Removed duplicate abbrev definitions Signed-off-by: Rafael Jardim <rafaeljordao.jardim@windriver.com> Change-Id: I7910d9f54e158250004abd7e17a4e119f8064252 Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <ronald.stone@windriver.com>
724 B
724 B
Access Using the Default Set-up
Upon installation, you can access the system using either the local via the local console and/or ssh, and , the WRO administrative web service.
For details on the local , see Use Local CLIs <use-local-clis>
For convenience, the administrative web service, Horizon, is initially made available on node port 31000, i.e. at URL http://<oam-floating-ip-address>:31000.
After setting the domain name, see Configure Remote CLIs
, is accessed by a
different URL.