Changed name of file to: admin-application-commands-and-helm-overrides.rst Updated Strings.txt Updated formatting issues: installing-and-running-cpu-manager-for-kubernetes.rst Updated Patch Set 4 to include review comments Admin Tasks Updated Changed name of include file to: isolating-cpu-cores-to-enhance-application-performance.rest Change-Id: I0b354dda3c7f66da3a5d430839b5007a6a19cfad Signed-off-by: Juanita-Balaraj <juanita.balaraj@windriver.com> Signed-off-by: Stone <ronald.stone@windriver.com> Signed-off-by: Juanita-Balaraj <juanita.balaraj@windriver.com>
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Build StarlingX Docker Images
Building StarlingX Docker images consists of three components:
- StarlingX base image, which provides the operating system for the Docker image
- Python wheels, providing an installation source for pip when installing python modules via loci
- Docker image build, using image directives files
The images are currently built using either a Docker file or via loci (https://github.com/openstack/loci), which is an OpenStack image builder.
Base image
The StarlingX base image is the operating system image that provides the base for the StarlingX Docker images. This is built using the build-stx-base.sh tool in stx-root/build-tools/build-docker-images.
Currently, we build two base images with CentOS - one for use with the stable build stream images, and one for the dev build stream (bleeding edge) images:
- The stable base image is configured with repo commands to point to the StarlingX build output as the source for packages to be installed in the images. After setting up the repo configuration, a yum upgrade is performed to update installed packages with versions from the StarlingX build, to try to align with the host OS as much as possible.
- The dev base image does not point to the StarlingX build, as packages will come primarily from upstream sources. It currently installs centos-release-openstack-stein in order to add repo configuration to point to the Stein release, which is currently the latest available release.
The base image is passed into the StarlingX Docker image build command as an argument.
Example stable build command:
DOCKER_REGISTRY= # Some private registry you've setup for your testing, for example
time $MY_REPO/build-tools/build-docker-images/build-stx-base.sh \
--os ${OS} \
--stream ${BUILD_STREAM} \
--version ${IMAGE_VERSION} \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--push \
--latest-tag ${LATEST} \
--repo local-stx-build,http://${HOSTNAME}:8088/${MY_WORKSPACE}/std/rpmbuild/RPMS \
--repo stx-distro,http://${HOSTNAME}:8088/${MY_REPO}/cgcs-${OS}-repo/Binary \
Example dev build command:
DOCKER_REGISTRY= # Some private registry you've setup for your testing, for example
time $MY_REPO/build-tools/build-docker-images/build-stx-base.sh \
--os ${OS} \
--stream ${BUILD_STREAM} \
--version ${IMAGE_VERSION} \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--push \
--latest-tag ${LATEST} \
If you are not making changes to any source packages (ie. RPMs) that need to be installed in your designer-built images, you can use the CENGN-built stx-base image. For example: https://hub.docker.com/r/starlingx/stx-centos/tags
- Stable base image: starlingx/stx-centos:master-stable-latest
- Dev base image: starlingx/stx-centos:master-dev-latest
Building wheels
A wheel is a package format that provides a pre-built python module. We collect or build a set of python modules in wheel format and store them in a tarball, which can be passed to loci when building the StarlingX Docker images. We have two groups of wheels in the StarlingX build:
- Base wheels - wheels that come from upstream source
- StarlingX wheels - wheels produced by the StarlingX build
The build-wheel-tarball.sh tool in stx-root/build-tools/build-wheels is used to build and collect wheels and generate the wheels tarball. It uses two sub-tools (located in the same directory) to build and/or collect the two groups of wheels.
