The guidance for adding test details as a comment in the review is removed. It's replaced with instructions to include the test details in the commit message. Additional considerations for test based on code changes in specific repositories are added. Added instructions for including '-x' option when cherry-picking code. Change-Id: Ic23386b15fc1b2fdb1664921f317322584018eac Signed-off-by: Ramaswamy Subramanian <ramaswamy.subramanian@windriver.com>
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216 lines
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.. _code-submission-guide:
Code Submission Guidelines
StarlingX follows the
`OpenStack developer contribution guidelines <https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html>`_.
This guide contains StarlingX-specific tasks and guidelines.
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Pre-review and pre-submission testing
* For the majority of cases, it is expected that the author completes their
testing before posting a review.
* Update existing automated unit tests and add new ones when applicable.
* Make sure the new code compiles and builds successfully.
* For each package being modified, update the ``TIS_PATCH_VER`` variable in
the centos/build_srpm.data. If ``TIS_PATCH_VER=PKG_GITREVCOUNT`` is already present,
then changes to increment is for testing only; and is not required in commit
as the version is automatically incremented on commit. This ensures that packages
are versioned correctly and the latest version will be used. If up-versioning a
package, then reset ``TIS_PATCH_VER`` to 0.
* Check build dependencies of a new or modified package using
``build-pkgs --dep-test <pkg>`` (see details below).
* Run tox tests (flake8, py27, etc) successfully. These can all be run manually
prior to launching a review.
* Verify basic functional testing on a live system to ensure the new code gets
executed and functions correctly.
* If the code changes are related to config/stx-puppet/ansible, impact on the following
should be assessed. If appropriate, additional tests should be executed.
* Bootstrap
* Backup and restore
* Upgrade
* If needed, consult with the core reviewers or send questions to the StarlingX
discuss mailing list (starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io) regarding
required/recommended testing.
* The commit message should include a **Test Plan** section that lists the test case
titles of manual tests executed on the update. In addition to the success path
test cases, additional test plan subsections are recommended.
For example.::
Test Plan: <success path test cases for new or changed behaviors>
PASS: Verify new functional behavior 1
PASS: Verify affected functional behavior 2
Failure Path: <failure path, i.e. negative tests>
PASS: Verify feature error path 1 is handled properly
PASS: Verify feature error path 2 is handled properly
PASS: Verify feature error path n is handled properly
Regression: <test cases that should still work but should be confirmed>
PASS: Verify system install
PASS: Verify feature alarm handling
PASS: Verify no core dumps and no memory leaks
PASS: Verify feature logging
Notes on the above "Execution Status Key":
FAIL: test failed; author is investigating while review is in progress
PASS: test passed
: no status means the test is not yet run.
After completing testing, when the code is ready for submission, it's not
necessary to add expected results. Just the titles are sufficient. The
formatting of the **Test Plan** section must conform to standard commit
message rules. The goal is to inform reviewers about the testing done
as part of this new code.
Code reviews
* Use Gerrit for StarlingX code reviews
* Follow the OpenStack Git Commit Good Practice for
`Git Commit Messages <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages>`_
* Add the core reviewers for the affected sub-project to the review, as well as
any other interested reviewers
* The core reviewers are listed in each sub-project repository. Refer to the
list of
`sub-project repos <https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/?filter=starlingx>`_
* In order for code to get merged, two core reviewers must give the review +2.
A final Workflow +1 from one core reviewer will allow the code to merge.
Typically, the final W+1 is done by the second core reviewer.
* If a core reviewer sets a -2, the code cannot be merged until that reviewer
removes their -2.
* Authors should not review their own code and, therefore, should not +2 or W+
their code submissions
* If an exception is needed (ex: emergency fix for a broken build), the
author should send an email to the mailing list to let the community know
or contact the core reviewers on IRC.
Code review process
* Any contributor can review commits by any other contributor, optionally adding
comments and/or setting approvals of -1/0/+1. For regular contributors, these
are considered opinion only, though the core reviewers
will generally take them into account.
* Reviewers should set "-1" to indicate there are things which must be fixed
before the review should be approved. If a reviewer sets -1, they must leave
one or more comments indicating specific issues.
* If line-specific issues are raised by a reviewer, it is expected that the
committer leaves line-specific comments indicating that it has been addressed
(this could be a simple as replying with "Done"), or if not, why not. General
comments applying to the whole review should be replied to in the general
* Reviewers may prefix comments with "nit:". This indicates a fix that would be
nice but would not block merging the commit. If a new revision is needed to
fix any non-nit issues, it is expected that any nits should be fixed at that
* For more details, refer the OpenStack code review process, documented in the
`OpenStack Developer Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#code-review>`_
.. _link-review-to-story:
Link reviews to story or bug
* For traceability, always link your code change to a story or bug. The
story/bug will give reviewers context for the code changes. This will also be
used to help determine the relative priority of the code changes.
* Gerrit will update the status of the story/bug automatically once the code is
* Linking to StoryBoard Stories: Specify the story and task ID in the commit
message as follows:
* Story: $story_id
* Task: $task_id
* Example: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590083/
* Linking to Launchpad Bugs: Specify the Bug ID in the commit message as
* Closes-Bug: $bug_id -- use 'Closes-Bug' if the commit is intended to fully
fix and close the bug being referenced.
* Partial-Bug: $bug_id -- use 'Partial-Bug' if the commit is only a partial
fix and more work is needed.
* Related-Bug: $bug_id -- use 'Related-Bug' if the commit is merely related
to the referenced bug.
* If a fix requires multiple commits, use "Partial-Bug" with only the final
commit using "Closes-Bug"
* Example: https://review.openstack.org/596305
Check build dependencies
When you upversion a package or make significant changes to its build scripts
(spec files, make files, auto-config, etc.), you must test the build
dependencies of the modified package.
First, complete a full build using ``build-pkgs``.
Next, use ``build-pkgs --dep-test <pkg>`` to test the build dependencies.
You may think that if your package passes a full build (``build-pkgs``), that
all dependencies have been checked, however, this is **not** the case. When
doing a full build, the build environment is not wiped clean between packages.
This means that the environment might (or might not) have a tool or library
required by your package, which is not listed as a ``BuildRequires`` in its spec
file. Your package may build successfully one time, but might not build the next
time, depending on which packages were scheduled to build in the same
environment before your package.
The ``--dep-test`` option rebuilds one specific package in a clean environment
and provides an effective test of the BuildRequires for that package.
Early review and feedback
* In specific cases, changes can be posted for early review prior to testing
(ex: need early feedback on detailed design/coding approach)
* Such changes should be marked as WIP in the commit message and given a
Workflow -1 immediately by the author
* The author should also include a comment in the review explaining the purpose
of the review and why the testing is deferred.
* Reviewing code early and often helps catch design and coding errors sooner
and shows us following the Four Opens.
* All code changes must be pushed to master first and then cherry-picked to the
appropriate release branch as needed
* When cherry-picking updates using “git cherry-pick”, include the '-x' option. This
automatically adds the “(cherry picked from commit XXXXX)” line to your commit
message, which is helpful to code reviewers.
* Exception: Feature branches used during development
Patch rebase
* During patch re-base, there is a chance that patches can be applied by
treating the patch line numbers as approximate, rather than a strict
requirement, just so long as the before/after context seems to be correct.
They require fuzzing during the patch apply, and an .orig file will be
created as the consequence of applying patches that are not clean.
* In StarlingX, we will not accept fuzzing patches. All patches are required to
be re-based cleanly so that no fuzzing and no .orig files are generated.