sonu.kumar 8bc106654c Add openstack zone transfer accept list cli to designateclient
This patch add cli for listing accepted zone ownership transfer

and corresponding test cases.

Related-Bug: #1499539

Change-Id: I3eec36c73b2dacd4eed3b8578c4d51593b43104d
depends-on: I3dc042f666be43649bb3dec6e92cc67d1c32578f
2016-06-14 11:26:53 +00:00

15 KiB

OpenStack Command Line Tool Examples

Because command output would make this document long, much of it will be omitted from the examples.

Working with Zones

Create a zone with the following command:

$ openstack zone create --email
| Field          | Value                                |
| action         | CREATE                               |
| created_at     | 2016-04-19T17:44:04.000000           |
| description    | None                                 |
| email          |                    |
| id             | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |
| masters        |                                      |
| name           |                         |
| pool_id        | 794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842 |
| project_id     | 123456                               |
| serial         | 1461087844                           |
| status         | PENDING                              |
| transferred_at | None                                 |
| ttl            | 3600                                 |
| type           | PRIMARY                              |
| updated_at     | None                                 |
| version        | 1                                    |

See the new zone in your list of zones with the following command:

$ openstack zone list

Display a specific zone with either of these commands; most zone commands accept either the zone_id or name attribute:

$ openstack zone show
$ openstack zone show 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae

Update the zone with this command:

$ openstack zone set --description "Description"

Delete the zone with this command:

$ openstack zone delete

Working with Recordsets

Using the zone above, create a recordset with the following command:

$ openstack recordset create --type A www --records
| Field       | Value                                |
| action      | CREATE                               |
| created_at  | 2016-04-19T17:51:12.000000           |
| description | None                                 |
| id          | 180d3574-3c29-4ea2-b6ff-df904bd3f126 |
| name        |                     |
| records     |                           |
| status      | PENDING                              |
| ttl         | None                                 |
| type        | A                                    |
| updated_at  | None                                 |
| version     | 1                                    |
| zone_id     | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |

Multiple records can be provided for a specific recordset type:

$ openstack recordset create --type A www --records

See the new recordset in the list of recordsets with the following command:

$ openstack recordset list

Display a specific recordset:

$ openstack recordset show

Update a specific recordset:

$ openstack recordset set --ttl 10000 --records

Delete a recordset:

$ openstack recordset delete

Working with PTR Records

Reverse DNS for Neutron Floating IPs can be managed with the "ptr" subcommand.

List all PTR records:

$ openstack ptr record list

Show a PTR record:

$ openstack ptr record show RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f

Create a PTR record:

$ openstack ptr record set RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f

Delete a PTR record:

$ openstack ptr record delete RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f

Working with Zone Exports

Zone exports enable you to save Designate zone information offline.

Create a zone export:

$ openstack zone export create
| Field      | Value                                |
| created_at | 2016-04-19T20:42:16.000000           |
| id         | 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5 |
| location   | None                                 |
| message    | None                                 |
| project_id | 123456                               |
| status     | PENDING                              |
| updated_at | None                                 |
| version    | 1                                    |
| zone_id    | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |

List zone exports:

$ openstack zone export list

Show zone export:

$ openstack zone export show 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5

Show the zone file for the Zone Export:

$ openstack zone export showfile 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5 -f value
$TTL 3600  IN NS  IN NS  IN SOA 1458678636 7200 300 604800 300

Delete zone export:

$ openstack zone export delete 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5

Working with Zone Imports

Zone imports enable you to import a zone into Designate from a file on the filesystem.

Create a zone import from a file:

$ openstack zone import create zonefile.txt
| Field      | Value                                |
| created_at | 2016-04-19T20:59:38.000000           |
| id         | bab6e152-da9f-4dfc-8a59-3f9710fe4894 |
| message    | None                                 |
| project_id | 123456                               |
| status     | PENDING                              |
| updated_at | None                                 |
| version    | 1                                    |
| zone_id    | None                                 |

List zone imports:

$ openstack zone import list

Show zone import:

$ openstack zone import show 839d8041-1960-4d74-8533-118d52218074

Delete zone import:

$ openstack zone import delete 839d8041-1960-4d74-8533-118d52218074

Working with Zone Blacklists

Zone blacklist enable you to block any zone pattern from creation.

