469c625c5975 | docker  | 60          | docker-lv      |
    | c53be87c-bbcf-4d11-8cf5-93f350f8d027 | kubelet | 10          | kubelet-lv     |
    | efdddf39-7a0d-48f1-a14d-fc734e5b8675 | scratch | 16          | scratch-lv     |
    | 3fe89994-a5b9-4612-8321-443fc9d2fba7 | log     | 8           | log-lv         |
    | 0215defd-ded2-46df-9338-1d39e7648028 | root    | 20          | root-lv        |
    | c987d5d7-729e-400c-8d51-ff464b2b9675 | var     | 20          | var-lv         |
  2. To review the existing controller filesystems that are synchronized between controllers on two controller ( and standard) systems, use the system controllerfs-list command.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system controllerfs-list
    | UUID        | FS Name     | Size | Logical      | Replicated | State     |
    |             |             | in   | Volume       |            |           |
    |             |             | GiB  |              |            |           |
    |             |             |      |              |            |           |
    | aa9c7eab... | database    | 10   | pgsql-lv     | True       | available |
    |             |             |      |              |            |           |
    | 173cbb02... | docker-     | 16   | docker       |            |           |
    |             | distribution|      | distribution | True       | available |
    |             |             |      |-lv           |            |           |
    |             |             |      |              |            |           |
    | 448f77b9... | etcd        | 5    | etcd-lv      | True       | available |
    |             |             |      |              |            |           |
    | 9eadf06a... | extension   | 1    | extension-lv | True       | available |
    |             |             |      |              |            |           |
    | afcb9f0e... | platform    | 10   | platform-lv  | True       | available |


    The values shown by system controllerfs-list are not adjusted for space used by the filesystem, and therefore may not agree with the output of the Linux df command. Also, they are rounded compared to the df output.

  3. Modify, for example, the docker host filesystem size on controller-0.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-fs-modify controller-0 docker=60
    | UUID                                 | FS Name | Size in GiB | Logical Volume |
    | 910844e9-f763-4426-8b92-9b44693ee8a7 | backup  | 35          | backup-lv      |
    | 3bb38311-00b3-49c7-8b53-9178aeef2233 | docker  | 60          | docker-lv      |
    | 44dd07e8-b4bf-4751-b76b-dd96b5bea9cc | kubelet | 10          | kubelet-lv     |
    | b2ab5c8e-a26a-4460-b960-552c636cfe43 | scratch | 16          | scratch-lv     |
    | 3fe89994-a5b9-4612-8321-443fc9d2fba7 | log     | 8           | log-lv         |
    | 0215defd-ded2-46df-9338-1d39e7648028 | root    | 20          | root-lv        |
    | c987d5d7-729e-400c-8d51-ff464b2b9675 | var     | 20          | var-lv         |


    When you use the system host-fs-modify to increase the filesystem size, you may not have enough space in the due to additional services running on the controller host. To increase the size from the default size of 30G to 60G for example, the docker filesystem, see below:

    # check existing size of docker fs
    system host-fs-list controller-0
    # check available space (Avail Size (GiB)) in cgts-vg LVG where docker fs is located
    system host-lvg-list controller-0
    # if existing docker fs size + cgts-vg available space is less than
    # 80G, you will need to add a new disk partition to cgts-vg.
    # There must be at least 20GB of available space after the docker
    # filesystem is increased.
       # Assuming you have unused space on ROOT DISK, add partition to ROOT DISK.
       # ( if not use another unused disk )
       # Get device path of ROOT DISK
       system host-show controller-0 --nowrap | fgrep rootfs
       # Get UUID of ROOT DISK by listing disks
       system host-disk-list controller-0
       # Create new PARTITION on ROOT DISK, and take note of new partition's 'uuid' in response
       # Use a partition size such that you'll be able to increase docker fs size from 30G to 60G
       system hostdisk-partition-add -t lvm_phys_vol controller-0 <root-disk-uuid> ${PARTITION_SIZE}
       # Add new partition to 'cgts-vg' local volume group
       system host-pv-add controller-0 cgts-vg <NEW_PARTITION_UUID>
       sleep 2    # wait for partition to be added
       # Increase docker filesystem to 60G
       system host-fs-modify controller-0 docker=60
  4. Modify, for example, the extensions controller filesystem on the controller(s).

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system controllerfs-modify extension=2
    | UUID                                 | FS Name             | Size in | Logical Volume        | Replicated | State                        |
    |                                      |                     | GiB     |                       |            |                              |
    | 176b8e7b-e38c-4829-b16f-023465360e52 | extension           | 2       | extension-lv          | True       | drbd_fs_resizing_in_progress |
    | 6efb7069-6eef-49d1-aaca-771164e129f3 | docker-distribution | 16      | dockerdistribution-lv | True       | available                    |
    | a0b10f6d-21f6-4e3c-a0f7-166f96672d93 | database            | 10      | pgsql-lv              | True       | available                    |
    | db43909e-8389-4372-8914-4018166f5eca | etcd                | 5       | etcd-lv               | True       | available                    |
    | f9b55e7c-468e-46bd-8ae7-5ca817e3e250 | platform            | 10      | platform-lv           | True       | available                    |