The sections in kickstart cfg file are chopped up into scripts named with number increased. They are executed in the default sequence of 'ls' output, which aren't aligned with the number in names when the number in name is 10 and above. To make the scripts run in sequence according to their names, increase the number of digits in the names, so that 'ls' can list them in number sequence. Test plan: - PASS: Check about the installation log that "hook script"/"pre install script"/"post install script"/"post install nochroot script" run in right number sequence. - PASS: AIO-DX lib installation succeeds. Closes-bug: 2012447 Signed-off-by: Li Zhou <li.zhou@windriver.com> Change-Id: I80801d4c53dbb1867028f64d9bf51a774b8e12e7
62 lines
2.2 KiB
62 lines
2.2 KiB
From 3e3fa7363c871756f489b3b2eeb7472b98db0664 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Li Zhou <li.zhou@windriver.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:39:57 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] installer: inc number of digits in scripts' names
The sections in kickstart cfg file are chopped up into scripts
named with number increased.
They are executed in the default sequence of 'ls' output, which
aren't aligned with the number in names when the number in name
is 10 and above.
To make the scripts run in sequence according to their names,
increase the number of digits in the names, so that 'ls' can list
them in number sequence.
Signed-off-by: Li Zhou <li.zhou@windriver.com>
lat-installer.hook | 2 +-
lat-installer.sh | 6 +++---
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lat-installer.hook b/lat-installer.hook
index 851e3f2..569519e 100755
--- a/lat-installer.hook
+++ b/lat-installer.hook
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ks_parse_hook() {
# ${line} starts with ${key}
if [ "${line#${key}}" != "${line}" ]; then
- script="${script_dir}/${i}_script"
+ script="${script_dir}/$(printf "%02d" ${i})_script"
elif [ "${line::4}" = "%end" ]; then
chmod a+x ${script}
diff --git a/lat-installer.sh b/lat-installer.sh
index c4462ca..510897d 100755
--- a/lat-installer.sh
+++ b/lat-installer.sh
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ ks_pre_script() {
[ "${line::1}" = "#" -o "${line::1}" = "" -o "${line::1}" = " " ] && continue
if [ "${line::4}" = "%pre" ]; then
- script="${lat_pre_script}/${i}_script"
+ script="${lat_pre_script}/$(printf "%02d" ${i})_script"
local shebang=`expr "$line" : '.*--interpreter=\(.*\)[ $]'`
if [ -z "$shebang" ]; then
@@ -429,9 +429,9 @@ ks_post_script() {
if [ "${line::5}" = "%post" ]; then
local nochroot=`expr "$line" : '.* --\(nochroot\)'`
if [ "$nochroot" = "nochroot" ]; then
- script="${lat_post_nochroot_script}/${i}_script"
+ script="${lat_post_nochroot_script}/$(printf "%02d" ${i})_script"
- script="${lat_post_script}/${i}_script"
+ script="${lat_post_script}/$(printf "%02d" ${i})_script"
local shebang=`expr "$line" : '.*--interpreter=\(.*\)[ $]'`