6.5 KiB
Using pip
sudo pip install python-redfish
Pip will install :
- The library and all dependencies into prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages directory
- Redfish client master conf file into prefix/etc/redfish_client.conf Unless if prefix = '/usr', in that case force configuration file to be in /etc
- Data file (templates) into prefix/share/redfish-client/templates
Point 2 and 3 above need root access to your system. If you don't have root access on your system, please follow Using pip and virtualenv section.
Using pip and virtualenv
- Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:
Fedora 22:
dnf install python-virtualenv python-virtualenvwrapper
Ubuntu 15.04:
apt-get install python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
Source virtualenvwrapper.sh:
. /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
. /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Create a redfish virtual environement:
mkvirtualenv redfish
Install using pip:
pip install python-redfish
All files are installed under your virtualenv.
Using the sources
Follow get the sources section to retrieve the sources.
Install from the source using:
python setup.py install --prefix="/usr/local"
Using rpm package
There is currently no oficial packages for distributions. However part of the sources there is a mechanism to buil rpm or deb packages for distributions.
The mechanism is based on project builder tool.
Follow get the sources section to retrieve the sources.
Download project builder for your distribution from ftp://ftp.project-builder.org.
Clone the project to your own github account.
Create a .pbrc with the following content, replace "/wokspace/python/redfish" and "uggla" with your own directory and account:
[uggla@ugglalaptop ~]$ cat .pbrc pbdefdir python-redfish = $ENV{'HOME'}/workspace pbconfdir python-redfish = $ENV{'HOME'}/workspace/python-redfish/pbconf pbconfurl python-redfish = git+ssh://git@github.com:uggla/python-redfish.git pburl python-redfish = git+ssh://git@github.com:uggla/python-redfish.git
Build the project:
pb -p python-redfish sbx2pkg
pb -p python-redfish sbx2pkg2ins
All packages (srpm/rpm) should be available into the build directory, then install the package using rpm:
rpm -Uvh python-redfish/build/RPMS/python-redfish-devel20160213182552.rpm
Follow get the sources section to retrieve the sources.
Using deb package
This installation in not yet possible due to missing deb package dependencies. We are working on it.
In the meantime we recommend to use Using pip or Using pip and virtualenv.
Host configuration file configuration
Verify redfish-client is working correclty:
redfish-client -h
Create a default entry to use the mockup:
redfish-client config add default default http://localhost:8000/redfish/v1
Verify the entry is correctly registered:
redfish-client config showall
Mockup installation
Follow get the sources section to retrieve the sources.
Install docker using your distribution packages or the docker procedure (docker provide more recent packages for ubuntu):
dnf install docker systemctl enable docker.service systemctl start docker.service systemctl status docker.service
Jump into the dmtf directory.
Run ./buildImage.sh and ./run-redfish-simulator.sh
Check that a container is running and listening on port 8000:
(pypi)[uggla@ugglalaptop dmtf]$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 9943ff1d4d93 redfish-simulator:latest "/bin/sh -c /tmp/redf" 3 weeks ago Up 2 days>80/tcp redfish-simulator
Try to connect using a navigator to http://localhost:8000 the following screen should apear.
Note : in the above screenshot, firefox JSON-handle extension is used. If you want the same presentation install the extension and refresh the page.
Testing against the mockup
Follow Host configuration file configuration and Mockup installation section.
Run the following command:
redfish-client manager getinfo
The result should be like this:
(pypi)[uggla@ugglalaptop dmtf]$ redfish-client manager getinfo
Gathering data from manager, please wait...
Redfish API version : 1.00
Root Service
Managers information :
Manager id 1:
UUID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Type : BMC
Firmware version : 1.00
State : Enabled
Ethernet Interface :
This manager has no ethernet interface
Managed Chassis :
Managed System :
Manager id 2:
UUID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Type : EnclosureManager
Firmware version : Not available
State : Enabled
Ethernet Interface :
This manager has no ethernet interface
Managed Chassis :
Managed System :
Manager id 3:
UUID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Type : EnclosureManager
Firmware version : Not available
State : Enabled
Ethernet Interface :
This manager has no ethernet interface
Managed Chassis :
Managed System :
Building local documentation
Building the html documentation locally
Follow get the sources section to retrieve the sources.
Jump in the doc directory:
cd doc
Build the html documentation:
make html
If you want to build the documentation in pdf.
Get texlive full distribution, ex on Fedora:
dnf install texlive-scheme-full
Build the documentation:
make latexpdf