Here are the changes needed for adding k8s v1.22.5 in StarlingX alongside with the changes needed for the build environment to find and build the package. The package builds successfully. Deployed an iso with k8s 1.22.5 on AIO-SX and AIO-DX. The deployment phase works and the pods are up and running after the upgrade completes. Story: 2009789 Task: 44305 Signed-off-by: Daniel Safta <daniel.safta@windriver.com> Change-Id: Ibb9be075fa0b1491b9ab1854ebb1fddf4df53461
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226 B
The spec file used here was from the kubernetes 1.10.0 src rpm.
The orig file is included to help show modifications made to that
spec file, to help understand which changes were needed and to
assist with future upversioning.