Ron Stone f125a8b892 Remove spurious escapes (r8,dsR8)
This change addresses a long-standing issue in rST documentation imported from XML.
That import process added backslash escapes in front of various characters. The three
most common being '(', ')', and '_'.
These instances are removed.

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
Change-Id: Id43a9337ffcd505ccbdf072d7b29afdb5d2c997e
2023-03-01 11:19:04 +00:00

14 KiB

Enable ReadWriteMany PVC Support in Additional Namespaces

The default general cephfs-provisioner storage class is enabled for the default, kube-system, and kube-public namespaces. To enable an additional namespace, for example for an application-specific namespace, a modification to the configuration (Helm overrides) of the cephfs-provisioner service is required.

The following example illustrates the configuration of three additional application-specific namespaces to access the cephfs-provisioner cephfs storage class.


Due to limitations with templating and merging of overrides, the entire storage class must be redefined in the override when updating specific values.

  1. List installed Helm chart overrides for the platform-integ-apps.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-list platform-integ-apps
    | chart name         | overrides namespaces |
    | ceph-pools-audit   | ['kube-system']      |
    | cephfs-provisioner | ['kube-system']      |
    | rbd-provisioner    | ['kube-system']      |
  2. Review existing overrides for the cephfs-provisioner chart. You will refer to this information in the following step.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-show platform-integ-apps cephfs-provisioner kube-system
    | Property           | Value                                                |
    | attributes         | enabled: true                                        |
    |                    |                                                      |
    | combined_overrides | classdefaults:                                       |
    |                    |   adminId: admin                                     |
    |                    |   adminSecretName: ceph-secret-admin                 |
    |                    |   monitors:                                          |
    |                    |   -                               |
    |                    | classes:                                             |
    |                    | - additionalNamespaces:                              |
    |                    |   - default                                          |
    |                    |   - kube-public                                      |
    |                    |   chunk_size: 64                                     |
    |                    |   clusterID: 6d273112-f2a6-4aec-8727-76b690274c60    |
    |                    |   controllerExpandSecret: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data |
    |                    |   crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset              |
    |                    |   data_pool_name: kube-cephfs-data                   |
    |                    |   fs_name: kube-cephfs                               |
    |                    |   metadata_pool_name: kube-cephfs-metadata           |
    |                    |   name: cephfs                                       |
    |                    |   nodeStageSecret: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data        |
    |                    |   provisionerSecret: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data      |
    |                    |   replication: 1                                     |
    |                    |   userId: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data                 |
    |                    |   userSecretName: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data         |
    |                    |   volumeNamePrefix: pvc-volumes-                     |
    |                    | csiConfig:                                           |
    |                    | - clusterID: 6d273112-f2a6-4aec-8727-76b690274c60    |
    |                    |   monitors:                                          |
    |                    |   -                               |
    |                    | provisioner:                                         |
    |                    |   replicaCount: 1                                    |
    |                    |                                                      |
    | name               | cephfs-provisioner                                   |
    | namespace          | kube-system                                          |
    | system_overrides   | classdefaults:                                       |
    |                    |   adminId: admin                                     |
    |                    |   adminSecretName: ceph-secret-admin                 |
    |                    |   monitors: ['']                   |
    |                    | classes:                                             |
    |                    | - additionalNamespaces: [default, kube-public]       |
    |                    |   chunk_size: 64                                     |
    |                    |   clusterID: !!binary |                              |
    |                    |     NmQyNzMxMTItZjJhNi00YWVjLTg3MjctNzZiNjkwMjc0YzYw |
    |                    |   controllerExpandSecret: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data |
    |                    |   crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset              |
    |                    |   data_pool_name: kube-cephfs-data                   |
    |                    |   fs_name: kube-cephfs                               |
    |                    |   metadata_pool_name: kube-cephfs-metadata           |
    |                    |   name: cephfs                                       |
    |                    |   nodeStageSecret: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data        |
    |                    |   provisionerSecret: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data      |
    |                    |   replication: 1                                     |
    |                    |   userId: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data                 |
    |                    |   userSecretName: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data         |
    |                    |   volumeNamePrefix: pvc-volumes-                     |
    |                    | csiConfig:                                           |
    |                    | - clusterID: !!binary |                              |
    |                    |     NmQyNzMxMTItZjJhNi00YWVjLTg3MjctNzZiNjkwMjc0YzYw |
    |                    |   monitors: ['']                   |
    |                    | provisioner: {replicaCount: 1}                       |
    |                    |                                                      |
    | user_overrides     | None                                                 |
  3. Create an overrides yaml file defining the new namespaces.

