Ildiko Vancsa 91b404c4bc Update election timeline for 2019 H2 and add PL/TL election details
This patch updates the election dates and deadlines for the H2 elections
in 2019. This patch also adds description for PL/TL election details. The
patch furthermore adjusts the text to clarify that only OpenStack Foundation
individual members can participate in the elections.

Change-Id: I011cb145a691f4323b81c666dd584a8b3e5fc53a
2019-09-03 15:34:38 +02:00

6.9 KiB

StarlingX Election

Events Start Date End Date
TSC Nominations October 6, 2019, 20:45 UTC October 13, 2019, 20:45 UTC
PL/TL Nominations October 6, 2019, 20:45 UTC October 13, 2019, 20:45 UTC
TSC Campaign October 13, 2019, 20:45 UTC October 20, 2019, 20:45 UTC
TSC Election October 20, 2019, 20:45 UTC October 27, 2019, 20:45 UTC
PL/TL Election October 20, 2019, 20:45 UTC October 27, 2019, 20:45 UTC

See Election system, PLTL details and TSC details.

Election Officials

  • Bruce E Jones (), bruce.e.jones at intel dot com
  • Ildiko Vancsa (ildikov), ildiko at openstack dot org
  • Bill Zvonar (), Bill.Zvonar at windriver dot com

For any questions, please contact officials by mail or over irc at #starlingx Freenode channel.

Election System

Elections will be held using CIVS and a Condorcet algorithm (Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD variant). Any tie will be broken using Governance_TieBreaking.


The electorate for this election are individuals who earned the contributor status some time in the past 12 months prior to the nomination period starts as defined by the TSC charter document.

The electorate is requested to confirm their email address in gerrit, review.opendev.org > Settings > Contact Information > Preferred Email, prior to September 20, 2019 00:00 UTC deadline so that the emailed ballots are mailed to the correct email address.

The electorate is expected to abide by the following general resolution: https://docs.starlingx.io/governance/resolutions/20190520_election_activities.html


Any member of an election electorate can propose their candidacy for the same election. Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the starlingx/election repository. See documentation below.

How to submit a candidacy

Each candidate must nominate themselves for each elected position, and are encouraged to submit their own candidacy to gerrit, although where appropriate, others may submit a candidacy for those who have already self-nominated by other means.

If you are not already familiar with StarlingX development workflow, see this more detailed documentation: https://docs.starlingx.io/contributor/index.html

Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the starlingx/election repository. Here are the required steps:

  • Clone the election repository: git clone https://opendev.org/starlingx/election.git ; cd election

  • Create a new file candidates/<election_cycle>/<project_name>/<leadership_role>/<email_address> containing the candidate statement.

  • Commit the candidacy: git add candidates/<election_cycle>/<project_name>/<leadership_role>/<email_address>; git commit

  • In the text editor add a title like the following:

    Adding <your_name> candidacy for <project_name> <project_role> role

  • Save the text and exit the text editor

  • Submit your candidacy: git review

For example Dana Developer (ddev on IRC) would compose a platform in a file named "candidates/2019_H2/fault/pl/dana@inconnu.org" to submit a PL candidacy for the Fault Management project elections.

After the candidacy is submitted to gerrit, verification and approval will be performed by elections officials, followed by an update to the approved candidate list.

Technical Steering Committee's election

Elected Positions

Under the rules of the TSC charter, we need to renew 4 TSC seats for this election. Seats are valid for one-year terms.

  • Technical Steering Committee member - 5 positions.


The electorate for this election are individuals who earned the contributor status some time in the past 12 months prior to the nomination period starts as defined by the TSC charter document.


Any contributor who is an individual member of the foundation can propose their candidacy.

Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the starlingx/election repository. The file must be placed in candidates/<electcycle>/TSC/<email_address>. The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit. See above How to submit a candidacy documentation.

Project Leads' and Technical Leads' election

Elected Positions

Every official project team must elect a PL and a TL. PLs and TLs are elected for a one year period.


Except otherwise-noted in the project team description, the electorate for a given PL and TL election are the individuals that are also committers for one of the team's repositories over the past 12 months prior to the nomination period starts as defined by the TSC charter document.


Any contributor who is an individual member of the foundation can propose their candidacy to run for PL.

Any contributor who is an individual member of the foundation and a core reviewer to the given project can propose their candidacy to run for TL of the given project.

Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the starlingx/election repository. The file must be placed in candidates/<electcycle>/<project_name>/<leadership_role>/<email_address>. The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit. See above How to submit a candidacy documentation.

See the Election Officiating Guidelines page in the wiki for details on the election process.