938922cb07 Backport commit
2015-09-09 15:27:57 +05:00

62 lines
2.4 KiB

# About the PLUMgrid Platform
The [PLUMgrid Platform]( is a software-only solution that provides a rich set of distributed network functions such as routers, switches, NAT, IPAM, DHCP, and it also supports security policies, end-to-end encryption, and third party Layer 4-7 service insertion.
## About Plumgrid Director
The Director is the brain of the PLUMgrid Platform. It is responsible for coordinating and managing all the other platform components. Based on PLUMgrid's distributed system architecture, it provides built-in high availability and scaling. The Director allows you to create Virtual Domains on a per tenant or application basis.
# Overview
Once deployed this charm performs the configurations required for a PLUMgrid Director and starts the essential services on the node.
# Usage
Instructions on using the charm:
juju deploy neutron-api
juju deploy neutron-api-plumgrid
juju deploy plumgrid-director
juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-api-plumgrid
For plumgrid-director to work make the configuration in the neutron-api and neutron-api-plumgrid charms as specified in the configuration section below.
# Known Limitations and Issues
This is an early access version of the PLUMgrid Director charm and it is not meant for production deployments. The charm only supports Kilo Openstack Release.
# Configuration
Example Config
plumgrid-virtual-ip: ""
install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable'
install_keys: 'null'
install_sources: 'ppa:plumgrid-team/stable'
install_keys: 'null'
enable-metadata: True
neutron-plugin: "plumgrid"
plumgrid-virtual-ip: ""
Provide the virtual IP you want PLUMgrid GUI to be accessible.
Make sure that it is the same IP specified in the neutron-api charm configuration for PLUMgrid.
The virtual IP passed on in the neutron-api charm has to be same as the one passed in the plumgrid-director charm.
Provide the source repo path for PLUMgrid Debs in 'install_sources' and the corresponding keys in 'install_keys'.
You can access the PG Console at
In order to configure networking, PLUMgrid License needs to be posted.
juju set plumgrid-director plumgrid-license-key="$LICENSE_KEY"
# Contact Information
Bilal Baqar <>
Bilal Ahmad <>