If you are not modifying any python modules, you can use the CENGN-built wheels tarball:
- Stable wheels: http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/centos/latest_docker_image_build/outputs/wheels/stx-centos-stable-wheels.tar
- Dev wheels: http://mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca/mirror/starlingx/master/centos/latest_docker_image_build/outputs/wheels/stx-centos-dev-wheels.tar
Base wheels
The base wheels are built and/or collected by the build-base-wheels.sh script, which is called from build-wheel-tarball.sh. It uses a Docker file in stx-root/build-tools/build-wheels/docker to setup a wheel-builder container and runs the docker-build-wheel.sh script. This script uses a wheels.cfg file as input (eg. dev-wheels.cfg), which provides a list of wheels and build/download directives. The wheels.cfg file can specify wheel/module sources as:
- pre-built wheel file to be downloaded
- source git repo
- source tarball
- source zip
In addition, when building the “dev” wheels tarball, the build-base-wheels.sh script will pull the loci/requirements:master-${OS} image, extracting the wheels from that image to provide the initial set. This allows us to keep the dev wheels tarball at the latest upstream versions, with the exception of wheels that we explicitly build.
Example build command:
${MY_REPO}//build-tools/build-wheels/build-wheel-tarball.sh \
--os ${OS} \
--stream ${BUILD_STREAM}
StarlingX wheels
The StarlingX build provides support for producing python wheels during the build. For CentOs, this means updating the package rpm specfile to build the wheel and package it in a -wheels package. The names of the wheels packages to be included in the tarball are listed in the wheels.inc files in the corresponding repo (ie. centos_stable_wheels.inc).
Building images
The StarlingX Docker images are built using a set of image directives files, with the base image and wheels tarball as input. The images are built by the build-stx-images.sh tool, in stx-root/build-tools/build-docker-images. The build-stx-images.sh tool will search the StarlingX repos for a corresponding docker_images.inc file (ie. centos_dev_docker_images.inc) which contains a list of subdirectories that contain the associated image directives files, which are processed and built.
The following diff provides an example of changes made to a specfile to add building a wheel to a package:
diff --git a/openstack/distributedcloud-client/centos/distributedcloud-client.spec b/openstack/distributedcloud-client/centos/distributedcloud-client.spec
index c6e17f6..7dc83f5 100644
--- a/openstack/distributedcloud-client/centos/distributedcloud-client.spec
+++ b/openstack/distributedcloud-client/centos/distributedcloud-client.spec
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python-setuptools
+BuildRequires: python2-pip
+BuildRequires: python2-wheel
BuildRequires: python-jsonschema >= 2.0.0
BuildRequires: python-keystonemiddleware
BuildRequires: python-oslo-concurrency
@@ -75,10 +77,13 @@ rm -rf {test-,}requirements.txt tools/{pip,test}-requires
export PBR_VERSION=%{version}
%{__python2} setup.py build
export PBR_VERSION=%{version}
%{__python2} setup.py install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/wheels
+install -m 644 dist/*.whl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/wheels/
# prep SDK package
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/remote-clients
@@ -94,3 +99,11 @@ tar zcf %{buildroot}/usr/share/remote-clients/%{pypi_name}-%{version}.tgz --excl
%files sdk
+%package wheels
+Summary: %{name} wheels
+%description wheels
+Contains python wheels for %{name}
+%files wheels
The get-stx-wheels.sh script, called by build-wheel-tarball.sh, will gather the set of -wheels packages, defined by the corresponding wheels.inc files, and extract the wheel files, making them available to the build-wheel-tarball.sh tool.
Wheels tarball
The build-wheel-tarball.sh tool, after successfully calling build-base-wheels.sh and get-stx-wheels.sh, will collect the wheels built or downloaded and prep the tarball. It will also download the OpenStack requirements.txt and upper-constraints.txt files, which are used by loci when installing the python modules. The upper-constraints.txt file is modified based on the collected/built wheels, allowing us to override or append module specifications. The upper-constraints.txt file in the StarlingX wheels tarball then reflects the content of the tarball, to ensure the desired module versions are installed.
Building images
The StarlingX Docker images are built using the build-stx-images.sh tool, in stx-root/build-tools/build-docker-images, using the image directives files for build instructions, with the base image and wheels as input.
