Changed paths to avoid '..', which breaks symlinks in newer versions of sphinx. Consolidated installation include files under /_includes. Prefixed r5 versions with 'r5_' Moved files that are used up/down, but at different paths under /shared/_includes and /shared/figures Move two include files to /_includes Moved addtional images to /shared/figures/... Required for DS platform builds. Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <ronald.stone@windriver.com> Change-Id: Ia38f4205c5803b3d1fc043e6c59617c34a4e5cbd Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <ronald.stone@windriver.com>
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Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims in Containers
This is a stub page for the topic: Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims in Containers. You can help StarlingX by expanding the content.
See the story for additional information about what is needed: Add Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims in Containers Guide
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