This migrates the rest of the markdown files to rst. Below, you can see what these will render like: Patchset #2: fixing atrocious whitespace cfme-allinone.rst http://rst.ninjs.org/?n=706a1b93e3b2dc3c53172dfb542b5ef2&theme=basic README.rst http://rst.ninjs.org/?n=820cd51834cc7e21f50d04bb49bb61d6&theme=basic README.collectd-generic.rst http://rst.ninjs.org/?n=368648871a4eef2cade51d2b3f3b29d2&theme=basic Change-Id: I4a422b7939075a35f04c50e19d7e92d3e9faa00e
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Setting up a CFME or ManageIQ VM for All-In-One Performance Monitoring
- Deploy ManageIQ/CFME appliance
- Add additional disk to host Graphite's whisper database, mount disk at /var/lib/carbon
- Clone browbeat
[root@manageiq ~]# git clone https://github.com/jtaleric/browbeat.git``
[root@manageiq ~]# cd browbeat/ansible``
- Create ansible inventory file
localhost ansible_connection=local
localhost ansible_connection=local
localhost ansible_connection=local
- Install ansible
[root@manageiq ansible]# easy_install pip
[root@manageiq ansible]# yum install -y python-devel gcc-c++
[root@manageiq ansible]# pip install ansible
6. Setup installation variables at install/group_vars/all.yml by modifying following variables
graphite_host: localhost
graphite_port: 9000
graphite_prefix: manageiq
grafana_host: localhost
grafana_port: 9001
- Run playbooks for collectd/graphite/grafana install
[root@manageiq ansible]# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/graphite.yml
[root@manageiq ansible]# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/grafana.yml
[root@manageiq ansible]# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/collectd-generic.yml --tags="cfme-all-in-one"
- Upload dashboards via ansible
[root@manageiq ansible]# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/dashboards-generic.yml
- Enjoy your now performance monitored CFME/ManageIQ appliance, view grafana dashboards at http://(manageiq-ip-address):9001/