Image directives files
The image directives files provide the build arguments necessary for building a specific image. The first required option is BUILDER, which can be either “docker” or “loci”.
Images with BUILDER set to “docker” are built using a Docker file. The only other required option in the image directives file for “docker” builds is the LABEL, or image name (ie. stx-libvirt). The Docker file can use the StarlingX base image as its “FROM” by including the following at the top:
The BASE is passed by build-stx-images.sh as a build argument.
Options supported by BUILDER=docker image directives files include:
LABEL: the image name
PROJECT: main project name
DOCKER_REPO: main project source git repo
DOCKER_REF: git branch or tag for main project source repo (default "master")
DOCKER_PATCHES: list of patch files to apply to DOCKER_REPO, relative to the local dir
DOCKER_CONTEXT: path to build context source, relative to the local dir (default "docker")
DOCKER_FILE: path to Dockerfile, relative to the local dir (default "docker/Dockerfile")
For an example of a BUILDER=docker image, see https://opendev.org/starlingx/oidc-auth-armada-app/src/branch/master/dex/centos/dex.stable_docker_image
The loci project (https://github.com/openstack/loci) provides a mechanism for building images using a python module as the main project source. The image directives file for BUILDER=loci images allows you to specify supporting python modules or packages to be installed, in addition to specifying the main project source repo and/or branch. In addition, the build-stx-images.sh supports specifying an additional customization command that is applied to the loci-built image.
Options supported by BUILDER=loci image directives files that are passed on to loci include:
- LABEL: the image name
- PROJECT: main project name
- PROJECT_REPO: main project source git repo
- PROJECT_REF: git branch or tag for main project source repo
- PIP_PACKAGES: list of python modules to be installed, beyond those specified by project dependencies or requirements
- DIST_PACKAGES: additional packages to be installed (eg. RPMs from repo, configured by base image)
- PROFILES: bindep profiles supported by project to be installed (eg. apache)
In addition, you can specify a bash command in the CUSTOMIZATION option, in order to do a modification on the loci-built image.
Example: stx-upstream/openstack/python-nova/centos/stx-nova.dev_docker_image
PIP_PACKAGES="pycrypto httplib2 pylint"
DIST_PACKAGES="openssh-clients openssh-server libvirt e2fsprogs"
PROFILES="fluent nova ceph linuxbridge openvswitch configdrive qemu apache"
CUSTOMIZATION="yum install -y openssh-clients"
In a case where the image is built without a main project source git repo, where the main project source is just coming from a wheel, you can set PROJECT to infra, and loci skips the git clone steps. For example, stx-nova-api-proxy: stx-nfv/nova-api-proxy/centos/stx-nova-api-proxy.dev_docker_image
# Set PROJECT=infra and PROJECT_REPO=nil because we are not cloning a repo
PIP_PACKAGES="api_proxy eventlet oslo.config oslo.log \
paste PasteDeploy routes webob keystonemiddleware pylint"
Image build command
Example image build command, using the CENGN base image and wheels:
DOCKER_REGISTRY= # Some private registry you've setup for your testing, for example
time $MY_REPO/build-tools/build-docker-images/build-stx-images.sh \
--os centos \
--stream ${BUILD_STREAM} \
--base ${CENTOS_BASE} \
--wheels ${WHEELS} \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--push --latest \
If I want to build using the wheels tarball from my build, instead:
Note: To specify a local wheels tarball, loci needs to be able to access it via wget from a Docker container. This could mean changes to your http server and iptables rules to allow “external” access, to allow access from the Docker containers.
## Note: Verify that lighttpd is not bound to "localhost"
vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
# server.bind = "localhost"
systemctl restart lighttpd
## Note: You may need to add an iptables rule to allow the Docker
## containers to access the http server on your host. For example:
iptables -I INPUT 6 -i docker0 -p tcp --dport ${HOST_PORT} -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
If you only want to build specify images, the build-stx-images.sh provides --only and --skip options (ie. --only stx-nova).
