Łukasz Oleś 3c92c9c095 Update installation instructions
Change-Id: I627d1695274380f25b9bdea19205b400b95a5f2b
2016-01-22 16:23:02 +01:00

4.1 KiB


Please note that currently Solar is in a beta stage and it shouldn't be used on production.

We also recommend testing Solar in a vagrant env where fully working development environment will be created.

If you want to try Solar outside Vagrant jump to Local environment

Supported development platforms

Linux or MacOS

Vagrant environment

Additional software

VirtualBox 5.x, Vagrant 1.7.x

Note: Make sure that Vagrant VirtualBox Guest plugin is installed

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

Note: If you are using VirtualBox 5.0 on Linux system, it's worth uncommenting paravirtprovider setting in vagrant-settings.yaml for speed improvements:

paravirtprovider: kvm

For details see Customizing vagrant-settings.yaml section.

Setup development env

Setup environment:

git clone
cd solar
vagrant up

Login into vm, the code is available in /vagrant directory

vagrant ssh
solar --help

Get ssh details for running slave nodes (vagrant/vagrant):

vagrant ssh-config

You can make/restore snapshots of boxes (this is way faster than reprovisioning them) with the script:

./ take -n my-snapshot
./ show
./ restore -n my-snapshot to run requires python module click.

* On debian based systems you can install it via

sudo aptitude install python-click-cli,

  • On fedora 22 you can install it via sudo dnf install python-click,
* If you use virtualenv or similar tool then you can install it just with

pip install click,

* If you don't have virtualenv and your operating system does not provide

package for it then sudo pip install click.

* If you don't have pip then

[install it]( and then execute command step 4.

Customizing vagrant-settings.yaml

Solar is shipped with sane defaults in vagrant-setting.yaml_defaults. If you need to adjust them for your needs, e.g. changing resource allocation for VirtualBox machines, you should just copy the file to vagrant-setting.yaml and make your modifications.

Image based provisioning with Solar

  • In vagrant-setting.yaml_defaults or vagrant-settings.yaml file uncomment preprovisioned: false line.
  • Run vagrant up, it will take some time because it builds image for bootstrap and IBP images.
  • Now you can run provisioning /vagrant/solar-resources/examples/provisioning/

Local environment

If you want to test Solar locally you may install it via pip:

pip install solar

Create solar configuration solar_config and paste following data:

celery_broker: sqla+sqlite:////tmp/celery.db
celery_backend: db+sqlite:////tmp/celery.db
solar_db: sqlite:////tmp/solar.db

and set path to this configuration:


export SOLAR_CONFIG_OVERRIDE=<full/path/solar_config>

For more information about configuration see our FAQ questions: here <faq_using_sqlbackend> and here <faq_what_database>.

You also need to download Solar resources and add them to a Solar repository.

git clone

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/solar/repositories
sudo chown -R <your_user_name> /var/lib/solar/

solar repo import -l solar-resources/resources/
solar repo import -l solar-resources/templates/

Next step is to start Solar orchestration worker.

pip install gevent
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/celery/
sudo chown salmon -R /var/run/celery/
solar-celery start


gevent is not required to use Solar. If you don't want to use it see How can I run solar celery worker <faq_running_celery_worker>.