- Enabled the user to configure the severity of alarms triggered by metrics/meters - Provided/Updated documentation for this changea - Included all of the necessary tests for this change - Included a reno for this change Change-Id: Icefe2edf7695c4a8b3d5838844e2514b9876967f
6.4 KiB
Installing collectd-ceilometer-plugin with DevStack
This guide outlines how to install the collectd-ceilometer-plugin using DevStack.
- Access to the internet
Installation of DevStack
Follow the instructions provided in the following documentation to set up your own DevStack.
Once DevStack is ready to be deployed, follow the configuration steps in the next section to allow the installation of the plugin during deployment.
Configuration of DevStack
These configuration instructions only allow for the minimal installation of collectd, ceilometer and the plugin. The sample local.conf provided must be edited to enable additional services.
To configure DevStack for to install the plugin, download the sample local.conf from the collectd-ceilometer-plugin repo into your DevStack directory.
$ cd devstack $ wget https://github.com/openstack/collectd-ceilometer-plugin/blob/master/doc/source/examples/local.conf.minimal
Edit the "HOST_IP" varible to appropriately match your environment.
Include your chosen "CEILOMETER_BACKEND", as there is no default backend for ceilometer. The options for this backend include mysql,es,postgresql or mongodb.
If you wish to enable any extra features please follow the instructions in the "Additional Features" section below before moving on to the next step.
Create your DevStack environment:
$ ./stack.sh
Verfication of collectd-ceilometer-plugin
Confirm that the collectd service is up and running:
$ sudo systemctl status collectd.service
By default, collectd enables the "cpu.cpu" meter. Check that the statistics for this meter are being sent to ceilometer, thus confirming that collectd is working with ceilometer.
$ ceilometer sample-list --meter cpu.cpu
Additional Features
Custom Units
This feature enables users to define new units for existing meter values. To enable this feature execute the following instructions:
To include your new units, add the following line with your chosen units to your local.conf file.
COLLECTD_CUSTOM_UNITS="<meter> <unit>"
If you would like to add more than one new unit include them in the same line and seperate each meter and its unit with a comma, as shown below.
COLLECTD_CUSTOM_UNITS="<meter> <unit>,<meter> <unit>"
Custom Packages Feature
This feature enables users to define new packages to be installed when building collectd.
- To include your new packages, add the following line with your chosen packages to your local.conf file.
To deploy with gnocchi using DevStack, add the following to you local.conf:
enable_plugin collectd-ceilometer-plugin http://github.com/openstack/collectd-ceilometer-plugin COLLECTD_INSTALL=True # GNOCCHI enable_plugin gnocchi https://github.com/openstack/gnocchi master enable_service gnocchi-api,gnocchi-metricd,gnocchi-statsd GNOCCHI_USE_KEYSTONE=True COLLECTD_GNOCCHI_ENABLED=True
Gnocchi Tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~
delete_metrics A delete metrics tool is available to delete all metrics. This tool has to be used manually. See
To delete all of the pre-existing metrics, just run the following command:$ . tools/delete_metrics.sh
Aodh is an alarming service that allows an alarm to be created and/or updated if there is something unusual happening with the system. When this service is enabled via the collectd-ceilometer-plugin, it allows alarms to be created/updated for all notifications sent from collectd. All notifications sent from collectd are configured as event alarms in Aodh. To enable aodh with collectd, add the following to your local.conf:
# AODH enable_plugin aodh https://git.openstack.org/openstack/aodh COLLECTD_AODH_ENABLED=True
This plugin allows you to specify the severity of the alarms that will be created for meters. To enable this add the following line to your local.conf, once you have enabled the collectd-aodh-plugin:
COLLECTD_AODH_SEVERITIES='"<meter>" <severity>'
You can set this severity to be one of three settings "low", "moderate" or "critical". If you leave this unset for any of the meters that trigger an alarm severity will default to "moderate".
In addition to this, alarms can be created manually via the Aodh
command line based on the metrics generated by the gnocchi plugin and
meters from the ceilometer plugin. For more information on this please
read <alarms_guide.rst>
Finally an alarm can also be created in a heat template. The
instructions for this are provided in <heat_scaling_guide.rst>
This enables you to scale a resource that you define based on the triggering of an alarm.
Aodh Tools ~~~~~~~~~
delete_alarms When collectd is restarted duplicate alarms can be created if the same configuration is used. A delete alarms tool has been provided to allow deletion of all alarms before collectd restart. See
To delete all of the alarms, just run the following command prior to restarting collectd:$ . tools/delete_alarms.sh $ sudo service collectd restart