Testing image on running system
Now that you've built an image, you may be wondering how to test it on an already running system. First, locate the specific image of interest you just built
## Note: You may need to be root to run Docker commands on your build system. If so, "sudo -s"
docker images
# Locate the image of interest you just built in the output, should be at or near the top of the list, then
# save the image of interest as a compressed tarball. It could be rather large.
docker save <image id> | gzip -9 >container_filename.tgz
# scp container_filename.tgz to the active controller, then
# ssh to active controller, then run the following instructions there:
# become root:
sudo -s
# load the transferred container compressed tarball into the image list
zcat container_filename.tgz | docker load
# find the newly loaded container image in the list and make note of it
docker images
Now that you have the container image loaded, proceed to use it for test/debug as detailed in the use container for debugging FAQ. The next step is to tag the container before pushing it, so scroll down to the point in the FAQ instructions where you are directed to tag the container and continue from there.
Incremental image updates
The update-stx-image.sh utility (introduced by https://review.opendev.org/661641) provides designers with a mechanism to add minor updates to an existing image without rebuilding the entire image. This results in a small customization layer appended to the existing image, which reduces storage requirements over a full rebuild of the entire image. The tool allows for updates via:
- installing or updating Python modules, via:
- wheel file
- Python module source directory
- Python module source git repository
- software packages (currently only supporting RPM packages on CentOS)
- customization script: a bash script that the updater will run that can make necessary modifications in the image that can't be handled by updating software
Specifying Python module source
The --module-src command-line option (or MODULE_SRC in an update directives file) allows a designer to specify python module source from either a directory or git repository. If specifying a git repository, you can also specify a branch or tag to be fetched, as well as optionally hardcode a version number. For example:
This will clone the stx-nova repo and fetch/checkout the stx/stein.1 branch, installing or updating the python module in the image.
Customization script
You can optionally provide a customization script to make changes to the image that cannot be handled by updating software, using the --customize command-line option (or CUSTOMIZATION_SCRIPT in an update directives file). You can also provide supporting files with the --extra command-line option (or EXTRA_FILES in an update directives file), which will be accessible to the customization script in the /image-update/extras directory within the update container.
Update directives file
You can optionally specify an updates directives file with the --file command-line option to provide the various update directives. Options that can be set from the update directives file include:
FROM= # Specify the base image (equivalent to --from)
IMAGE_UPDATE_VER= # Specify image update version (equivalent to --version)
CUSTOMIZATION_SCRIPT= # Specify customization script (equivalent to --customize)
WHEELS= # Specify one or more wheel files (equivalent to --wheel)
DIST_PACKAGES= # Specify one or more software packages (equivalent to --pkg)
MODULE_SRC= # Specify one or more python module source locations (equivalent to --module-src)
EXTRA_FILES= # Specify one or more extra files to be accessible to customization script (equivalent to --extra)
## Upstream image:
DOCKER_USER=mydockerid # My docker ID
DOCKER_REGISTRY=docker.io # The docker registry to use for pushing. This can be a private registry, like
# For this example, I've setup a directory with files I'm using for updates,
# under ${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates:
# updates/pip-packages/modules/aodh - a git clone of upstream aodh, where I've made changes
# updates/pip-packages/wheels - a directory with multiple wheel files
# updates/dist-packages - a directory with multiple RPM files
# Additionally, there's a basic updates/customize.sh bash script that creates
# a couple of files in /etc:
# #!/bin/bash
# # Sample
# echo example-update > /etc/example-update.txt
# find /image-update > /etc/example-update-dirlst.txt
# Get the latest versioned stx-aodh image tag
STX_AODH=$(curl ${CENGN_DOCKER_URL}/images-centos-stable-versioned.lst 2>/dev/null | grep stx-aodh:)
echo ${STX_AODH}
BASE_VERSION=$(echo ${STX_AODH} | sed 's/.*://')
