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Kubernetes Elements
This folders contains necessary DIB elements to build Kubernetes image expected by "Kubernetes Cluster" Murano application.
- Install diskimage-builder
sudo pip install diskimage-builder
- Install qemu-uils and kpartx
On Ubuntu, Debian:
sudo apt-get install qemu-utils kpartx
On Centos, Fedora:
sudo yum install qemu-utils kpartx
Image building
To build Debian-based image
sudo ELEMENTS_PATH=${murano_agent_root}/contrib/elements:{k8s-docker-suite-app-murano}/Kubernetes/KubernetesCluster/elements \
"Ec2, ConfigDrive, OpenStack" disk-image-create vm debian murano-agent-debian \
DIB_RELEASE=jessie DIB_CLOUD_INIT_DATASOURCES=-o debian8-x64-kubernetes docker kubernetes
To build Ubuntu-based image
Where ${murano_agent_root} is a path to murano-agent files and ${murano_apps_root} is a path to murano-apps files.
Please be careful that diskimage-builder uses tmpfs if 8 Gb memory or bigger is detected. In case of 8 Gb tmpfs size is not enough to build kubernetes. Use DIB_NO_TMPFS=1 in this case or hack diskimage-builder.