Vitaliy Kharechko 9fd350b18d Minor changes to support running outside of OpenStack environment, plus some bug fixes
Change-Id: I4b274f8bfab592322088aff7b0f4761ace6312ff
2016-05-26 10:46:01 +03:00

103 lines
5.1 KiB

Using the kafka plugin
This document runs through the steps needed to configure and test out the
kafka plugin for BroadView Collector.
Enabling the kafka plugin
The kafka plugin is located in broadview_collector/plugins/
In the plugin constructor (__init__), the following defaults related to the
kafka message bus are assigned:
* ip address of kafka -
* port - 9092
* topic - broadview-bst
You can override any or all of these settings in /etc/broadviewcollector.conf
in the [kafka] section of the file. The checked in version of this file in
github has these settings commented out. To enable them, uncomment the
[kafka] section and the settings that you would like to override, and give
appropriate values. The following example configures the IP address, port
and topic and will override the default settings of the plugin:
# ip address, port, and topic for kafka
port: 9092
topic: broadview-bst
You'll also need to enable the kafka plugin in /etc/broadviewcollector.conf.
To do this, add the string "kafkapublisher" (no quotes) to the publishers
setting in the [plugins] section. The following example enables both the
log publisher and the kafka publisher plugins:
publishers: logpublisher, kafkapublisher
Testing the Kafka Publisher Plugin
To test out, or experiment with, the kafka publisher plugin, consider doing
the following:
* Install broadview-collector. See the instructions in the main
* Install the Python kafka module:
$ sudo easy_install kafka
* Configure the collector for kafka as described above.
* Install kafka. There are tutorials on the web for this. One that is known
to work for Ubuntu 14.04 can be found at DigitalOcean's website:
* Start up the collector, and then launch kafka from a terminal window. If you
are using the DigitalOcean kafka tutorial:
$ nohup ~/kafka/bin/ ~/kafka/config/ > ~/kafka/kafka.log 2>&1 &
* In a separate terminal window, run the following to view the data that is
being written to the kafka queue by BroadView Collector:
$ ~/kafka/bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper --topic broadview-bst
Note in the above, the path to kafka-console-consumer may be different based
on how you installed kafka. The IP address and port should work if you
installed everything on a single host, and zookeeper is configured to use the
default listen port of 2181. On Ubuntu 14.04, the settings can be found in
/etc/zookeeper/zooinspector/defaultConnectionSettings.cfg in the "hosts"
* Run the BST burst simulator. Instructions for this are provided in the next
Starting the Simulator
To start the bst simulator, go to where broadview-collector was cloned from
github. Then, cd into broadview-collector/broadview_collector/tools. Edit the
script to set the host and port variables to the IP address and
port that the collector is running on, then run the following in a bash window:
$ while true; do sleep 90; python; done
This will get data flowing into the collector and then into the configured
If everything is working, you should see output like the following displayed
from kafka-console-consumer:
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-port-priority-group", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-share-buffer-count", "priority-group": 5, "port": "2", "bv-agent": ""}}
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-port-priority-group", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-headroom-buffer-count", "priority-group": 5, "port": "2", "bv-agent": ""}}
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-port-priority-group", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-share-buffer-count", "priority-group": 6, "port": "3", "bv-agent": ""}}
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-port-priority-group", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-headroom-buffer-count", "priority-group": 6, "port": "3", "bv-agent": ""}}
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-port-service-pool", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-share-buffer-count", "service-pool": 5, "port": "2", "bv-agent": ""}}
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-port-service-pool", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-share-buffer-count", "service-pool": 6, "port": "3", "bv-agent": ""}}
{"timestamp": 1464032262000.0, "name": "broadview.bst.ingress-service-pool", "value": 15, "dimensions": {"asic-id": "20", "stat": "um-share-buffer-count", "service-pool": 1, "bv-agent": ""}}
Congratulations - you've properly installed and configured the BroadView
Collector to accept BST data from an agent, and publish it to kafka.