Create a zone blacklist

$openstack zone blacklist create --pattern "^example\.com\.$" --description "This is a blacklisted domain."
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-05-10 00:26:07                  |
| description | This is a blacklisted domain.        |
| id          | 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10 |
| pattern     | ^$                     |
| updated_at  | None                                 |

List zone blacklist

$ openstack zone blacklist list

Show zone blacklist

$openstack zone blacklist show 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10

Update zone blacklist

$openstack zone blacklist set --pattern "^([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+\.)*example\.com\.$" --description "Updated the description" 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10

Delete a zone blacklist

$openstack zone blacklist delete 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10

Working with zone transfer

Zone transfer enable you to perform the transfer of zone ownership to another project.

Create a Zone Transfer Request

$openstack zone transfer request create --target-project-id 9cc52dd7649c4aa99fa9db2fb94dabb8 53cdcf82-9e32-4a00-a90d-32d6ec5db7e9
| Field             | Value                                                                                  |
| created_at        | 2016-05-10 01:39:00                                                                    |
| description       | None                                                                                   |
| id                | 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57                                                   |
| key               | J6JCET2C                                                                               |
| links             | {u'self':                                                                              |
|                   | u' |
|                   | 8a0ab04f7e57'}                                                                         |
| project_id        | 10457ad1fe074f4a89bb1e4c0cd83d40                                                       |
| status            | ACTIVE                                                                                 |
| target_project_id | 9cc52dd7649c4aa99fa9db2fb94dabb8                                                       |
| updated_at        | None                                                                                   |
| zone_id           | 53cdcf82-9e32-4a00-a90d-32d6ec5db7e9                                                   |
| zone_name         |                                                                           |

List Zone Transfer Requests

$openstack zone transfer request list

Show Zone Transfer Request Details

$openstack zone transfer request show 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57

Update a Zone Transfer Request

$openstack zone transfer request set 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57 --description "demo transfer"

Delete a Zone Transfer Request

$openstack zone transfer request delete 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57

Accept a Zone Transfer Request

$openstack zone transfer accept request  --transfer-id 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57 --key J6JCET2C
| Field                    | Value                                                                           |
| created_at               | 2016-05-10 05:02:52                                                             |
| id                       | a8750f50-d7e6-403a-89d2-e209d62ef60e                                            |
| key                      | J6JCET2C                                                                        |
| links                    | {u'self':                                                                       |
|                          | u'      |
|                          | -403a-89d2-e209d62ef60e', u'zone':                                              |
|                          | u''}    |
| project_id               | 10457ad1fe074f4a89bb1e4c0cd83d40                                                |
| status                   | COMPLETE                                                                        |
| updated_at               | 2016-05-10 05:02:52                                                             |
| zone_id                  | 53cdcf82-9e32-4a00-a90d-32d6ec5db7e9                                            |
| zone_transfer_request_id | 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57                                            |

Show Zone Transfer Accept

$openstack zone transfer accept show a8750f50-d7e6-403a-89d2-e209d62ef60e

List Zone Transfer Accept

$openstack zone transfer accept list

Working with tld

tld enable you to manage top level domains.

Create a TLD

$openstack tld create --name com --description "demo TLD"
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-05-10 05:21:40                  |
| description | demo TLD                             |
| id          | a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113 |
| name        | com                                  |
| updated_at  | None                                 |

List TLDs

$openstack tld list

Show TLD Details

$openstack tld show a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113

Update a TLD

$openstack tld set a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113 --name org --description "TLD description"

Delete a TLD

$openstack tld delete a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113