    In this example, create the file /home/sysadmin/update-namespaces.yaml with the following content:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ cat <<EOF > ~/update-namespaces.yaml
    - additionalNamespaces: [default, kube-public, new-app, new-app2, new-app3]
      chunk_size: 64
      claim_root: /pvc-volumes
      crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset
      data_pool_name: kube-cephfs-data
      fs_name: kube-cephfs
      metadata_pool_name: kube-cephfs-metadata
      name: cephfs
      replication: 2
      userId: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data
      userSecretName: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data
  4. Apply the overrides file to the chart.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update  --values /home/sysadmin/update-namespaces.yaml platform-integ-apps cephfs-provisioner kube-system
    | Property       | Value                                        |
    | name           | cephfs-provisioner                           |
    | namespace      | kube-system                                  |
    | user_overrides | classes:                                     |
    |                | - additionalNamespaces:                      |
    |                |   - default                                  |
    |                |   - kube-public                              |
    |                |   - new-app                                  |
    |                |   - new-app2                                 |
    |                |   - new-app3                                 |
    |                |   chunk_size: 64                             |
    |                |   claim_root: /pvc-volumes                   |
    |                |   crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset      |
    |                |   data_pool_name: kube-cephfs-data           |
    |                |   fs_name: kube-cephfs                       |
    |                |   metadata_pool_name: kube-cephfs-metadata   |
    |                |   name: cephfs                               |
    |                |   replication: 2                             |
    |                |   userId: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data         |
    |                |   userSecretName: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data |
  5. Confirm that the new overrides have been applied to the chart.

    The following output has been edited for brevity.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-show platform-integ-apps cephfs-provisioner kube-system
    | Property           | Value                                       |
    | user_overrides     | classes:                                    |
    |                    | - additionalNamespaces:                     |
    |                    |   - default                                 |
    |                    |   - kube-public                             |
    |                    |   - new-app                                 |
    |                    |   - new-app2                                |
    |                    |   - new-app3                                |
    |                    |   chunk_size: 64                            |
    |                    |   claim_root: /pvc-volumes                  |
    |                    |   crush_rule_name: storage_tier_ruleset     |
    |                    |   data_pool_name: kube-cephfs-data          |
    |                    |   fs_name: kube-cephfs                      |
    |                    |   metadata_pool_name: kube-cephfs-metadata  |
    |                    |   name: cephfs                              |
    |                    |   replication: 2                            |
    |                    |   userId: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data        |
    |                    |   userSecretName: ceph-pool-kube-cephfs-data|
  6. Apply the overrides.

    1. Run the application-apply command.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-apply platform-integ-apps
      | Property      | Value                                |
      | active        | True                                 |
      | app_version   | 1.0-62                               |
      | created_at    | 2022-12-14T04:14:08.878186+00:00     |
      | manifest_file | fluxcd-manifests                     |
      | manifest_name | platform-integ-apps-fluxcd-manifests |
      | name          | platform-integ-apps                  |
      | progress      | None                                 |
      | status        | applying                             |
      | updated_at    | 2022-12-14T04:58:58.543295+00:00     |
    2. Monitor progress using the application-list command.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-list
      | application              | version | manifest name                             | manifest file    | status   | progress  |
      | platform-integ-apps      | 1.0-62  | platform-integ-apps-fluxcd-manifests      | fluxcd-manifests | applied  | completed |

    You can now create and mount PVCs from the default provisioner's general storage class, from within these application-specific namespaces.