This adds a very simple check for failed tests before Browbeat's exit if failed tests are found Browbeat will exit with a return code of one. This will provide Browbeat CI failure when tests fail without interuppting ongoing tests if a single one fails. Change-Id: I5382f684fe03d85692a275dc5c03a136004f34d9
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Run Overcloud checks
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts check/site.yml
Your Overcloud check output is located in results/bug_report.log
NOTE: It is strongly advised to not run the ansible playbooks in a venv.
Run performance stress tests through Browbeat on the undercloud:
$ ssh undercloud-root
[root@ospd ~]# su - stack
[stack@ospd ~]$ screen -S browbeat
[stack@ospd ~]$ . browbeat-venv/bin/activate
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd ~]$ cd browbeat/
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ vi browbeat-config.yaml # Edit browbeat-config.yaml to control how many stress tests are run.
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./browbeat.py <workload> #perfkit, rally, shaker or "all"
Run performance stress tests through Browbeat
[stack@ospd ansible]$ . ../../browbeat-venv/bin/activate
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd ansible]$ cd ..
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ vi browbeat-config.yaml # Edit browbeat.cfg to control how many stress tests are run.
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./browbeat.py <workload> #perfkit, rally, shaker or "all"
Running PerfKitBenchmarker
Work is on-going to utilize PerfKitBenchmarker as a workload provider to Browbeat. Many benchmarks work out of the box with Browbeat. You must ensure that your network is setup correctly to run those benchmarks and you will need to configure the settings in ansible/install/group_vars/all.yml for Browbeat public/private networks. Currently tested benchmarks include: aerospike, bonnie++, cluster_boot, copy_throughput(cp,dd,scp), fio, iperf, mesh_network, mongodb_ycsb, netperf, object_storage_service, ping, scimark2, and sysbench_oltp.
To run Browbeat's PerfKit Benchmarks, you can start by viewing the tested benchmark's configuration in conf/browbeat-perfkit-complete.yaml. You must add them to your specific Browbeat config yaml file or enable/disable the benchmarks you wish to run in the default config file (browbeat-config.yaml). There are many flags exposed in the configuration files to tune how those benchmarks run. Additional flags are exposed in the source code of PerfKitBenchmarker available on the Google Cloud Github.
Example running only PerfKitBenchmarker benchmarks with Browbeat from browbeat-config.yaml:
(browbeat-venv)[stack@ospd browbeat]$ ./browbeat.py perfkit -s browbeat-config.yaml
Running Shaker
Running Shaker requires the shaker image to be built, which in turn requires instances to be able to access the internet. The playbooks for this installation have been described in the installation documentation but for the sake of convenience they are being mentioned here as well.
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/browbeat_network.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/shaker_build.yml
The playbook to setup networking is provided as an example only and might not work for you based on your underlay/overlay network setup. In such cases, the exercise of setting up networking for instances to be able to access the internet is left to the user.
Once the shaker image is built, you can run Shaker via Browbeat by filling in a few configuration options in the configuration file. The meaning of each option is summarized below:
- shaker:
- enabled
, enable shaker or not - server
IP address of the shaker-server for agent to talk to (undercloud IP by default)
- port
Port to connect to the shaker-server (undercloud port 5555 by default)
- flavor
OpenStack instance flavor you want to use
- join_timeout
Timeout in seconds for agents to join
- sleep_before
Time in seconds to sleep before executing a scenario
- sleep_after
Time in seconds to sleep after executing a scenario
- venv
venv to execute shaker commands in,
by default - shaker_region
OpenStack region you want to use
- external_host
IP of a server for external tests (should have
executed on it previously and have iptables/firewalld/selinux allowing connections on the ports used by network testing tools netperf and iperf)
- scenarios: List of scenarios you want to run
- - name
Name for the scenario. It is used to create directories/files accordingly
- enabled
depending on whether or not you want to execute the scenario - density
Number of instances
- compute
Number of compute nodes across which to spawn instances
- placement
would mean one instance per compute node anddouble_room
would give you two instances per compute node - progression
means all agents are involved,linear
means execution starts with one agent and increases linearly,quadratic
would result in quadratic growth in number of agents participating in the test concurrently - time
Time in seconds you want each test in the scenario file to run
- file
The base shaker scenario file to use to override options (this would depend on whether you want to run L2, L3 E-W or L3 N-S tests and also on the class of tool you want to use such as flent or iperf3)
To analyze results sent to Elasticsearch (you must have Elasticsearch enabled and the IP of the Elasticsearch host provided in the browbeat configuration file), you can use the following playbook to setup some prebuilt dashboards for you:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install/kibana-visuals.yml
Alternatively you can create your own visualizations of specific shaker runs using some simple searches such as:
shaker_uuid: 97092334-34e8-446c-87d6-6a0f361b9aa8 AND record.concurrency: 1 AND result.result_type: bandwidth
shaker_uuid: c918a263-3b0b-409b-8cf8-22dfaeeaf33e AND record.concurrency:1 AND record.test:Bi-Directional
Interpreting Browbeat Results
By default results for each test will be placed in a timestamped folder results/ inside your Browbeat folder. Each run folder will contain output files from the various workloads and benchmarks that ran during that Browbeat run, as well as a report card that summarizes the results of the tests.
Browbeat for the most part tries to restrict itself to running tests, it will only exit with a nonzero return code if a workload failed to run. If, for example, Rally where to run but not be able to boot any instances on your cloud Browbeat would return with RC 0 without any complaints, only by looking into the Rally results for that Browbeat run would you determine that your cloud had a problem that made benchmarking it impossible.
Likewise if Rally manages to run at a snails pace, Browbeat will still exit without complaint. Be aware of this when running Browbeat and take the time to either view the contents of the results folder after a run. Or setup Elasticsearch and Kibana to view them more easily.
Working with Multiple Clouds
If you are running playbooks from your local machine you can run against more than one cloud at the same time. To do this, you should create a directory per-cloud and clone Browbeat into that specific directory:
[browbeat@laptop ~]$ mkdir cloud01; cd cloud01
[browbeat@laptop cloud01]$ git clone git@github.com:openstack/browbeat.git
[browbeat@laptop cloud01]$ cd browbeat/ansible
[browbeat@laptop ansible]$ ./generate_tripleo_hostfile.sh <cloud01-ip-address>
[browbeat@laptop ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts (Your playbook you wish to run...)
[browbeat@laptop ansible]$ ssh -F ssh-config overcloud-controller-0 # Takes you to first controller
Repeat the above steps for as many clouds as you have to run playbooks against your clouds.