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Stackalytics JSON API v1.0
JSON API v1.0 corresponds to Stackalytics v0.3.X
1 General API information
This section contains base info about the Stackalytics JSON API design.
1.2 Request / Response Types
The Stackalytics API default response format is "application/json". However if HTTP attribute 'callback' is specified then JSONP response is returned. That allows to use response in client-side code and avoid same-host requests limitations.
GET /v1.0/data/companies
GET /v1.0/data/companies?callback=myCallback
Accept: application/javascript
1.3 Faults
The Stackalytics API returns an error response if a failure occurs while processing a request. Stackalytics uses only standard HTTP error codes. 4xx errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from the client and 5xx errors indicate server-side problems.
2 Methods
2.1 Common Parameters
All requests support common set of parameters that allow to filter resulting data.
Parameter | Description |
release | Name of OpenStack release or 'all', by default current release |
project_type | Type of project, e.g. 'core', by default 'openstack' |
module | Name of module (repository name) |
company | Company name |
user_id | Launchpad id of user or email if no Laucnhpad id is mapped. |
metric | Metric: 'commits', 'loc', 'marks', 'emails' |
2.2 Contribution by Modules
Stats on contribution per modules. The data contains list of modules with their metric. Modules which metric is 0 are omitted.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/stats/modules | Contribution by Modules |
Example Request
GET /api/1.0/stats/modules?release=havana&metric=commits&project_type=openstack&user_id=zulcss
Example Response
"stats": [
"metric": 18,
"id": "oslo-incubator",
"name": "oslo-incubator"
"metric": 7,
"id": "keystone",
"name": "keystone"
"metric": 1,
"id": "python-neutronclient",
"name": "python-neutronclient"
2.3 Contribution by Companies
Stats on contribution per companies. The data contains list of companies with their metric. Companies which metric is 0 are omitted.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/stats/companies | Contribution by Companies |
Example Request
GET /api/1.0/stats/companies?release=havana&metric=commits&project_type=openstack&module=neutron
Example Response
"stats": [
"metric": 155,
"id": "VMware",
"name": "VMware"
"metric": 76,
"id": "Mirantis",
"name": "Mirantis"
"metric": 53,
"id": "Red Hat",
"name": "Red Hat"
"metric": 49,
"id": "Cisco Systems",
"name": "Cisco Systems"
"metric": 46,
"id": "*independent",
"name": "*independent"
2.4 Contribution by Engineers
Stats on contribution per engineers. The data contains list of engineers with their metric. Engineers who has metric 0 are omitted. For reviews also added column with review distribution.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/stats/engineers | Contribution by Engineers |
Example Request: Commits
GET /api/1.0/stats/engineers?release=havana&metric=commits&project_type=openstack&module=pbr
Example Response
"stats": [
"metric": 54,
"id": "mordred",
"name": "Monty Taylor"
"metric": 6,
"id": "jdanjou",
"name": "Julien Danjou"
"metric": 4,
"id": "doug-hellmann",
"name": "Doug Hellmann"
"metric": 3,
"id": "slukjanov",
"name": "Sergey Lukjanov"
Example Request: Reviews
GET /api/1.0/stats/engineers?release=havana&metric=marks&project_type=openstack&module=pbr
Example Response
"stats": [
"comment": "1|3|55|45 (96.2%)",
"metric": 104,
"id": "mordred",
"name": "Monty Taylor"
"comment": "0|13|18|51 (84.1%)",
"metric": 82,
"id": "cboylan",
"name": "Clark Boylan"
"comment": "0|13|11|36 (78.3%)",
"metric": 60,
"id": "doug-hellmann",
"name": "Doug Hellmann"
2.5 Activity log
Depending on selected metric Activity log contains commits, reviews, emails or blueprints.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/activity | Activity log |
Example Response
"activity": [
"record_type": "commit",
"primary_key": "63580a7298887e6909602d8d96859b4e96b017e3",
"commit_id": "63580a7298887e6909602d8d96859b4e96b017e3",
"user_id": "zulcss",
"launchpad_id": "zulcss",
"author_name": "Chuck Short",
"author_email": "chuck.short@canonical.com",
"module": "ceilometer",
"release": "havana",
"blueprint_id": [],
"bug_id": [],
"date": 1370134263,
"branches": "master",
"message": "Introduce py33 to tox.ini to make testing with python3 easier.\n",
"subject": "python3: Introduce py33 to tox.ini",
"change_id": [
"company_name": "Canonical",
"loc": 2,
"files_changed": 1,
"lines_added": 1,
"lines_deleted": 1
2.6 Contribution summary
Get contribution summary: number of commits, locs, emails, drafted and completed blueprints, review marks with distribution per mark (-2..+2).
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/contribution | Contribution summary |
Example Response
"contribution": {
"loc": 252,
"new_blueprint_count": 2,
"email_count": 7,
"commit_count": 5,
"competed_blueprint_count": 0,
"marks": {
"0": 0,
"1": 12,
"2": 2,
"-1": 5,
"-2": 0