# For the purposes of the first few examples, each update builds on the previous one.
# So the --from argument points to the image built in the previous step (or .0 in the first case)
# Build the first update using the customization script and a couple of random files
time bash -x ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/update-stx-image.sh \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--from ${STX_AODH} \
--customize ${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/customize.sh \
--extra ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/build-stx-base.sh \
--extra ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-wheels/build-base-wheels.sh \
--push \
--update-id example.1
# To see the content of one of the files created by the customization script:
# $ docker run --rm \
# cat /etc/example-update-dirlst.txt
# /image-update
# /image-update/internal-update-stx-image.sh
# /image-update/customize.sh
# /image-update/extras
# /image-update/extras/build-base-wheels.sh
# /image-update/extras/build-stx-base.sh
# To see the size of the customization layer we just added to the image
# $ docker history ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_USER}/stx-aodh:${BASE_VERSION%.0}.1 | head -2
# 8735dde77f9c 3 minutes ago bash -x -c bash -x /image-update/internal-u… 201B
# Install/update wheels from the directory we've setup:
time bash -x ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/update-stx-image.sh \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--from ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_USER}/stx-aodh:${BASE_VERSION%.0}.1 \
--wheel "${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/pip-packages/wheels/*.whl" \
--push \
--update-id example.2
# We can now do a diff of the piplst files from the updates and verify the change (which can also be seen in output of the tool):
# $ diff std/update-images/example.1/stx-aodh-${BASE_VERSION%.0}.1.piplst std/update-images/example.2/stx-aodh-${BASE_VERSION%.0}.2.piplst
# 14a15
# > cgcs-patch==1.0
# 130a132
# > tsconfig==1.0.0
# Update the aodh module from the dir we cloned and modified:
time bash -x ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/update-stx-image.sh \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--from ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_USER}/stx-aodh:${BASE_VERSION%.0}.2 \
--module-src ${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/pip-packages/modules/aodh \
--push \
--update-id example.3
# We can now do a diff of the piplst files from the updates and verify the change (which can also be seen in output of the tool):
# $ diff std/update-images/example.2/stx-aodh-${BASE_VERSION%.0}.2.piplst std/update-images/example.3/stx-aodh-${BASE_VERSION%.0}.3.piplst
# 3c3
# < aodh==8.0.1.dev4
# ---
# > aodh==8.1.0.dev28
# Install/update RPMs from the dir we setup:
time bash -x ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/update-stx-image.sh \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--from ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_USER}/stx-aodh:${BASE_VERSION%.0}.3 \
--pkg "${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/dist-packages/*.rpm" \
--push \
--update-id example.4
# We can now do a diff of the piplst files from the updates and verify the change (which can also be seen in output of the tool):
# $ diff std/update-images/example.3/stx-aodh-${BASE_VERSION%.0}.3.rpmlst std/update-images/example.4/stx-aodh-${BASE_VERSION%.0}.4.rpmlst
# 156a157
# > perl-Data-Dumper-2.145-3.el7.x86_64
# All of the above can also be done in a single command:
time bash -x ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/update-stx-image.sh \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--from ${STX_AODH} \
--wheel "${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/pip-packages/wheels/*.whl" \
--pkg "${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/dist-packages/*.rpm" \
--module-src ${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/pip-packages/modules/aodh \
--customize ${MY_WORKSPACE}/updates/customize.sh \
--extra ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/build-stx-base.sh \
--extra ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-wheels/build-base-wheels.sh
# Update stx-nova with the latest update from the stx-nova staging repo
STX_NOVA=$(curl ${CENGN_DOCKER_URL}/images-centos-stable-versioned.lst 2>/dev/null | grep stx-nova:)
echo ${STX_NOVA}
time bash -x ${MY_REPO}/build-tools/build-docker-images/update-stx-image.sh \
--user ${DOCKER_USER} --registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
--from ${STX_NOVA} \
--module-src "https://github.com/starlingx-staging/stx-nova.git|stx/stein.1" \
--update-id example.nova