Juanita-Balaraj e3bbf0564a High Security Vulnerability Document Updates (r6, r6ds, r7, r7ds)
Updated Patchset 7 comments
Fixed merge conflicts
Updated review comments from Patchset 4
Fixed build errors
Greg to review and provide inputs

Signed-off-by: Juanita-Balaraj <>
Change-Id: I2f630104813210f160fa56e7af7e9754a6d9236a
2022-12-16 18:04:58 -05:00

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Configure an External NetApp Deployment as the Storage Backend

Configure an external NetApp deployment as the storage backend, after system installation using a -provided ansible playbook.

must be installed and fully deployed before performing this procedure.

  1. Configure the storage network.


    Follow the next steps to configure storage network


  2. If you have not done so already, create an address pool for the storage network. This can be done at any time.

    system addrpool-add --ranges <start_address>-<end_address> <name_of_address_pool> <network_address> <network_prefix>

    For example:

    (keystone_admin)$ system addrpool-add --ranges storage-pool 24
  3. If you have not done so already, create the storage network using the address pool.

    For example:

    (keystone_admin)$ system addrpool-list | grep storage-pool | awk '{print$2}' | xargs system network-add storage-net storage true
  4. For each host in the system, do the following:

    1. Lock the host.

      (keystone_admin)$ system host-lock <hostname>
    2. Create an interface using the address pool.

      For example:

      (keystone_admin)$ system host-if-modify -n storage0 -c platform --ipv4-mode static --ipv4-pool storage-pool controller-0 enp0s9
    3. Assign the interface to the network.

      For example:

      (keystone_admin)$ system interface-network-assign controller-0 storage0 storage-net
    4. Unlock the system.

      (keystone_admin)$ system host-unlock <hostname>
  5. Configure NetApps configurable parameters and run the provided install_netapp_backend.yml ansible playbook to enable connectivity to NetApp as a storage backend for .

  6. Provide NetApp backend configurable parameters in an overrides yaml file.

    You can make changes-in-place to your existing localhost.yml file or create another in an alternative location. In either case, you also have the option of using an ansible vault to secure/encrypt the localhost.yaml file containing sensitive data, i.e, using ansible-vault create $HOME/localhost.yml or ansible-vault edit $HOME/localhost.yml commands.

    The following parameters are mandatory:


    Provide the admin password.


    name A name for the storage class.


    This value must be


    This value can be anything but must be the same as StorageDriverName below.


    This value must be 1.


    This value can be anything but must be the same as backendType below.


    The management IP address for the backend logical interface.


    The data IP address for the backend logical interface.


    The storage virtual machine type to use.


    The username for authentication against the netapp backend.


    The password for authentication against the netapp backend.

    The following parameters are optional:


    Set a staging directory for generated configuration files. The default is /tmp/trident.


    Set this option to use an alternate Kubernetes namespace.


    Use an alternate port for the Trident REST API. The default is 8000.


    Add extra space-separated parameters when installing trident.

    For complete listings of available parameters, see


    The following example shows a minimal configuration in localhost.yaml:

    ansible_become_pass: xx43U~a96DN*m.?
    trident_setup_dir: /tmp/trident
        - metadata:
            name: netapp-nas-backend
            backendType: "ontap-nas"
        - metadata:
            name: csi-snapclass
        deletionPolicy: Delete
        - version: 1
        storageDriverName: "ontap-nas"
        backendName: "nas-backend"
        managementLIF: ""
        dataLIF: ""
        svm: "svm_nfs"
        username: "admin"
        password: "secret"

    This file is sectioned into netapp_k8s_storageclass, netapp_k8s_snapshotstorageclasses, and netapp_backends. You can add multiple backends and/or storage classes.


    To use IPv6 addressing, you must add the following to your configuration:

    trident_install_extra_params: "--use-ipv6"

    For more information about configuration options, see


    By default, NetApp is configured to have 777 as unixPermissions. recommends changing these settings to make it more secure, for example, "unixPermissions": "755". Ensure that the right permissions are used, and there is no conflict with container security.

    Do NOT use 777 as unixPermissions to configure an external NetApp deployment as the Storage backend. For more information, contact NetApp, at

  7. Run the playbook.

    The following example uses the -e option to specify a customized location for the localhost.yml file.

    ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/install_netapp_backend.yml -e "override_files_dir=</home/sysadmin/mynetappconfig>"

    Upon successful launch, there will be one Trident pod running on each node, plus an extra pod for the REST API running on one of the controller nodes.

  8. Confirm that the pods launched successfully.

    In an all-in-one simplex environment you will see pods similar to the following:

    (keystone_admin)$ kubectl -n <tridentNamespace> get pods
    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    trident-csi-c4575c987-ww49n   5/5     Running   0          0h5m
    trident-csi-hv5l7             2/2     Running   0          0h5m

To configure a persistent volume claim for the NetApp backend, add the appropriate storage-class name you set up in step 2 <configure-an-external-netapp-deployment-as-the-storage-backend> (netapp-nas-backend in this example) to the persistent volume claim's yaml configuration file. For more information about this file, see : Create ReadWriteOnce Persistent Volume Claims <kubernetes-user-tutorials-create-readwriteonce-persistent-volume-claims>.

Configure NetApps Using a Private Docker Registry

Use the docker_registries parameter to pull from the local registry rather than public ones.

You must first push the files to the local registry.