Add known limitatoins section to R3 release notes to address the known issue with changing the Keystone admin pwd, and the known workaround. Change-Id: I2c048f5cbea82a9f251c50a8f43fa8a4349a7fc9 Signed-off-by: Kristal Dale <>
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R3.0 Release Notes
ISO image
You can find a pre-built ISO and Docker images for StarlingX release 3.0 at CENGN’s StarlingX mirror.
The source code for StarlingX release 3.0 is available in the r/stx.3.0 branch in the StarlingX Git repositories.
A system install is required to deploy the StarlingX release 3.0. There is no upgrade path from previous StarlingX releases.
New features and enhancements
The list below provides a detailed list of features with the associated StoryBoard entries for the features.
Infrastructure and Cluster Monitoring
Integrate with Openstack Train
Integrate Distributed Cloud with containers
Integrate Backup & Restore with containers
Intel FPGA K8s Device Plugin Initial Integration
Intel GPU K8s Device Plugin Integration
Intel QAT K8s Device Plugin Integration
Layered Build Prep
Redfish Integration
Support for authenticated registry for bootstrap and application apply
Support for OpenID connet authentication parameters for bootstrap
Support for floating and pinned workloads on worker nodes
Support for NTP and PTP co-existence
Time Sensitive Networking for VMs
Upversion container components
Known limitations in R3.0
The following are known limitations in the StarlingX R3.0 release. Workarounds are suggested where applicable. Note that these limitations are considered temporary and will likely be resolved in a future release.
Changing Keystone admin password
After the Keystone admin password is changed, kube-system namespace registry secrets must be manually updated. Tracking Launchpad:
It is recommended that the Keystone admin password not be changed unless necessary.
Workaround: If you must update the WRCP's Keystone admin user password in R3.0, you must also manually update the kube-system namespace's registry secrets that hold the admin password for image pulls:
Update the WRCP Keystone admin user password:
openstack user set --password newP@ssw0rd admin
Update the kube-system namespace's registry-local-secret secret:
kubectl -n kube-system create secret docker-registry registry-local-secret --docker-server=registry.local:9001 --docker-username=admin --docker-password=newP@ssw0rd -o yaml --dry-run=true > registry-local-secret-update.yaml kubectl -n kube-system replace secret registry-local-secret -f registry-local-secret-update.yaml
Update the kube-system namespace's default-registry-key secret:
kubectl -n kube-system create secret docker-registry default-registry-key --docker-server=registry.local:9001 --docker-username=admin --docker-password=newP@ssw0rd -o yaml --dry-run=true > default-registry-key-update.yaml kubectl -n kube-system replace secret default-registry-key -f default-registry-key-update.yaml
In a distributed cloud deployment, the registry secrets must also be updated on all subclouds in the system.