Stone ecae991cca System Configuration reorg
Organized SysConf Kubernetes and OpenStack content into subdirs and modified
index along lines of Planning layout.

Signed-off-by: Stone <>
Change-Id: Ia17c015b2083a39fcae4ac545fa10cb5445b4cb2
2021-01-29 09:41:28 -05:00

114 lines
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.. pzk1552673010743
.. _configuring-ptp-service-using-horizon:
Configure PTP Service Using Horizon
The |PTP| is a protocol used to synchronize clocks in a network. You can use
the Horizon Web interface to configure these services on the host.
|PTP| provides more accurate time synchronization than |NTP|. |NTP| typically
provides time synchronization accuracy on the order of milliseconds, while
|PTP| provides time synchronization accuracy on the order of microseconds.
.. xbooklink For more information on configuring the PTP service for clock
synchronization, see |node-doc|: `Host Inventory <hosts-tab>`.
A |PTP| master must be present on the |OAM| Network, broadcasting |PTP| time
.. note::
|NTP| and |PTP| are configured per host. Lock/unlock the host when
updating **clock\_synchronization** for the host.
.. rubric:: |prereq|
Review the Fault Management page and ensure that any existing system alarms
are cleared.
.. rubric:: |proc|
.. _configuring-ptp-service-using-horizon-steps-xfh-24z-5p:
#. In the |prod| Horizon, open the System Configuration page.
The System Configuration page is available
from **Admin** \> **Platform** \> **System Configuration** in the
left-hand pane.
#. Select the |PTP| tab.
The |PTP| page appears.
#. Click **Edit PTP**. Update the configuration of the |PTP| service.
- **PTP Time Stamping Mode**: Hardware time stamping is the default
option, and achieves best time syncing.
- **PTP Network Transport**: Switch between IEEE 802.3 network
transport \(L2\) or |UDP| IPv4/v6 network transport for |PTP|
.. note::
L2 is the default option.
If you use |UDP| for |PTP| transport, each |PTP| interface must have
an IP assigned. This is enforced during host unlock, and when
switching |PTP| transport to |UDP|.
- **PTP Delay Mechanism**
Set the |PTP| delay mechanism, the options are:
- E2E: default delay request-response
- P2P: peer delay
#. Click **Save**.
This raises **250.001 Configuration out-of-date** alarms against the
controllers, workers, and storages nodes. You can view the alarms on
the Fault Management page.
#. Lock and unlock the controllers, workers, and storage nodes to apply the
configuration and clear the **Configuration out-of-date** alarms.
Open the Host Inventory page, available
from **Admin** \> **Platform** \> **Host Inventory** in the left-hand
pane, and then select the **Hosts** tab. Hosts requiring attention are
shown with the status **Config out-of-date**.
To lock or unlock a host, click the **Action Menu** down arrow for the
host and then use the menu selections.
#. Lock the standby controller.
Wait for the lock operation to be completed.
#. Unlock the standby controller.
Wait for the host to become available. Its configuration is
updated, and its error message is cleared.
#. Perform a swact on the active controller.
Click **Action Menu \(down arrow\)** \> **Swact Host** \> for
the active controller.
Horizon Web interface access is interrupted, and the |prod| login
screen appears. Wait briefly for the Web service to stabilize, and
then log in again.
#. Lock the original controller \(now in standby mode\).
Wait for the lock operation to be completed.
#. Unlock the original controller.
Wait for it to become available. Its configuration is updated, and
its error message is cleared.
#. Ensure that the **Configuration out-of-date** alarms are cleared for
both controllers.