Tempest test is not being able to be passed due to the devstack plugin.sh script was not updated for this purpose. This patch is to make Trio2o pass the tempest gate test. Change-Id: Id25e503d05b267aa46b61bba546621fba10fda3b Signed-off-by: joehuang <joehuang@huawei.com>
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Trio2o installation with DevStack
Now the Trio2o can be played with all-in-one single node DevStack. For
the resource requirement to setup single node DevStack, please refer
to `All-In-One Single Machine <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/guides/single-machine.html>`_ for
installing DevStack in physical machine
or `All-In-One Single VM <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/guides/single-vm.html>`_ for
installing DevStack in virtual machine.
- 1 Install DevStack. Please refer to `DevStack document
on how to install DevStack into single VM or physcial machine
- 2 In DevStack folder, create a file local.conf, and copy the content of
to local.conf, change password in the file if needed.
- 3 In local.conf, change HOST_IP to the host's IP address where the Trio2o
will be installed to, for example::
- 4 Run DevStack. In DevStack folder, run::
- 5 After DevStack successfully starts, we need to create environment variables for
the user (admin user as example in this document). In DevStack folder::
source openrc admin admin
- 6 Unset the region name environment variable, so that the command can be issued to
specified region in following commands as needed::
- 7 Check if services have been correctly registered. Run::
openstack --os-region-name=RegionOne endpoint list
you should get output looks like as following::
| ID | Region | Service Name | Service Type |
| e8a1f1a333334106909e05037db3fbf6 | Pod1 | neutron | network |
| 72c02a11856a4814a84b60ff72e0028d | Pod1 | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| a26cff63563a480eaba334185a7f2cec | Pod1 | nova | compute |
| f90d97f8959948088ab58bc143ecb011 | RegionOne | cinderv3 | volumev3 |
| ed1af45af0d8459ea409e5c0dd0aadba | RegionOne | cinder | volume |
| ae6024a582534c21aee0c6d7fa5b90fb | RegionOne | nova | compute |
| c75ab09edc874bb781b0d376cec74623 | RegionOne | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| 80ce6a2d12aa43fab693f4e619670d97 | RegionOne | trio2o | Cascading |
| 11a4b451da1a4db6ae14b0aa282f9ba6 | RegionOne | nova_legacy | compute_legacy |
| 546a8abf29244223bc9d5dd4960553a7 | RegionOne | glance | image |
| 0e9c9343b50e4b7080b25f4e297f79d3 | RegionOne | keystone | identity |
"RegionOne" is the region where the Trio2o Admin API(ID is
80ce6a2d12aa43fab693f4e619670d97 in the above list), Nova API gateway(
ID is ae6024a582534c21aee0c6d7fa5b90fb) and Cinder API gateway( ID is
c75ab09edc874bb781b0d376cec74623) are running in. "Pod1" is the normal
bottom OpenStack region which includes Nova, Cinder, Neutron.
- 8 Get token for the later commands. Run::
openstack --os-region-name=RegionOne token issue
- 9 Create pod instances for the Trio2o to manage the mapping between
availability zone and OpenStack instances, the "$token" is obtained in the
step 7::
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -d '{"pod": {"pod_name": "RegionOne"}}'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -d '{"pod": {"pod_name": "Pod1", "az_name": "az1"}}'
Pay attention to "pod_name" parameter we specify when creating pod. Pod name
should exactly match the region name registered in Keystone. In the above
commands, we create pods named "RegionOne" and "Pod1".
- 10 Create necessary resources in Neutron server::
neutron --os-region-name=RegionOne net-create net1
neutron --os-region-name=RegionOne subnet-create net1
Please note that the net1 ID will be used in later step to boot VM.
- 11 Get image ID and flavor ID which will be used in VM booting::
glance --os-region-name=RegionOne image-list
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne flavor-create test 1 1024 10 1
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne flavor-list
- 12 Boot a virtual machine::
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne boot --flavor 1 --image $image_id --nic net-id=$net_id vm1
- 13 Verify the VM is connected to the net1::
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne list
nova --os-region-name=Pod1 list
neutron --os-region-name=RegionOne port-list
- 14 Create, list, show and delete volume::
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne create --availability-zone=az1 1
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne list
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne show $volume_id
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne delete $volume_id
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne list
- 15 Using --debug to make sure the commands are issued to Nova API gateway
or Cinder API gateway::
nova --debug --os-region-name=RegionOne list
cinder --debug --os-region-name=RegionOne list
The nova command should be sent to and cinder
command to
Add another pod to Trio2o with DevStack
- 1 Prepare another node(suppose it's node-2), be sure the node is ping-able
from the node(suppose it's node-1) where the Trio2o is installed and running.
For the resource requirement to setup another node DevStack, please refer
to `All-In-One Single Machine <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/guides/single-machine.html>`_ for
installing DevStack in physical machine
or `All-In-One Single VM <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/guides/single-vm.html>`_ for
installing DevStack in virtual machine.
