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Ranger is an OpenStack Resource Management tool capable of managing different types of clouds into
one platform. Here are the following of what it provides:
- Multi-region common resource management.
- Light weight, stateless and interface with external self-service portals.
- Runs on DCP.
- Resource agents will run on LCP to orchestrate and keep resources in sync from a
centralized repository.
Before Setting Up
Make sure ranger-agent is running before installing and running ranger since that
is required for connecting with Openstack.
Devstack Installation
1. Add the following line in `local.conf` to include ranger repository in your devstack.
`enable_plugin ranger https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ranger`
2. Make sure `MYSQL_PASSWORD` is included for creating and accessing the database.
3. Run ./stack.sh from devstack directory.
1. Navigate to ranger/tools directory:
$ `cd /opt/stack/ranger/tools`
2. To make changes to the port numbers and other configurations, please go to `base_config.py` under
the `orm` folder before continuing to the next steps.
3. Run `./ranger_create_db.sh` to create ranger databases.
4. Run `./setup_apache.sh` to create conf files for each of the services to apache.
5. Run `stack_orm.sh` to set up ranger.
6. If `stack_orm.sh` is not running properly, navigate to /opt/stack/ranger and run the following:
a. `sudo pip install -r requirements.txt`
b. `sudo python setup.py develop 2>&1 | tee $root_dir/tools/install.log`
Generate ranger.conf file
$tox -e genconfig
A blank configuration file will be generated at etc/ranger.conf
Running Ranger Services
To run each of the services, type in these commands in order to run each of the services.
- Audit: `orm-audit`
- Uuidgen: `orm-uuidgen`
- RDS (Resource Distributor Service): `orm-rds`
- RMS (Resource Management Service): `orm-rms`
- FMS (Flavor Management Service): `orm-fms`
- CMS (Customer Management Service): `orm-cms`
- IMS (Image Management Service): `orm-ims`
For RMS, FMS, CMS, and IMS to be running, Audit, Uuidgen, and RDS must also be running properly as
well in order to use them.
Docker Container:
1. $ `cd ranger`
2. Update /ranger/tools/.ssh/ranger with your ssh key to your git repo
containing heat templates.
You can clone https://github.com/ranger , but pull requests won't be accepted.
3. $ `sudo docker build -t ranger .`
4. $ `sudo docker run -h "ranger" --net host -it --privileged ranger bash`
Creating docker image and publish will be done by deployment jobs.
For Refernce and validation manually image could push using.
a). $ `docker login <docker_user_id>`
b). $ `docker tag ranger <docker_user_id>/ranger:0.1.0`
c). $ `docker push <docker_user_id>/ranger:0.1.0`
5. This docker container will be used by helm chart in order to deploy ranger.