Elaine Fonaro 49b3965160 Improve <ceph-mon-modify> command output (r7, dsr7)
-Updated the output messages.

Signed-off-by: Elaine Fonaro <>
Change-Id: I56272adf6a233b11decc1b5055499bd5750e033e
2023-01-12 10:58:03 -03:00

12 KiB

Storage-Related CLI Commands

You can use commands when working with storage.

You can change the space allotted for the Ceph monitor, if required.

~(keystone_admin)]$ system ceph-mon-modify <controller> ceph_mon_gib=<size>

where <partition_size> is the size in GiB to use for the Ceph monitor. The value must be between 21 and 40 GiB.

~(keystone_admin)]$ system ceph-mon-modify controller-0 ceph_mon_gib=21

| uuid                           | ceph_ | hostname     | state      | task |
|                                | mon_g |              |            |      |
|                                | ib    |              |            |      |
| 069f106-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb | 21    | compute-0    | configured | None |
| 4763139-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb | 21    | controller-1 | configured | None |
| e39970e-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb | 21    | controller-0 | configured | None |

System configuration has changed.
Lock and unlock the impacted hosts to complete system configuration.

The configuration is out of date after running this command. To update it, you must lock and then unlock the host.

To list the storage backend types installed on a system:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-list

| uuid                          | name       | backend  | state | task         | services| capabilities    |
| 248a106-4r54-3324-681f73d13dfb| ceph-store | ceph     | config| resize-ceph..| None    |min_replication:1|
|                               |            |          |       |              |         |replication: 2   |
| 76dd106-6yth-4356-681f73d13dfb| shared_serv| external | config| None         | glance  |                 |
|                               | ices       |          |       |              |         |                 |

To show details for a storage backend:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-show <name>

For example:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-show ceph-store
| Property             | Value                                |
| backend              | ceph                                 |
| name                 | ceph-store                           |
| state                | configured                           |
| task                 | provision-storage                    |
| services             | None                                 |
| capabilities         | min_replication: 1                   |
|                      | replication: 2                       |
| object_gateway       | False                                |
| ceph_total_space_gib | 0                                    |
| object_pool_gib      | None                                 |
| cinder_pool_gib      | None                                 |
| kube_pool_gib        | None                                 |
| glance_pool_gib      | None                                 |
| ephemeral_pool_gib   | None                                 |
| tier_name            | storage                              |
| tier_uuid            | 249bb348-f1a0-446c-9dd1-256721f043da |
| created_at           | 2019-10-07T18:33:19.839445+00:00     |
| updated_at           | None                                 |

To add a backend:

~(keystone_admin)]$  system storage-backend-add   \
[-s <services>] [-n <name>] [-t <tier_uuid>] \
[-c <ceph_conf>] [--confirmed] [--ceph-mon-gib <ceph-mon-gib>] \
<backend> [<parameter>=<value> [<parameter>=<value> ...]]

The following are positional arguments:


The storage backend to add. This argument is required.


Required backend/service parameters to apply.

The following are optional arguments:

-s, --services

A comma-delimited list of storage services to include.

For a Ceph backend, this is an optional parameter. Valid values are cinder, glance, and swift.

-n, --name

For a Ceph backend, this is a user-assigned name for the backend. The default is ceph-store for a Ceph backend.

-t, --tier_uuid

For a Ceph backend, is the UUID of a storage tier to back.

-c, --ceph_conf

Location of the Ceph configuration file used for provisioning an external backend.


Provide acknowledgment that the operation should continue as it is not reversible.


For a Ceph backend, this is the space in GB allotted for the Ceph monitor.


A Ceph backend is configured by default.

To modify a backend:

~(keystone_admin)]$  system storage-backend-modify [-s <services>] [-c <ceph_conf>] \
<backend_name_or_uuid> [<parameter>=<value> [<parameter>=<value> ...]]

To delete a failed backend configuration:

~(keystone_admin)]$  system storage-backend-delete <backend>


If a backend installation fails before completion, you can use this command to remove the partial installation so that you can try again. You cannot delete a successfully installed backend.

To list storage tiers:

~(keystone)admin)]$ system storage-tier-list ceph_cluster

| uuid                           | name    | status | backend_using                        |
| acc8706-6yth-4356-681f73d13dfb | storage | in-use | 649830bf-b628-4170-b275-1f0b01cfc859 |

To display information for a storage tier:

~(keystone)admin)]$ system storage-tier-show ceph_cluster <tier_name>

For example:

~(keystone)admin)]$ system storage-tier-show ceph_cluster <storage>

| Property     | Value                                |
| uuid         | 2a50cb4a-659d-4586-a5a2-30a5e01172aa |
| name         | storage                              |
| type         | ceph                                 |
| status       | in-use                               |
| backend_uuid | 248a90e4-9447-449f-a87a-5195af46d29e |
| cluster_uuid | 4dda5c01-6ea8-4bab-956c-c95eda4be99c |
| OSDs         | [0, 1]                               |
| created_at   | 2019-09-25T16:02:19.901343+00:00     |
| updated_at   | 2019-09-25T16:04:25.884053+00:00     |

To add a storage tier:

~(keystone)admin)]$ system storage-tier-add ceph_cluster <tier_name>

To delete a tier that is not in use by a storage backend and does not have OSDs assigned to it:

~(keystone)admin)]$ system storage-tier-delete <tier_name>

You can use the system controllerfs list command to list the storage space allotments on a host.

~(keystone_admin)]$ system controllerfs-list

| UUID                           | FS Name    | Size| Logical Volume        | Rep.. | State     |
|                                |            | in  |                       |       |           |
|                                |            | GiB |                       |       |           |
| d0e8706-6yth-4356-681f73d13dfb | database   | 10  | pgsql-lv              | True  | available |
| 40d8706-ssf4-4356-6814356145tf | docker-dist| 16  | dockerdistribution-lv | True  | available |
| 20e8706-87gf-4356-681f73d13dfb | etcd       | 5   | etcd-lv               | True  | available |
| 9e58706-sd42-4356-435673d1sd3b | extension  | 1   | extension-lv          | True  | available |
| 55b8706-sd13-4356-681f73d16yth | platform   | 10  | platform-lv           | True  | available |

For a system with dedicated storage:

~(keystone_admin)]$  system storage-backend-show ceph-store

| Property             | Value                                |
| backend              | ceph                                 |
| name                 | ceph-store                           |
| state                | configured                           |
| task                 | resize-ceph-mon-lv                   |
| services             | None                                 |
| capabilities         | min_replication: 1                   |
|                      | replication: 2                       |
| object_gateway       | False                                |
| ceph_total_space_gib | 0                                    |
| object_pool_gib      | None                                 |
| cinder_pool_gib      | None                                 |
| kube_pool_gib        | None                                 |
| glance_pool_gib      | None                                 |
| ephemeral_pool_gib   | None                                 |
| tier_name            | storage                              |
| tier_uuid            | 2a50cb4a-659d-4586-a5a2-30a5e01172aa |
| created_at           | 2019-09-25T16:04:25.854193+00:00     |
| updated_at           | 2019-09-26T18:47:56.563783+00:00     |