- 2 Install DevStack in node-2. Please refer to `DevStack document
on how to install DevStack into single VM or physcial machine
- 3 In node-2 DevStack folder, create a file local.conf, and copy the
content of https://github.com/openstack/trio2o/blob/master/devstack/local.conf.sample2
to local.conf, change password in the file if needed.
- 4 In node-2 local.conf, change the REGION_NAME for the REGION_NAME is
used as the region name if needed::
- 5 In node-2 local.conf, change following IP to the host's IP address of node-2,
for example, if node-2's management interface IP address is
- 6 In node-2, the OpenStack will use the KeyStone which is running in
node-1, so change the KEYSTONE_REGION_NAME and KEYSTONE host IP address
to node-1 IP address accordingly::
- 7 In node-2, the OpenStack will use the Glance which is running in
node-1, so change the GLANCE_SERVICE_HOST IP address to node-1 IP
address accordingly::
- 8 Run DevStack. In DevStack folder, run::
- 9 After node-2 DevStack successfully starts, return to the noed-1. In
node-1 DevStack folder::
source openrc admin admin
- 10 Unset the region name environment variable in node-1, so that the command
can be issued to specified region in following commands as needed::
- 11 Check if services in node-1 and node-2 have been correctly registered.
openstack --os-region-name=RegionOne endpoint list
you should get output looks like as following::
| ID | Region | Service Name | Service Type |
| e09ca9acfa6341aa8f2671571c73db28 | RegionOne | glance | image |
| 2730fbf212604687ada1f20b203fa0d7 | Pod2 | nova_legacy | compute_legacy |
| 7edd2273b0ae4bc68bbf714f561c2958 | Pod2 | cinder | volume |
| b39c6e4d1be143d694f620b53b4a6015 | Pod2 | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| 9612c10655bb4fc994f3db4af72bfdac | Pod2 | nova | compute |
| 6c28b4a76fa148578a12423362a5ade1 | RegionOne | trio2o | Cascading |
| a1f439e8933d48e9891d238ad8e18bd5 | RegionOne | keystone | identity |
| 452b249592d04f0b903ee24fa0dbb573 | RegionOne | nova | compute |
| 30e7efc5e8f841f192cbea4da31ae5d5 | RegionOne | cinderv3 | volumev3 |
| 63b88f4023cc44b59cfca53ad9606b85 | RegionOne | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| 653693d607934da7b7724c0cd1c49fb0 | Pod2 | neutron | network |
| 3e3ccb71b8424958ad5def048077ddf8 | Pod1 | nova | compute |
| d4615bce839f43f2a8856f3795df6833 | Pod1 | neutron | network |
| fd2004b26b6847df87d1036c2363ed22 | RegionOne | cinder | volume |
| 04ae8677ec704b779a1c00fa0eca2636 | Pod1 | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| e11be9f233d1434bbf8c4b8edf6a2f50 | RegionOne | nova_legacy | compute_legacy |
| d50e2dfbb87b43e98a5899eae4fd4d72 | Pod2 | cinderv3 | volumev3 |
"RegionOne" is the region where the Trio2o Admin API(ID is
6c28b4a76fa148578a12423362a5ade1 in the above list), Nova API gateway(
ID is 452b249592d04f0b903ee24fa0dbb573) and Cinder API gateway(ID is
63b88f4023cc44b59cfca53ad9606b85) are running in. "Pod1" is the normal
bottom OpenStack region which includes Nova, Cinder, Neutron in node-1.
"Pod2" is the normal bottom OpenStack region which includes Nova, Cinder,
Neutron in node-2.
- 12 Get token for the later commands. Run::
openstack --os-region-name=RegionOne token issue
- 13 Create Pod2 instances for the Trio2o to manage the mapping between
availability zone and OpenStack instances, the "$token" is obtained in the
step 11::
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -d '{"pod": {"pod_name": "Pod2", "az_name": "az2"}}'
Pay attention to "pod_name" parameter we specify when creating pod. Pod name
should exactly match the region name registered in Keystone. In the above
commands, we create pod named "Pod2" in "az2".
- 14 Create necessary resources in local Neutron server::
neutron --os-region-name=Pod2 net-create net2
neutron --os-region-name=Pod2 subnet-create net2
Please note that the net2 ID will be used in later step to boot VM.
- 15 Get image ID and flavor ID which will be used in VM booting, flavor
should have been created in node-1 installation, if not, please create
glance --os-region-name=RegionOne image-list
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne flavor-create test 1 1024 10 1
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne flavor-list
- 16 Boot a virtual machine in net2, replace $net-id to net2's ID::
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne boot --availability-zone az2 --flavor 1 --image $image_id --nic net-id=$net_id vm2
- 17 Verify the VM is connected to the net2::
neutron --os-region-name=Pod2 port-list
nova --os-region-name=RegionOne list
- 18 Create, list, show and delete volume::
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne create --availability-zone=az2 1
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne list
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne show $volume_id
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne delete $volume_id
cinder --os-region-name=RegionOne list
- 19 Using --debug to make sure the commands are issued to Nova API gateway
or Cinder API gateway::
nova --debug --os-region-name=RegionOne list
cinder --debug --os-region-name=RegionOne list
The nova command should be sent to and cinder
command to