Sanjay Chari 96aff26d80 Shift-on-stack kube-burner dynamic workloads
This patch introduces the following changes.
1. benchmark-operator is deployed during browbeat installation if install_e2e_benchmarking
is set to true in group_vars/all.yml. This is because the same operator can be used for
multiple Rally iterations.
2. A rally plugin to run kube-burner workloads has been created.

Change-Id: I4fb67c4e986a8be589cf1eca615b2bb2748cba55
2021-09-13 12:22:47 +00:00

6.6 KiB

Browbeat Rally Plugin: dynamic-workloads ======================================


Dynamic workloads are workloads that aim to simulate a realistic Openstack customer environment, by introducing elements of randomness into the simulation. A list of the different workloads that are part of this Browbeat Rally Plugin is mentioned below.


  • create_delete_servers: Create 'N' VMs(without floating IP), and delete 'M' randomly chosen VMs from this list of VMs.
  • migrate_servers: Create 'N' VMs(with floating IP), and migrate 'M' randomly chosen VMs from this list of VMs across computes, before resizing them.
  • swap_floating_ips_between_servers: Swap floating IPs between 2 servers. Ping until failure after dissociating floating IPs, before swapping them. Ping until success after swapping floating IPs between 2 servers.


  • create_loadbalancers: Create 'N' loadbalancers with specified 'M' pools and 'K' clients per Loadbalancer.
  • delete_loadbalancers: Deletes 'M' loadbalancers randomly from 'N' loadbalancers
  • delete_members_random_lb: Deletes 'M' members from a random loadbalancer

Trunk(pod simulation):

  • pod_fip_simulation: Simulate pods with floating ips using subports on trunks and VMs. Create 'N' trunks and VMs and 'M' subports per trunk/VM. Ping a random subport of each trunk/VM from a jumphost.
  • add_subports_to_random_trunks: Add 'M' subports to 'N' randomly chosen trunks. This is to simulate pods being added to an existing VM.
  • delete_subports_from_random_trunks: Delete 'M' subports from 'N' randomly chosen trunks. This is is to simulate pods being destroyed.
  • swap_floating_ips_between_random_subports: Swap floating IPs between 2 randomly chosen subports from 2 trunks.

Provider network:

  • provider_netcreate_nova_boot_ping: Creates a provider Network and Boots VM and ping
  • provider_net_nova_boot_ping: Boots a VM and ping on random existing provider network
  • provider_net_nova_delete: Delete all VM's and provider network

Shift on Stack:

  • shift_on_stack: Runs specified kube-burner workload through e2e-benchmarking. e2e-benchmarking is a repository that contains scripts to stress Openshift clusters. This workload uses e2e-benchmarking to test Openshift on Openstack.

How to run the workloads?

  • cd to the base directory(browbeat).
  • Change enabled to true under the dynamic-workloads and dynamic-workload section of browbeat-config.yaml.
  • Make changes to parameters under the dynamic-workloads section of browbeat-config.yaml.
  • Run ./ rally


Nova Utils:

  • log_info: Log information with iteration number
  • log_error: Log error with iteration number
  • _run_command_with_attempts: Run command over ssh connection with multiple attempts
  • _run_command_until_failure: Run command over ssh connection until failure
  • assign_ping_fip_from_jumphost: Assign floating IP to port(optional), and ping floating ip from jumphost
  • _wait_for_ping_failure: Wait for ping failure to floating IP of server
  • _boot_server_with_tag: Boot a server with a tag
  • _boot_server_with_fip_and_tag: Boot server prepared for SSH actions, with tag
  • _get_servers_by_tag: Retrieve list of servers based on tag
  • _get_fip_by_server: Check if server has floating IP, and retrieve it if it does
  • show_server: Show server details

Neutron Utils:

  • log_info: Log information with iteration number
  • log_error: Log error with iteration number
  • _create_router: Create neutron router
  • dissociate_and_delete_floating_ip: Dissociate and delete floating IP of port
  • create_floating_ip_and_associate_to_port: Create and associate floating IP for port
  • _create_sec_group_rule: Create rule for security group
  • create_sec_group_with_icmp_ssh: Create security group with icmp and ssh rules
  • show_router: Show information of a given router
  • show_network: Show information of a given network
  • show_subnet: Show information of a given subnet
  • get_router_from_context: Retrieve router that was created as part of Rally context
  • get_network_from_context: Retrieve network that was created as part of Rally context
  • get_subnet_from_context: Retrieve subnet that was created as part of Rally context

Lock Utils:

  • acquire_lock: Acquire lock on object
  • list_locks: List all locks in database
  • release_lock: Release lock on object
  • cleanup_locks: Release all locks in database


  • boot_servers: Create 'N' VMs(without floating IP)
  • delete_random_servers: Delete 'N' randomly chosen VMs(without floating IP)
  • boot_servers_with_fip: Create 'N' VMs with floating IPs.
  • _create_router: Create neutron router.
  • get_servers_list_for_migration_or_stop_start: Generate list of servers to migrate between computes, or to stop and start
  • migrate_servers_with_fip: Migrate servers between computes
  • stop_start_servers_with_fip: Stop and start random servers
  • swap_floating_ips_between_servers: Swap floating IPs between 2 servers


  • create_loadbalancers: Create 'N' loadbalancers
  • delete_loadbalancers: Deletes 'M' loadbalancers randomly from 'N' loadbalancers
  • create_clients: Create 'N' clients
  • create_listener: Create listener
  • create_pool: Create pool
  • create_member: Create member
  • delete_members_random_lb: Deletes 'M' members from a random loadbalancer
  • check_connection: Check the connection of LB
  • build_jump_host: Builds Jump host


  • add_route_from_vm_to_jumphost: Add route from trunk vm to jumphost via trunk subport
  • delete_route_from_vm_to_jumphost: Delete route from trunk vm to jumphost via trunk subport
  • get_jumphost_by_trunk: Get jumphost details for a given trunk
  • create_subnets_and_subports: Create N subnets and subports
  • add_subports_to_trunk_and_vm: Add subports to trunk and create vlan interfaces for subport inside trunk VM
  • simulate_subport_connection: Simulate connection from jumphost to random subport of trunk VM
  • get_server_by_trunk: Get server details for a given trunk
  • pod_fip_simulation: Simulate pods with floating ips using subports on trunks and VMs
  • add_subports_to_random_trunks: Add 'N' subports to 'M' randomly chosen trunks
  • delete_subports_from_random_trunks: Delete 'N' subports from 'M' randomly chosen trunks
  • swap_floating_ips_between_random_subports: Swap floating IPs between 2 randomly chosen subports from 2 randomly chosen trunks

Provider Network:

  • provider_netcreate_nova_boot_ping: Creates a provider Network and Boots VM and ping
  • provider_net_nova_boot_ping: Boots a VM and ping on random existing provider network
  • provider_net_nova_delete: Delete all VM's and provider network

Shift on Stack:

  • run_kube_burner_workload: Run kube-burner workloads through e2e-benchmarking