Pino de Candia 6480a35530 Minor doc fixes + some sample Tatu API log output.
Change-Id: I4f0e14f41072f87d83d8b3d31af4e2e9026c9892
Signed-off-by: Pino de Candia <giuseppe.decandia@gmail.com>
2018-03-14 19:30:24 +00:00

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Installing Tatu

After installing Tatu, look at the TRY_IT document in this repository for step by step instructions on using it for the first time.

About Devstack and automation tools

So far (March 2018) I've been developing Tatu on my devstack instance. The devstack plugin for default Neutron (without bastion support) is working. Use the local.conf file in tatu/devstack to set up devstack and then follow the steps in tatu/TRY_IT.rst.

No work has been done to automate Tatu installation for production. We plan to provide Ansible and Kolla installers, but this is just a vague intent at the moment (March 2018).

Manually installing Tatu

Note that there are 2 daemons: API daemon and Notifications daemon.

Get the code

On your controller node, in a development directory:

git clone https://github.com/openstack/tatu
cd tatu
python setup.py develop

Modify Tatus cloud-init script

WARNING: user-cloud-config has only been tested on Fedora-Cloud-Base-25-1.3.x86_64

tatu/files/user-cloud-config is a cloud-init script that needs to run once on every VM.

  • It extracts Tatus dynamic vendor data from ConfigDrive;
  • Finds the one-time-token and uses it in the call to Tatu /noauth/hostcerts API;
  • Does the user account and SSH configuration;
  • Finally, sets up a cron job to periodically refresh the revoked-keys file from Tatu.

If youre using my branch of Dragonflow (https://github.com/pinodeca/dragonflow/tree/tatu) then a VM can reach the Tatu API at via the Metadata Proxy. However, if youre using any other Neutron driver, youll need to modify the cloud-init script. Replace:


in tatu/files/user-cloud-config in 2 places, with:

url=http://<Tatu APIs VM-accessible address>/….

And make sure any VMs you deploy are in Tenants and Networks that have SNAT enabled (or give every VM a FloatingIP).

Prepare the cloud-init script as static vendor data...

How does Tatus cloud-init script get into the VMs you deploy? There are two ways.

The first and recommended way (and what I did in the video demo) is to use static vendor data. First, convert the (possibly modified) cloud-init to vendor-data by running the following command from the tatu directory:

scripts/cloud-config-to-vendor-data files/user-cloud-config > /etc/nova/tatu_static_vd.json

And now modify /etc/nova/nova-cpu.conf as follows:

vendordata_providers = StaticJSON,DynamicJSON
vendordata_jsonfile_path = /etc/nova/tatu_static_vd.json

...or pass it as user-data for each VM launch

The second/alternative way to get the cloud-init script into your VM is to pass it as user-data at launch time. The Horizon instance launch panel has a tab with a text field to paste a cloud-init user data script. Users will have to paste Tatus user-cloud-config script at every launch. Obviously, this isnt a user experience.

Configure dynamic vendor data

In order to configure SSH, Tatus cloud-init script needs some data unique to each VM:

  • A one-time-token generated by Tatu for the specific VM
  • The list of user accounts to configure (based on Keystone roles in the VMs project)
  • The list of user accounts that need sudo access.

As well as some data thats common to VMs in the project:

  • The projects public key for validating User SSH certificates.
  • A non-standard SSH port (if configured).

All this information is passed to the VM as follows:

  • At launch time, Nova Compute calls Tatus dynamic vendordata API using Keystone authentication with tokens.
  • Nova writes the vendordata to ConfigDrive
    • Note: to protect the one-time-token and the user account names, its best not to expose thiis information via the metadata API.

To enable ConfigDrive, add this to /etc/nova/nova-cpu.conf:


TODO: disable Tatu vendor data availability via MetaData API. May require Nova changes.

To get Nova Compute talking to Tatu, add this to /etc/nova/nova-cpu.conf:

vendordata_providers = StaticJSON, DynamicJSON
vendordata_dynamic_targets = 'tatu@'
vendordata_dynamic_connect_timeout = 5
vendordata_dynamic_read_timeout = 30

auth_url =
auth_type = password
username = admin
password = pinot
project_id = 2e6c998ad16f4045821304470a57d160
user_domain_name = default

Of course, modify the IP addresses, project ID, username and password as appropriate.

Prepare /etc/tatu/tatu.conf

Do the following:

cd tatu
mkdir /etc/tatu
cp files/tatu.conf /etc/tatu/

Edit /etc/tatu/tatu.conf:

use_pat_bastions = False
sqlalchemy_engine = <URI for your database, e.g. mysql+pymysql://root:pinot@>
auth_url = <location of identity API>
user_id = <ID of the Admin user>

Launch Tatus notification daemon

Tatus notification daemon only needs tatu.conf, so we can launch it now.

Tatu listens on topic “tatu_notifications” for:

  • Project creation and deletion events from Keystone.
    • To create new CA key pairs or clean up unused ones.
  • Role assignment deletion events from Keystone.
    • To revoke user SSH certificates that are too permissive.
  • VM deletion events from Nova.
    • To clean up per-VM bastion and DNS state.

Edit both /etc/keystone/keystone.conf and /etc/nova/nova.conf as follows:

topics = notifications,tatu_notifications

Now launch Tatus notification listener daemon:

python tatu/notifications.py

At first launch you should see debug messages indicating that CA key pairs are being created for all existing projects.

Prepare /etc/tatu/paste.ini

cd tatu
mkdir /etc/tatu
cp files/paste.ini /etc/tatu/

paste.ini should only need these modifications:

  • Host (address the daemon will listen on)
  • Port (port the daemon will listen on)

Launch Tatus API daemon

Tatus API daemon needs both tatu.conf and paste.ini. We can launch it now.

I have done all my testing with Pylons (no good reason, Im new to wsgi frameworks):

pip install pylons
pserve files/paste.ini

Note the API serves /noauth/hostcerts and /noauth/revokeduserkeys without authorization (so that newly bootstrapped servers can access get their certificates and the list of revoked keys).

Register Tatu API in Keystone

Run the following:

openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne ssh public
openstack service create --name tatu --description "OpenStack SSH Management" ssh

Thanks to this registration, neither the dashboard nor CLI need configuration to find Tatu.

Installing tatu-dashboard

Do the following wherever horizon is installed:

git clone https://github.com/openstack/tatu-dashboard
python setup.py develop
Copy (or soft link) files from tatu-dashboard/tatudashboard/enabled
to horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/
# From horizon directory, run
python manage.py compress
service apache2 restart

Installing python-tatuclient

On any host where you want to run "openstack ssh" (Tatu) commands:

git clone https://github.com/pinodeca/python-tatuclient
python setup.py develop