Jiping Ma 8bb380ed7a initramfs-ostree: Support the driver switch in install
This commit supports switch drivers in installer.  It will
load drivers based on multi-drivers-switch=versioni[cvl-2.54,
cvl-4.10, cvl-4.0.1], the drivers will be loaded by "insmod"
command before udevd is started, and that ensures the correct
drivers will be loaded.

Legacy drivers:
ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/
i40e-cvl-2.54  iavf-cvl-2.54  ice-cvl-2.54
i40e-cvl-4.10  iavf-cvl-4.10  ice-cvl-4.10

Latest drivers:
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/
i40e-cvl-4.0.1  iavf-cvl-4.0.1  ice-cvl-4.0.1

- An ISO image can be built successfully.
- Create prestage ISO and install this ISO image with qemu.
  Create prestage ISO including the multi-drivers-switch=cvl-2.54
- kernel dmesg show that the cvl-2.54 NIC drivers loaded during
  the install stage.

Closes-Bug: 2024429

Signed-off-by: Jiping Ma <>
Change-Id: I928f70c3abda709322c3a71a9a695df53905f486
2023-06-25 02:29:20 -04:00
0001-Prevent-auto-expansion-of-fluxdata-partition.patch debian: Allow ISO installs to proceed without user prompts 2022-02-28 02:20:28 -05:00
0002-Make-boot-efi-mount-as-rw.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0003-debian-set-default-size-variables-in-install-script.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0004-Wait-for-devices-to-be-configured-after-boot.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00 Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0006-Add-support-for-StarlingX-partitioning-formatting.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0007-Make-driver-switch-more-adaptable.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0008-Allow-specifying-boot-root-devices-for-installs.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0009-Allow-specifying-var-device-for-installs.patch Make root and var filesystems LVM based 2022-11-22 12:51:47 +02:00
0010-Add-Installer-and-Init-Multipath-support.patch Add Installer and Init Multipath support 2023-02-14 11:22:29 -03:00
0011-Add-H-W-Settle-time-to-installer-init.patch Add Installer and Init Multipath support 2023-02-14 11:22:29 -03:00
0012-installer-inc-number-of-digits-in-scripts-names.patch installer: inc number of digits in scripts' names 2023-03-21 22:47:06 -04:00
0013-Rsync-the-ostree-repo-before-pulling.patch initramfs-ostree: avoid using -z when rsync files locally 2023-04-27 22:25:30 +08:00 Debian: installer: support boot option inst.ks for kickstart 2023-04-18 07:55:07 +00:00
0015-Support-driver-switch-in-installer.patch initramfs-ostree: Support the driver switch in install 2023-06-25 02:29:20 -04:00
series initramfs-ostree: Support the driver switch in install 2023-06-25 02:29:20 -04:00