Learning the Ansible API for this migration. Very simple script that will use the browbeat checks + Added Pbench start/stop 01/11/16 + Moved ansible to config 01/11/16 + Adding ansible hosts option 01/11/16 + Connmon added (start/stop) still nothing with results 01/12/16 + New Rally YAML format... (nova example) 01/12/16 + Create results directory 01/12/16 + Created lib with classes 01/13/16 + Updated Scenarios 01/14/16 + Updated other workloads to new format 01/15/16 + Switched to dict get method 01/15/16 + Removed pyc files and updated 01/15/16 + updated genhost file 01/15/16 + Update Ansible for connmon finished pbench work 01/15/16 + Catch if user tries to run without Ansible or Ansible2 01/26/16 + Minor changes 01/26/16 + Bug fix... 01/27/16 + (akrzos) added keystone yamls and browbeat-complete.yaml + Moved BrowbeatRally to Rally and broke connmon out of Tools + (akrzos) Implemented per Rally test scenario task args. + Updated Docs, removed old browbeat.sh + (akrzos) Cleaned up lib/Rally.py and added cinder scenarios to browbeat configs. + Fix Connmon install issue + (akrzos) Added parameters to neutron task yamls + (akrzos) Changed connmon to stop logging immediately after rally task completes. Change-Id: I338c3463e25f38c2ec7667c7dfc8b5424acba8c2
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Table of Contents
* [Browbeat](#browbeat)
* [Before running browbeat](#before-running-browbeat)
* [How to run Browbeat?](#how-to-run-browbeat)
* [What is necessary?](#what-is-necessary)
* [Detailed Install, Check and Run](#detailed-install-check-and-run)
* [Install Browbeat from your local machine](#install-browbeat-from-your-local-machine)
* [From your local machine:](#from-your-local-machine)
* [(Optional) Install shaker:](#optional-install-shaker)
* [(Optional) Install connmon:](#optional-install-connmon)
* [(Optional) Install pbench:](#optional-install-pbench)
* [Run performance checks](#run-performance-checks)
* [Run performance stress tests through browbeat on the undercloud:](#run-performance-stress-tests-through-browbeat-on-the-undercloud)
* [Install Browbeat directly on undercloud:](#install-browbeat-directly-on-undercloud)
* [From your undercloud:](#from-your-undercloud)
* [(Optional) Install shaker:](#optional-install-shaker-1)
* [(Optional) Install connmon:](#optional-install-connmon-1)
* [(Optional) Install pbench:](#optional-install-pbench-1)
* [Run performance checks](#run-performance-checks-1)
* [Run performance stress tests through browbeat:](#run-performance-stress-tests-through-browbeat)
# Browbeat
This started as a project to help determine the number of database connections a given OpenStack deployment uses. It has since
grown into a set of Ansible playbooks to help check deployments for known issues, install tools and change parameters of the
# Before running browbeat
* Execute the ansible/gen_hostfile.sh script (builds the ssh config)
* Install Tools (rally , shaker, connmon, etc)
* Configure browbeat.cfg to match your tests
# How to run Browbeat?
On the Red Hat OpenStack Director host, as the Stack user jump into a venv w/ Rally and you simply run:
./browbeat.py --help
# What is necessary?
* Red Hat OpenStack Director
* Why? We use passwordless ssh to reach each controller instance and compute instance.
* OpenStack Rally
* Why? We are using Rally to stress the control plane of the env.
* Ansible
* Why? We started with using bash to make changes to the Overcloud, creating complex sed/awks that we get for free with Ansible (for the most part). If you prefer to not use Ansible, the older versions (no longer maintained) of the browbeat.sh can be found in a older commit.
# Detailed Install, Check and Run
Installing Browbeat and running the Overcloud checks can be performed either from your local machine or from the undercloud. The local machine install/check assumes you have ansible installed already.
## Install Browbeat from your local machine
### From your local machine:
$ ssh-copy-id stack@<undercloud-ip>
$ git clone https://github.com/jtaleric/browbeat.git
$ cd browbeat/ansible
$ ./gen_hostfile.sh <undercloud-ip> ~/.ssh/config
$ vi install/group_vars/all # Make sure to edit the dns_server to the correct ip address
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/browbeat.yml
### (Optional) Install shaker:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/shaker.yml
### (Optional) Install connmon:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/connmon.yml
### (Optional) Install pbench:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/connmon.yml
* pbench install is under improvement at this time and likely requires additional setup to complete install.
### Run Overcloud checks
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts check/site.yml
Your Overcloud check output is located in check/bug_report.log
### Run performance stress tests through browbeat on the undercloud:
$ ssh undercloud-root
[root@ospd ~]# su - stack
[stack@ospd ~]$ screen -S browbeat
[stack@ospd ~]$ . browbeat-venv/bin/activate
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd ~]$ cd browbeat/
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ vi browbeat-config.yaml # Edit browbeat-config.yaml to control how many stress tests are run.
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./browbeat.py -w
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./graphing/rallyplot.py test01
## Install Browbeat directly on undercloud:
### From your undercloud:
$ ssh undercloud-root
[root@ospd ~]# su - stack
[stack@ospd ~]$ git clone https://github.com/jtaleric/browbeat.git
[stack@ospd ~]$ cd browbeat/ansible
[stack@ospd ansible]$ ./gen_hostfile.sh localhost ~/.ssh/config
[stack@ospd ansible]$ sudo easy_install pip
[stack@ospd ansible]$ sudo pip install ansible
[stack@ospd ansible]$ vi install/group_vars/all # Make sure to edit the dns_server to the correct ip address
[stack@ospd ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/browbeat.yml
### (Optional) Install shaker:
[stack@ospd ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/shaker.yml
### (Optional) Install connmon:
[stack@ospd ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/connmon.yml
### (Optional) Install pbench:
[stack@ospd ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/connmon.yml
* pbench install is under improvement at this time and likely requires additional setup to complete install.
### Run Overcloud checks
[stack@ospd ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts check/site.yml
Your Overcloud check output is located in check/bug_report.log
### Run performance stress tests through browbeat:
[stack@ospd ansible]$ . ../../browbeat-venv/bin/activate
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd ansible]$ cd ..
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ vi browbeat-config.yaml # Edit browbeat.cfg to control how many stress tests are run.
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./browbeat.py -w
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./graphing/rallyplot.py test01
## Contributing
Contributions are most welcome! Pull requests need to be submitted using the gerrit code review system. Firstly, you need to login to GerritHub using your GitHub credentials and need to authorize GerritHub to access your account. Once you are logged in click you user name in the top-right corner, go to 'Settings' and under 'SSH Public Keys' you need to paste your public key. You can view your public key using:
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_\{r or d\}sa.pub
Set your username and email for git:
$ git config --global user.email "example@example.com"
$ git config --global user.name "example"
Next, Clone the github repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/jtaleric/browbeat.git
You need to have git-review in order to be able to submit patches using the gerrit code review system. You can install it using:
$ yum install git-review
To set up your cloned repository to work with gerrit:
[user@laptop browbeat]$ git review -s
Make your changes and then commit them. Use:
[user@laptop browbeat]$ git review
The first time you are submitting a patch, you will be requested for a user name which is typically your GerritHub user name(same as GitHub user name).